EVIDENCES OF THE Joba, Fonbet CHRISTIAN RELIGION, By the Right Honourable JOSEPH ADDISON, Esq; To which are added, And now collected into one Body, and digested With a PREFACE, containing the Sentiments The. FOURTH EDITION. LONDON: 0 Printed for Jeand R. TONSON and S. DRAPER in the Strand. M DCC LIII. 1. PREFACE. T HE Character of Mr. Addison and his Writings, for Justness of thought, Strength of reasoning, and Purity of stile, is too well established to need a Recommendation; but their greatest Ornament, and that which gives a Luftre to all the rest, is his appearing, throughout, a zealous Advocate for Virtue and Religion against Profaneness and Infidelity. And because his excellent Discourses upon those Subjects the dispersed among his other Writings, and are by that means not so generally known and read as they deserve, it was judg'd to be no unfeasonable Service to Religion at A 2 this |