Imágenes de páginas

petenti). O Pallas, thou gavest (plupf.) not these promises to [thy] parent, that (thou wouldest velles) more cautiously trust thyself to the cruel combat. He displeased me the least. We have indulged ourselves (more than was fit ultrà quàm oportebat). I attribute [it] (rather magiìs) to fortune than to thy wisdom. He studied Greek the most of all noblemen. Whoever shall spare (fut. subj.) the bad, hurts the good. Pardon others many [things], thyself nothing. Death is rightly compared to sleep. Confide [thou] in virtue, but distrust vice. Beware lest thou trust (subj.) thyself too much. Not (unacquainted ignara) with evil (gen.), I learn to succour the miserable. He prepared (impf.) to obey the command of [his] great father. God by his providence (takes care consulit) of human affairs. Prohibit [ye] this abomination; resist [ye] so great a wickedness. She is angry with her, who (was preferred prælata est) to herself. Fortune gives too much to many, enough to no one. I will not indulge my grief, I will not be a slave to [my] anger. (Take care consulite, of yourselves, consider [your] country. Elevation of fortune (darkens as it were quasi luminibus officit) the mind (gen.). Let us yield to Phœbus, and being admonished (as to better things meliora) let us follow. Thus he says, and (exulting ovantes we all cuncti) obey [his] command. (We must therefore take care videndum est igitur) that we use that liberality (abl.) which may profit [our] friends, [and] hurt no one. Wise men command their lusts, which (others cætěri) serve. He asked whether the enemy had taken away (subj.) his shield (from him when he fell sibi ca


Before, ante: rich, pinguis: corn, fruges: compare, conféro : Pallas, (Palla): combat, Mars: Greek, Græcus litera; most, marimè: command, dictum: abomination, nefas: indulge, pareo; to be a slave, servio: consider, prospicio : elevation, altundo; use, utor : asked, requiro; to take away, adimo; shield, scutum.

Jubeo, juvo, &c. govern the acc.: but jubeo is generally followed by an acc. and an infinitive, which, however, is not always expressed.


Camps delight many. Thy misfortunes will afflict me. Torquatus ordered his son to be slain.

Multos castra juvant. Tua me infortunia lædent. Torquatus filium suum necāri jussit.


Let not the cold ice hurt the tender flock. I, being dexterous, will govern myself by these maxims. I desire thee to have good hopes. And with auxiliary forces, they assisted their allies vigorously in all their wars.

If the rocks and stones pointed with death delight thee, come on, trust thyself to the swift storm. The book itself will not please me more than thy admiring it has pleased me.

Priam himself first orders that the manacles and strait bonds should be loosened from the man. Ptolemy fights a successful battle, and would have stripped Antiochus of his kingdom, if he had supported his fortune by his conduct.

Glacies ne frigidus læ do mollis pecus. Ego solers ego acc. ipse nom. regơ hic elementum. Jubeo tu bene spero. Auxilium abl. plur. que, industriè juvo socius in omnis bellum.

Sive tu rupes et saxum acūtus lethum delecto, ago, tu acc. credo procella velox. Non magis liber ipse delecto ego quàm tuus admiratio delecto.

Ipse Priămus primus jubeo manica atque arctus vinculum levo vir. Ptolemæus secundus prælium facio spolioque Antiochus regnum abl., si juvo1 subj. fortūna virtus abl.

Tempěro, moděror, consulo, æmulor, and other verbs, govern an ACCUSATIVE or DATIVE in different senses.

The sun, which regulates all things by his light. They mount their horses, and sit upon their backs red with the Tyrian dye, and guide the reins heavy with gold.

They often advise that she should moderate her passion, and apply consolation to her inattentive mind. Formerly [he was] a boy beloved by that god, who manages the harp with strings, and the bow with strings.

Sol, qui tempěro omnis acc. lux. Conscendo in equus acc. Tyriusque abl. premo tergum acc. plur. rubens fucus abl., aurumque gravis moděror1 habēna acc.

Sæpe, ut moděror pres. subj. amor dat., præcipio surdusque adhibeo solatium plur. mens dat. Puer antè dilectus ab ille deus qui tempěro cithara acc. nervus, et arcus acc. plur. To envy some one, and to rival some one, is not the same [thing]. I fear thee as an adversary; I fear for thy [safety] as my friend.


To arrive at the harbour, and to lay hold of the rope, concerns me. I can foresee future [things], but cannot provide for thee.

Æmŭlor alíquis dat. et æmulor aliquis acc. non sum idem. Metuo tu acc. ut inimicus acc.; metuo tu dat. ut amicus dat.

Contingo portus acc., et funis acc. contingo, ego dat. contingo. Possum prospicio futūrus acc., sed non possum prospicio tu dat.


I delight myself with books. Offend no one (in act re), in look, in word. For (I found offendi) there a certain soldier. The groves and (lowly tamarisks humiles myrica) delight not all [men]. (He greatly multùm adeò) improves the lands who breaks the sluggish clods with harrows. His letter has not delighted me much. Agathocles, (attached junctus) to the king's side (dat.), governed (imperf.) the city. Clitus, when he defended (impf. subj.) the memory of Philip, and praised (his exploits ejus res gestas), (so adeò) offended the king, that (he killed him eundem trucidavěrit) in the entertainment, with a weapon snatched from a life-guard's-man. King Latīnus, now (old senior), ruled (impf.) the country and the cities quiet (in a lasting in longa) peace. Then I order [our crew] to leave the ports, and to take their seats on the benches. Then he orders to tear the ropes from the shore, and to loosen the disengaged cables. The sun which regulates the world. Take [my] chariot (plur.), take the dragons which thou mayest guide (aloft altè) by the bridle (plur.)

Improves, juvo; land, arvum; clods, gleba; much, nimis: defended, tueor; weapon, telum; snatched, raptus; life-guard's-man, satelles: country, rus pl.: to take their seats, consido; benches, transtrum: to tear, diripio; the ropes, (funem); disengaged, excussus: regulates, tempěro.

Verbs compounded with satis, bene, and malè; and with these prepositions, ad, ante, &c., govern the DATIVE

To excel all men.

with his equals. gods do good to thee.

To play
May the

Antecellere omnibus. Parībus colludere. Dii tibi benefaciant.


I have excelled my ancestors in virtue. He joins and connects future [things] with present things. Prefer not thyself to others because of abundance of fortune.

Hither we few have escaped to your coasts. Æneas commands his associates to bend their course, and to turn their prows towards land. And joyous he enters the shady river.

Dost thou then, Nisus, decline to join me [as] thy companion in those high enterprises?

Let it be enough, offspring of Æneas, that Numanus is fallen by thy darts, [thyself] unhurt: to thee this first honour great Apollo grants, and envies not thy similar exploits.

It is allowable to use that jesting and diversion, just as we do sleep and other refreshments, after we have discharged our serious and important duties.

But it belongs to every inquiry concerning duty, to have it always in view, how much man's nature may excel that of beasts and other animals.

But the kings of the Lacedemonians, lest, by fighting against fortune, they should bring greater detriment upon the city, wished to draw off the army, had not Tyrtæus interposed, who recited to the assembled army polished

Ego meus majores virtus præluceo. Adjungo atque annecto3 futūrus acc. fem. res præsens. Ne præfero subj. tu alius propter abundantia fortūna.

Huc paucus vester adno ora. Ænēas impěro socius flecto iter terraque adverto prora. Et lætus fluvius succédo opācus.

Ego-ne acc. igitur, Nisus, fugio adjungo socius acc. summus res?

Sum satis, (Æneide), Numānus oppěto telum tuus, impunè: tu primus hic laus magnus Apollo concedo et non invideo par (paribus) arma.

Ludus autem et jocus utor ille quidem licet, sed sicut somnus abl. et quies abl. plur. cæter, tum cùm gravis seriusque res satisfacio perf. subj.

Sed (pertinet) ad omnis officium gen. quæstio, semper (in promptu) habeo, (quantum) natūra homo pecus, dat. pl. reliquusque bellua dat., pl. antecedo.

Sed rex Lacedæmonii, ne contra fortūna pugno gerund. magnus detrimentum plur. civitas inflīgo, volo reduco exercitus, ni intervenio subj. Tyrtæus, qui compositus çarmen

verses, in which he had comprised incitements to courage, consolations for losses, and advice about the war.

recito exercitus pro concio, in qui plur. conscribo hortamentum virtus gen., solatium damnum gen., consilium pl. bellum gen.

Some verbs compounded with ante, præ, super, &c. govern also an ACCUSATIVE.

Cruel necessity always goes before thee. Many have gone before us to death. The goddess herself is taller than they, and overtops them all by the neck.

[He said] that it was reasonable that he should be dismissed to sue for the kingdom, which, as by the law of nations, he had yielded to his elder brother, so that it was now due to him, who was preferable to the orphan in point of age.

For which reason, also, the Swiss surpass the other Gauls in courage; for they contend almost in daily skirmishes with the Germans.

Nor did this take from her the dignity of royalty, but increased admiration; because, she, a woman, excelled not only women in her conduct, but men also.

Tu semper anteeo sævus necessitas. Multus antecedo ego ad mors. Dea ipse sum altus ille, collumque tenus superemineo omnis.

Æquus acc. sum inf. sui acc. dimitto inf. pass. ad regnum (petendum), qui, sicuti jus abl. gens, cedo perf. subj. magnus comp. frater, ita nunc debeo inf. pass. sui, qui antecēdo pres. subj. pupillus


Quis de causa, Helvetii quoque reliquus Gallus virtus præcedo: quòd ferè quotidiānus prælium cum Germanus contendo.

Nec hic neut. adimo perf. ille dat. dignitas regnum, sed admiratio augeo; quòd mulier non fœmina modò virtus, sed etiam vir anteeo impf. subj.

Verbs of comparing take after them an ABLATIVE with cum, as well as a DATIVE.*

Compare ye this peace with Confero hic pax cum that war. Now compare me, ille bellum. Compăro nunc, Romans, the first nobleman of Quirites, cum ille gen.

* The dat. seems to be mostly used by the poets. Verbs of com paring take also an acc. with ad or inter.

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