Power Practice: Parts of Speech and Punctuation, eBookCreative Teaching Press, 2007 M01 1 - 48 páginas The activities in this book approach the skills in a variety of ways to provide multiple perspectives on the concept. They have been designed to cover different aspects of the topic, including the following: using proper sentence structure, identifying parts of speech, using parts of speech, using capitalization rules and using proper punctuation. Answer key included. Note this book is produced in the United States and may contain some US-based standards. |
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_________________________ Sometimes ________________________________________________________________________ exclamatory ________________________________________________________________________ imperative ________________________________________________________________________ interrogative 1-5 Answers action verb adverb amazon river Answers will vary antecedent apostrophe Asian elephant bake a cake Circle classroom coconut crab commas where needed Complete each sentence complete predicate conjunction consonant declarative Examples favorite feet tall finish flowers fluffy Gaboon viper group of words helping verb homework interjection kitten linking verb Little Mermaid Mary’s math test Metro Zoo mountains movie noun ends noun names noun or pronoun pair park past participle past tense pizza plural noun possessive pronoun preposition present tense proper adjective proper nouns Punctuation puppy Shrunk the Kids simple predicate simple sentences skateboarding speech superlative tallest timber rattlesnake types of sentences verb ends What’s white-tailed deer whitewater rafting Write
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Página 4 - A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.