d not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship nor shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit more. Nor, cruel as it seem'd, could he Their haste himself condemn, Aware that flight, in such a sea, Alone could rescue them ; Yet bitter felt it still to die Deserted,... The Life, and Posthumous Writings, of William Cowper, Esqr - Página 118por William Hayley - 1805Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1804 - 844 páginas
...perforce, They left their out-cast mate behind, And scudded stiil before the wind. Some succour yet tLey could afford, And, such as storms allow. The cask,...shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit more. ' Nor, crup! as it seem'd, could he Their haste himself condemn, Aware that (light, in such a sea, Alone could... | |
 | 1803 - 438 páginas
...coop, the floated co.d, Delay 'd not to bestow. But he (th«y knew) nor ship nor shnr*, VV'hate'er they gave, should visit more. Nor cruel as it seem'd could he Their histc himself condemn, Aware that flight, in such a sea, Alone could rescue them ; But bitter f«lt... | |
 | William Cowper - 1806 - 486 páginas
...succour yet they could afford ; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship, nor shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit more. x Nor cruel, as it seem'd, could he Their haste himself condemn, Aware that flight, in such a sea,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1808 - 328 páginas
...such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord Delay 'd nut to bestow. But he (they new) nor ship, nor shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit...sea, Alone could rescue them : Yet bitter felt it still to die Deserted, and his friends so nigh. He long survives, who lives an hour In ocean, self.upheld... | |
 | William Cowper - 1809 - 472 páginas
...succour yet they could afford ; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship nor shore,...Whate'er they gave, should visit more. ,Nor cruel, as it sccm'd, could he Their haste himself condemn, Aware that flight, in such a sea, Alone could rescue... | |
 | William Cowper - 1810 - 312 páginas
...such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they new) nor ship, nor shore,. Whate'er they gave, should visit...sea,. Alone could rescue them : Yet bitter felt it still to die Deserted, and his friends so nigh< He long survives, who lives an hour In ocean, self-upheld... | |
 | Poetical selections - 1811 - 324 páginas
...the coup, the floated cord Delay' d not to bestow : But he, they knew, nor ship nor shore, "Whale' er they gave, should visit more. Nor, cruel as it seem'd,...sea, Alone could rescue them , Yet bitter felt it still to die, Deserted, and his friends so nigh! He long survives, who live* an hour In ocean, self... | |
 | William Hayley - 1812 - 450 páginas
...succour yet they could afford ; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship nor shore,...a sea, Alone could rescue them; Yet bitter felt it still to die Deserted, and his friends so nigh. 167 And so long he, with unspent pow'r, His destiny... | |
 | William Cowper, William Hayley - 1812 - 446 páginas
...succour yet they could afford; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship nor shore,...a sea, Alone could rescue them; Yet bitter felt it still to die Deserted, and his friends so nigh. 167 And so long he, with unspent pow'r, His destiny... | |
 | William Cowper - 1815 - 434 páginas
...so the furious blast prevail'd, That, pitiless, perforce, They left their outeast mate behind, Aud scudded still before the wind. Some succour yet they...flight, in such a sea, Alone could rescue them ; Yet bttter felt it still to die Deserted, and his friends so nMt. fie long survives, who lives an hour... | |
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