The connexion of two clauses is also more elegantly made by is, followed by qui; by talis, followed by qualis; by tantus, followed by quantus; tot, followed by quot, than by is, talis, tantus, tot, &c., followed by ut. 1. Your father proved himself such a man, that, if you could show yourself the same, you would pass for a very great man. (Here talem....qualem will be much better than talem....ut.) 2. For what shows less, I do not say of an orator, but of a reasonable being (sed hominis), than to throw that kind of objection to an adversary, that, if he should deny it but upon his bare word, the objector could proceed no further. 3. My love for you is so great that I should be the happiest of mortals, if your affection for me was equal to it. The connexion of clauses may also be made by tantum abest ut, followed by another ut; as, I not only have not forgotten you, but I think of you every day: Tantùm abest, tui ut oblitus sim, ut nullus prætereat dies, quin mihi in mentem tui veniat. 1. My own private interests indeed I cannot have preferred in this, for I am sensible that I have drawn much hatred upon myself, partly secret, partly open, which I might have avoided, and by which you may profit. 2. You not only are not a perfect master of the Greek language, but you have scarcely learned its first rudiments. In connecting sentences which contain a more complete and absolute sense, but which, at the same time, have a reference to the subject mentioned before, qui, quæ, quod, as we have already seen, is often used instead of hic, is, et, verò, igitur, and sometimes enim, which are rejected; but it must be observed, that this relative must apply to what is immediately preceding. As the use of the relative, and indeed this application of it in connecting sentences, merits the attention of those who study elegance, it will not be superfluous to advert to it again in this place. 1. I have always received the most gentle, and, at the same time, the most salutary advice from you; and if I had followed your wise directions, I should now be the happiest of men. (Here qui may agree either with advice, or with I.) 2. I went to his house (eum adivi), but when I could not find him, I returned home. In the beginning of a sentence which has a reference to what goes before, the Latins more frequently make use of neque than of non before verò, enim, tamen. 1. But nothing, said he, seems to me of superior excellence, than for a speaker to have that irresistible hold upon the assemblies of men, as, by the charms of his eloquence, to bend their minds to his own purposes, to lead them to whatever direction he chooses, or dissuade them from whatever he pleases. 2. But the enjoyment of ease was not granted us to devote our time to these liberal arts, though we earnestly wished and desired it. Thus, also, the ancients more frequently use neque verò quisquam, for nemo verò: neque verò quidquam, for nihil verò: and neque enim quisquam, neque tamen quisquam, for nemo enim, nemo tamen. Nam cùm, etenim cùm, at the beginning of a sentence, are more frequently used than cùm enim. For when he had left me no other alternative than to swear, I then, in a solemn and elevated voice, uttered that true and most gratifying oath; which the people, with an unanimous acclamation, swore that had most truly uttered. After quid aliud, nihil aliud, it is more elegant to use nisi than quàm: as, I ask nothing else in my own right, than that you write to me: Nihil aliud a te jure meo postulo, nisi ad me ut scribas. 1. What else is it not to answer the letters of a friend, than to neglect his friendship. 2. Nothing else is obtained by so obstinate and bloody a war, but defeat and disgrace. Nisi should also be used instead of præter, præterquam, after a negation. What the Pythian oracle declared, that no other cause except avarice should destroy Sparta, it seems to have predicted not only to the Lacedemonians, but to all other opulent nations. Quòd si and quòd nisi are often put for si, and for sì non, at the beginning of a sentence, when the subject of both sentences has an immediate connexion; as, If you have to do with this man, you will soon perceive that I complained justly of him: Quòd si tibi res cum isto sit, tum sentias, me jure de illo questum. 1. He declared that he would no longer lend his assistance to the senate, in their proceedings (grassanti) against the people; that ho would interfere if they persevered in their former tyranny; but, if they thought that he could be as cruel as the senators, that he would go away with his soldiers, and no longer be present at their civil broils. Instead of quod attinet ad id quod, and which the English itself renders by as to what, it is more elegant simply to use quod. As to what some men have thought, that the soul itself will one day (olim) perish, they are most egregiously mistaken. And, on the contrary, the best writers do not use quod ad, with the accusative, for as to, in regard to, but always quod attinet, quod spectat ad; as, As to you: quod ad vos attinet. As to you, I never saw a man more perniciously prodigal. In stating an objection, instead of saying, at objici possit, objiciat quis, &c., it will be sufficient simply to make use of at, and the answer may be made with, or even without, at. In this I have often been struck with admiration at the dignity, the justice, and the wisdom manifested by Cæsar. He always uses the most honourable names towards Pompey. But some one will say, that he showed the most persecuting and vindictive spirit towards his person. But these were the deeds of arms, and the insolence of victory, and not of Cæsar. In the connexion of several arguments, the Latins do not enumerate them by primò, secundò, tertiò, &c., but by primùm, deinde, tum, denique, postremò; and, instead of those words of enumeration, as, tum, prætereà, insuper, &c., other forms of connexion may be used, as, accedit quod; ut taceam, omittam, &c. We must first consider, that our kindness should hurt nobody; secondly, that it should not be above our faculties; thirdly, that it may be exercised with dignity; and, lastly, attended with the greatest honesty. OF THE SIMPLE VARIATION OF WORDS. As nothing contributes more to elegance of style than a cnange or variation of words, to which the scholar should be early introduced, we shall briefly show how it may be effected. This variation is either simple, and consists in the mere change of one word into another synonymous word or phrase, or it is rhetorical or ornamental, as, by the accession of another expression, more full, dignified, or smooth, the simple idea receives greater ornament, and, by this metaphorical and circuitous manner, assumes the form of a period. Thus, to give an example of a simple variation by means of a synonymous phrase: Ingenium nem. est omnium hominum a labore proclive ad libidi May be varied thus: Ea est omnium mortalium indoles ut a labore ad voluptatem ruant. Thus again, to show the ease with which a sentence may be almost infinitely varied : In hoc natura efficere quid possit videtur experta. In the genitive: In hoc naturæ quanta vis sit, satìs perspectum est. In the dative: Naturæ quid efficere liceat, in hoc comper tum est. In the accusative: Naturam, quid efficere possit, experiri voluisse arbitror. In the ablative: In hoc quid a naturâ effici possit, compertum est. An adjective may be changed into a substantive; as, He reproaches his legs for being too slender: Crurum nimiam tenuitatem vituperat. 1. He was sufficiently eloquent, liberal, versed in civil law, as well as the military art.-(Say habebat enim....) 2. How senseless must you think yourselves, who, while you possess the real comforts and blessings in life, harass your minds with phantoms of imaginary evils, and, instead of enjoying the substantial gifts of fortune, torture yourselves with the apprehension of future calamities which are never likely to happen! And, in the same manner, an adjective may be elegantly put in the neuter gender, and its substantive in the genitive case; as, instead of hanc laudem consecutus es, say, hoc laudis. 1. The sun imparts the same light and heat to all these nations. 2. You have this nobility, and I shall always pay you that def erence. Two substantives are often put for one; each, however, having its proper force and meaning; for they are not redundant, but are intended to give greater perspicuity or harmony to the sentence; as, instead of offendere hominem, we shall say offendere animum hominis, because it is his mind which is offended; and offendere hominem might be mistaken for, to find a man. We shall be more accurate in saying gladii mucrone ictus, than gladio. 1. Say now that you were overreached by him, who refused such an immense sum of money not on account of his indolence, but on account of his magnificence. (Here inertiam laboris may be used, and followed by magnificentiam liberalitatis, for the sake of that concinnitas, or equality of the clauses, which we shall mention afterwards.) 2. The whole senate, (the state or condition of) the judiciary proceedings, the whole commonwealth itself, has undergone a revolution. The pronoun personal may be rendered by the pronoun substantive. Though Cæsar has never been my friend, but had always shown a disinclination to me, though he had slighted my friendship, and acted the part of an implacable enemy towards me, yet, after the great things he has done, and still continues to do, I could not help loving him. It may be observed, that the dative acquisitive is often elegantly used instead of the genitive. When they heard that he had been condemned unheard, they threw themselves at the judge's feet, and prayed that he might be saved from the gallows (ut e furcâ redimeretur). |