ENGLISH TO BE TURNED INTO LATIN. The king had drawn out the forces. We see the whole city. The anchor holds the ship. Sincere faith unites true friends. He has sent no letters. Hast thou a son? Cyrus founded the Persian empire. Neptune shook the earth. Numa waged no war. Alexander founded the Grecian empire. They continually wage war. Care follows money. The eyes conciliate love. Does the ground pour forth various flowers? Shall a barbarian have these cultivated fields? Drawn out, educo3; forces, copiæ: whole, totus: anchor, anchora, holds teneo2: sincere, sincērus; faith, fides; unites, jungo3: no. nullus; letter, literæ: founded, fundo; Persian, Persicus; empire, imperium: shook, percutio3: waged, gero3: Grecian, Græcus: continually, continenter; care, cura: conciliate, concilio'; love, amor : ground, humus; pour forth, fundo3: barbarian, barbarus; these, hic; cultivated, cultus; fields, arvum. PHRASES. 1. He made much of me. 2. He made a law. 3. To marry a wife. 4. We opened a letter. 5. To fight a battle. 6. To suffer punishment. To lay a plot. 8. To play tricks. 9. To lose one's labour. 10. To give up the cause. 11. To condemn a person. 12. To favour a person. 1. Comiter ego tracto1. 2. Lex fero. 3. Duco3 (inf.) uxor. 4. Linum incido3. 5. Prælium committo3. 6. Pœna (ace. plur.) pendo. 7. Insidiæ paro1. 8. Necto3 dolus. 9. Opěra ludo3. 10. Hasta abjicio3. 11. Pollex verto3. 12. Premos pollex. ADAM.-RULE V. The same Case after a Verb as before it. MODEL. Old age itself is a disease. I move a queen. We are dust and a shadow. He is esteemed a god among them. Senectus ipsa est morbus. Ego incē do regina. Pulvis et umbra sumus. Is apud illos habētur deus. EXERCISE 11. Men are mortal. Death is certain. Thou wilt always be poor. Children are dear. Indolence is a vice. Anger is a short madness. The force of habit is great. Experience is the best master. A true friend is a great treasure. No place is more pleasant to us than our country. Varro was esteemed a learned man, but Aristides was called just. Thou art a friend, thou art an advocate, thou art a father to me. A poem is a speaking picture, a picture is a silent poein. Virtue is a precious jewel. Impudence is a disgrace, modesty is an ornament. Cicero was esteemed eloquent. Pompey was named the great. Great princes are considered very happy, poor men are accounted very miserable. The soldiers sleep secure. You will become a poet. Virtue is the highest nobility. ity. Practice is the best master. Faith is esteemed the foundation of religion. Here, O Cæsar, mayest thou delight to be called father and prince. Tutus has been called the love and delight of the hu man race. Homo sum mortālis. Mors sum certus. Semper tu sum pauper. Liběri sum carus. Inertia sum vitium. Ira furor brevis sum. Consuetudo vis magnus sum. Experientia sum optimus magister. Amicus verus thesaurus sum magnus. Nullus locus ego dat. dulcis comp. sum patria abl. Varro existimo doctus vir, sed Aristides voco' justus. Tu sum amicus, tu patronus, tu parens ego dat. Poēma sum loquens pictūra, pictūra sum mutus poēma. Virtus sum pretiosus gemma. Impudentia sum dedecus, modestia sum ornamentum. Cicero habeo disertus. Pompeius voco magnus. Magnus princeps existimo felix, pauper habeo miser. Miles dormio se-. cūrus. Tu fio poēta. Virtus sum bonus nobilitas. Exercitatio bonus sum magister. Fides religio fundamentum habeo. Hîc, Cæsar, amo1 dico3 inf. pass. pater et princeps. Titus amor ac deliciæ genus humānus appello1. : ENGLISH TO BE TURNED INTO LATIN. The soul is immortal. The contest is great. Life is short, and art long. Avarice is a vice. There are many degrees of society. The force of habit is great. The recollection of benefits is very pleasant. There is nothing except sea and air. I am delighted to be called a good and prudent man. In an easy cause any one (dat.) may be eloquent (dat). Contest, certamen : art, ars : avarice, avaritia: many plus, pluris ; degrees, gradus; society, societas: force, vis; habit, consuetūdo: recollection, recordatio; benefits, benefactum; very pleasant, jucundus, (superl.): nothing, nihil; except, nisi; sea, pontus; air, aër: to delight, delecto; to call, dico3; (inf. pass.); prudent, prudens; Iman, vir. any one, quivis (cuivis); (may be, licet); elopment, disertus. Themistocles could not take rest. Thou canst rest here with me. A wolf is always accustomed to seize and run off. All [things] cannot be effected with money. Poets wish either to profit or to delight. Phocion was perpetually poor when he might be very rich. So I was accustomed to compare great [things] with small. Was it not better to suffer the sad anger of Amaryllis? O that it would but please thee to inhabit with me the low cottages, and to shoot stags. Themistocles somnus capio non possum(posset). Hìc mecum possum (potĕris) requiesco3. Lupus assuesco3 (assuēvit) semper rapio atque abeo. Omnis pecunia abl. efficio inf. pass. non possum. Poēta aut prosum volo aut delecto1. Phocion sum perf. perpetuò pauper, cùm dives (ditissimus) sum possum imp. subj. Sic parvus dat. plu. compōno3 magnus neut. plu. soleo2 (solebam). Nonne sum perf. (satius) tristis ira acc. plu. Amaryllis patior3? O tantùm libet (libeat) tu dat. habito' mecum humilis casa et figo3 cervus. ENGLISH TO BE TURNED INTO LATIN. We hope to be loved. I cannot sleep. All men wish to live happily. Learn thou to live, learn to die. Virtue cannot die. Thou wilt force me to die. The stag began to fly. The dog began to drink. Do not thou (noli) fear. Hope, sperol: happily, beatè: learn, disco3: force, cogo3: began, cæpi: drink, bibo3: fear, vereor2. PHRASES. 1. I wish to be informed. 2. Admit it to be so. 3. It is impossible. 4. He wishes to be good for something. 1. Certior fio (fiěri) vo lo. 2. Facio3 (fac) ita sum (inf.). 3. Non possum fio (inf.). 4. Aliquis (alicui) res (dat.) sum volo. |