Myths from Ovid's Metamorphoses: with a vocabulary

Longmans, Green, and Company, 1872 - 81 páginas

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Página 3 - ... et terrena fuit, versa est in corporis usum; quod solidum est flectique nequit, mutatur in ossa; quae modo...
Página 6 - Quod tremit, exigua cum summum stringitur aura. Sed postquam remorata suos cognovit amores; Percutit indignos claro plangore lacertos: Et laniata comas, amplexaque corpus amatum, Vulnera supplevit lacrymis; fletumque cruori Miscuit: et gelidis in vultibus oscula figens, Pyrame, clamavit, quis te mihi casus ademit? Pyrame, responde, tua te, carissime, Thisbe Nominat. Exaudi, vultusque attolle jacentes. Ad nomen Thisbes oculos, jam morte gravatos, Pyramus erexit, visaque recondidit illa. Quae postquam...
Página 16 - Interea totiens haustum cratera repleri sponte sua per seque vident succrescere vina: attoniti novitate pavent manibusque supinis concipiunt Baucisque preces timidusque Philemon, et veniam dapibus nullisque paratibus orant.
Página 3 - ... suumque rigorem, mollirique mora, mollitaque ducere formam. mox, ubi creverunt, naturaque mitior illis contigit, ut quaedam, sic non manifesta, videri forma potest hominis, sed uti de marmore coepto, 405 non exacta satis, rudibusque simillima signis.
Página 6 - ... at tu quae ramis arbor miserabile corpus nunc tegis unius mox es tectura duorum, signa tene caedis pullosque et luctibus aptos semper habe fetus, gemini monumenta cruoris!
Página 9 - Imposita est, geminas opifex libravit in alas Ipse suum corpus ; motaque pependit in aura. Instruit et natum; « Medioque ut limite curras, Icare, ait, moneo : ne, si demissior ibis, Unda gravet pennas ; si celsior, ignis adurat.
Página 57 - It was usual for the worshippers, in their garments and actions, to imitate the poetical fictions concerning Bacchus. They put on fawn-skins, fine linen, and mitres ; carried thyrsi, drums, pipes, flutes, and rattles ; and crowned themselves with the garlands of trees sacred to Bacchus, such were the ivy, vine, fir, &c. Some imitated Silenus, Pan, and the Satyrs, exposing themselves in fantastic dresses and with antic motions ; some rode upon asses ; others drove goats to the deserts, and...
Página 44 - Dat. illi), pron. adj. [for is-le; fr. is] That.— As Subst. of all genders and both numbers : Se, she, it, they, etc ; — at AP 62 ilia is emphatic. illic, adv. [illic (pron.), "that"] In that place, there.
Página 61 - Upon arriving at manhood, and undertaking nig celebrated expedition against the Gorgons, he received from the gods whatever was likely to insure his success. Pluto lent him his helmet, which had the power of making its wearer invisible ; Mercury supplied him with his wings for hie feet and head; from Minerva he received a buckler, which was so resplendent that it reflected whatever object was before it. Mercury also gave him a short sword or scimitar, called harpe. Such assistance assured his victory....
Página 51 - False, deceptive, men-s, tis, f. (" The thinking"; hence) The mind, as being the seat of thought [Lat. root MEN ; akin to Sans, manas, "mind"; fr. root MAN, " to think "; cf. also Gr. fitr-os], men-sa, see, f. [root MEN, whence men-sus, part. perf. of metior, "to measure"] ("The measured thing"; hence) A table of any kind.

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