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Be thou ruled. Let industry be praised. Let us all be heard. Let crimes be punished. Be ye advised, boys.

Regere, or regitor. Laudātor industria. Omnes audiamur. Puniantur crimina. Puěri monemini.

Let kings be honoured. Be Rex honōro'. Orno'

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Let the king be loved. Let the gates be shut. Let the limbs be collected. Let the sailor be preserved.

Gates, porta; shut, claudo3: limbs, membrum; collected, colligos : sailor, nauta; preserved, servol.


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The shout might have been heard. The flowers might have been collected. The town will have been burned. The oxen will have been shown.

Clamor audio. Flos collígo3. Oppidum incendo3. Bos ostendo3.


We may be punished. Ye may be taken. Rogues should be found out. The stag might be caught. The books may have been sent. The ships may have been sunk. Ye might have been preserved. The soldier might have been wounded. The money will have been paid. The rewards will have been given.

Rogues, verběro: found out, deprehendo3: books, liber: preserved, servo: paid, solvo3: rewards, præmium.

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The good boy learns. The naughty boys play. The swift horse conquers. The slow horses are overcome. The fearful hares fly. The nimble dogs follow. Beautiful women are loved. Weary travellers will sit.

Our masters come. Idle boys will be beaten. My books have been torn. Your brothers were praised. My horse is tired. The first man was created. Good authors are read. Bad authors will be neglected.

Proud men fall. Humble men shall be exalted. High towers fall. Low cottages stand. The way is short. The spring was eternal. Dear is my native soil. Death is certain. Time is uncertain. Delay is not safe. Human counsels fail. Past labours are pleasant. Time past never


Bonus puer disco3. Malus puer ludo3. Celer equus vinco3. Tardus equus vinco3. Timidus lepus fugio3. Velox canis sequor3. Formosus fœmina amo'. Fessus viātor sedeo2.

Noster præceptor venio. Ignāvus puer cædo3. Meus liber lacěro'. Tuus frater laudo'. Meus equus fatigo1. Primus homo creo'. Bonus auctor lego3. Malus auctor negligo3.

Superbus homo cado3. Modestus homo prověho3. Altus turris cado3. Humilis casa sto1. Brevis sum via. Ver sum æternus. Dulcis sum paternus solum. Mors sum certus. Tempus incertus. Mora non tutus sum. Humānus consilium cado3. Jucundus actus labor. Præteritus tempus nunquam revertor3.


My lambs. A pleasant garden. A hateful war. To a beautiful flock. The great pine is agitated. Crooked old age will come. The old wood did stand. Dark night comes. The swift stags fly. With joyful victory. The ripe apple falls. The brave Romans fought. Conquered Carthage fell.

Pleasant, amænus; a garden, hortus: hateful, exitiōsus: beautiful, formosus; lock, grer: great, ingens; pine, pinus; agitated, agito' : crooked, curvus; old age, senecta: old, vetus; wood, sylva; dark, ater, atra, atrum: swift, velox,-ōcis; ripe, mitis: bave, fortis conquered, victus; Carthage, Carthago; fell, cado3.


1. At the break of day. 2. Senators of Rome 3. With good luck. 4 With ill luck 5. By one's own strength. 6. A common soldier. 7. A good excuse. 8. Prosperity. 9. Adversity. 10. The flower of one's age. 11. In old age. 12. Childhood. 13. Treason. 14. Losses. 15. Coined money. 16. Bullion. 17. A discharged old soldier. 18. Men of

no account.

1. Primus lux (abl. sing.). 2. Pater conscriptus. 3. Bonus avis (abl. plur.). 4. Malus avis (abl. plur.). 5. Proprius Mars (abl. sing.). 6. Gregarius miles. 7. Honestus oratio. 8. Res (nom. plur.) secundus. 9. Res (nom. plur.) adversus. 10. Ætas integer. 11. Exactus tas (abl. sing.). 12. Ætas prætextus. 13. Læsus majestas. 14. Lapsus res (nom. plur.). 15. Æs signātus. 16. Æs gravis. 17. Miles emeritus. 18. Ignotus caput (nom. plur.).

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did lament her absent Ulysses. We fly our country. He had promised long years. Romulus built Rome. The merchant refits his shattered ships. Your ancestors conquered all Italy.

We leave our pleasant fields. To number the stars, or to measure the magnitude of the world. The Roman people did excel all nations in bravery. That I should undertake their cause and defence. The fierce Lucăgus brandishes his drawn sword. Then the pious Æneas throws his spear.

A life well spent makes old age pleasant. Benefits procure friends. One good turn obtains another. Learning makes life pleasant. Dido built Carthage. Fortune assists the brave.

The autumn pours forth fruits. Labour conquers all things. All admire your diligence. When he says, know yourself, he says this, know your own mind. The Romans conquered all nations.

Time destroys all things. The earth brings forth flowers. Five zones divide the heaven. Honour cherishes the arts. Friendship makes prosperity more bright, adversity more tolerable.

I will sing no songs. He suffers a cruel slavery. Nestor lived the third age of men. She seems to travel a long journey.

nelope absens mœreo Ulysses. Ego patria fugio3. Longus promitto3 annus. Romulus Roma condo3. Mercator reficio quassus navis. Majores vester vinco3 universus Italia.


Linquo dulcis arvum. Dinumero inf. stella, aut metior inf. mundus magnitudo. Populus Romānus antecedo fortitūdo abl. cunctus gens. causa et defensio suscipio3 (susciperem). Strictus roto acer Lucigus ensis. Tum pius Æneas hasta jacio3.

Vita bene actus senectus efficio jucundus. Beneficium paro' amicus. Gratia gratia pario3. Doctrina vita suavis efficio3. Dido condo Carthago. Audax fortūna juvo1.

Autumnus frugis effundo3. Labor omnis vinco3. diligentia tuus omnis admiror1. Cùm dico3, nosco3 tu ipse, hoc dico, animus tuus nosco. Romanus omnis gens vinco3.

Omnis fero ætas. Terra pario flos. Quinque teneo2 cælum zona. Honos alo3 ars. Secundus res splendidus facio3 amicitia, adversus levis.

Nullus carmen cano3. Durus servio servitus. Tertius ætas homo vivo3 Nestor. Longus videor2 eo via.

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