man, who (can command imperiōsus) himself; whom neither poverty, nor death, nor chains terrify. Neither money (plur.), nor magnificent roofs, nor power (plur.), nor pleasures, are to be numbered (among in) good things. He praises (both [her] fingers digitosque) and [her] hands, and [her] arms. Each falls (flat pronus) on the ground (gen.), and, trembling, (kisses oscula dedit) the cold stone (dat). Depart [ye] from the temple, and cover [your] head, and loosen [your] girt garments. We have need of thy authority, and counsel, and favour also. In all things too much offends more than [too] little. ADAM.-RULE 60. NE, not, when it forbids, governs an IMPERATIVE, or more elegantly the SUBJUNCTIVE. NE, AN, NUM, put doubtfully or indefinitely, govern a SUBJUNCTIVE; interrogatively,* an INDICATIVE. * Interrogatives, in a doubtful sense, govern the subjunctive. gavest it? I know not. Ah! let not these colds hurt thee! Ah! let not the sharp ice wound thy tender feet! Let not the joyous day pass without a particular mark of distinction. Thou knowest not whether the happy parents of beautiful Phyllis may honour thee their son-in-law. But take care, lest thy neighbour Enipeus please thee too much. Lay aside pride, so disagreeable to love, lest the rope go backward with the running wheel [of fortune]. Rise, lest a long sleep [i. e. death] be given to thee, from whence thou suspectest not. Hast thou dared to take gold out of thy cabinet? What folly folly shall I say, or unparalleled impudence? Do ye dare to make mention of these men? Dost thou not now see, brute; dost thou not now perceive what complaints are made of thy impudence? Has the blood of vipers with these boiled herbs deceived me? or has Canidia touched these poisonous dishes? For what was the cause why Cœlius wished to give poison to that woman? That he might not return the gold? Pray, did she ask it? That the crime might not attach? Did any one charge him with it? Surgo, ne longus tu somnus, unde non timeo, do subj. pass. Tu-ne aurum ex armarium tuus promo audeo? O stultitia acc.! stultitia ne dico, an impudentia singularis? Audeo ne facio iste homo mentio ? Jamne video, bellua; jamne sentio, quis sum subj. homo gen. plur. querela sing. frons tuus? Num viperinus cruor incoctus hic herba ego fallo? an malus Canidia tracto daps? DUM for DUMMODO and QUOUSQUE governs a SUBJUNCTIVE mood: UT for POSTQUAM, SICUT, and QUOMODO requires the INDICATIVE: UT for QUANQUAM, UTPÕTE, NE NON after of fear, or denoting the final cause, will have the SUB JUNCTIVE. Provided that the things remain, let them feign words at their pleasure. He shall always remember me as long as he lives. Until the third summer shall see him reigning in Latium. Soon as the aged sire in death relaxed his whitening eyes. Lausus, when he saw it, groaned deeply in pity of his beloved father. When they saw the tall vessels, they were startled at the sudden sight. I think thou hast heard, how they stood about me. See how the wild vine, with clusters here and there, has mantled over the grotto. Thou hast so disturbed all my measures, that I cannot restore her to her [friends] as I ought, and as I endeavoured, that I might do for myself a considera ble service. Is he well? does he think of me? Favoured by the Muses, does he endeavour to fit the Theban measures to the Roman lyre? I ask not that the criminal should be acquitted; but I ask this, that he should be impeached by this [man] rather than by the other. As swallows in summer-time, so false friends are at hand in Dum res maneo, verbum fingo arbitrātus suus. Dum vivo memĭni semper ego. Tertius dum Latium regnans video æstas. Ut senior lethum canens lumen solvo. Ut video Lausus, ingěmo graviter amor carus genitor. Ut celsus video ratis, terreo pres. visus subitus. Credo tu audio, ut ego circumsto. Aspicio, ut labrusca silvestris rarus spargo racēmus antrum. Ita conturbo ego dat. ratio omnis, ut is non possum suus, ita ut æquus sum plupf. atque ut studeo, trado, ut pario ego hic solidus beneficium. Ut valeo? ut memini noster? Fidis-ne abl. plur. Latinus Thebanus apto modus studeo, auspex abl. abs. Musa abl. abs. ? Reus ut absolvo, non peto; sed, ut ab hic potiùs quàm ab ille accuso, id peto. Ut hirundo æstivus tempus, sic falsus amicus se the serene time of life; as soon as they shall see the winter of fortune, they all flee away. Why do I fret myself? Why do I afflict my age for his madness? Is it because I may bear the punishment of his sins? If that is the cause of detaining her with you, because she is sick, I think that thou doest me an injury, Phidippus, if thou fearest lest she should not be sufficiently taken care of at my house. rēnus' vita tempus præstò sum; simul atque fortūna hyems video, devolo omnis. Cur ego macero? Cur meus senectus hic gen. sollicito amentia? An ut pro hic gen. peccatum ego supplicium suffĕro. Sin is sum retineo causa apud tu plur., quia æger sum, tu ego injuria facio arbitror, Phidippus, si metuo satis ut meus domus curo diligenter. QUI used for Quòd or QUIA, signifying the cause, requires a SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Wherefore it pleased him to send messengers to Ariovistus to desire him to choose some intermediate place for a conference. Quamobrem placeo is, ut ad Ariovistus legātus mitto, qui ab is postulo ut aliquis locus medius (utriusque) colloquium delígo. All words put indefinitely require a SUBJUNCTIVE; put definitely, require an INDICATIVE MOOD. They neglect all honourable things, provided they can but get power. I will speak, indeed, although he threatens me with arms and death. Not but that I could pay my debts upon my own securities out of my own possessions. I will not desist till I have made an end. While thou art fortunate, thou wilt have many friends. Omnis honestus negligo, dummodo potentia consequor. Dico equidem, licèt arma acc. ego dat. morsque minor subj. Non quin æs alienus sing. meus nomen ex possessio solvo possum. Haud desino donec perficio fut. subj. Donec sum fut. indic. felix, multus numero am Whilst he tarries a few days at Besançon for provision and refreshment. Cæsar, when he had observed these [things], having called an assembly, severely reprimanded them. Thou knowest the custom of women; they are an age in equipping themselves and getting ready. These [things] are grievous to thee at first, while thou art unacquainted with them, but pleasant when thou hast tried them. Ever since the fates snatched thee away, Pales herself, and Apollo himself, have left the plains. As though the events of things, not the counsels of men, were punished by the laws. He ordered them not to stir from that place until he should come to them. They dared not begin the war before the ambassadors returned from Rome. He said that he would not make any report to the senate, till he had first answered him. Beware, Cæsar, how thou believest; beware how thou pardonest; beware how thou pitiest icus. Dum paucus dies ad Vesontio, res frumentarius commeatusque causa, moror indic. Hic quum animadverto subj. Cæsar, convocatus concilium, vehementer is incuso. Nosco perf. mos plur. mulier; dum molior indic., dum como (comantur), annus sum. Hic, dum incipio pres. subj., gravis sum, dumque ignoro pres. subj., ubi cognosco perf. subj. facilis. Postquam tu fatum fero indic., ipse Pales ager, atque ipse relinquo Apollo. Perinde quasi exitus res, non homo consilium lex vindico impf. subj. Præcipio is dat. ne sui ex is locus antè moveo quàm ipse ad is venio plupf. subj. Non antea ausus capesşo bellum, quàm ab Roma reverto plupf. subj. legā tus. Dico sui non antea renuncio fut. in rus senātus, nisi priùs sui respondeo plupf. subj. C. Cæsar, caveo imper. credo subj.; caveo ignosco; caveo tu (misereat) * The conjunction is elegantly understood after cave, and fac; as, cave facias; cave putes; fac cures. |