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" Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, did, dicier. "
New Latin Tutor ... - Página 294
por Frederick Percival Leverett - 1832
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The New Latin Tutor; Or, Exercises in Etymology, Syntax and Prosody

Frederick Percival Leverett - 1830 - 376 páginas
...for sylm, Troia for Troja : and, in words derived from the Greek, by changing i into el; as, elegeta for elegia. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or...and verbs deponent in the infinitive mood. Another no-ure, by which words were sometimes lengthened, is termed prosthesis ; it adds a letter or syllable...
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The New Latin Tutor; Or, Exercises in Etymology, Syntax and Prosody ...

Frederick Percival Leverett - 1833 - 370 páginas, Trout for Troja : and, in words derived from the Greek, by changing > into ef ; as, clegcla for elegia. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, diet, dicier. The words, which are most frequently lengthened by this figure, are verbs passive and...
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The New Latin Tutor; Or Exercises in Etymology, Syntax and Prosody: Compiled ...

Frederick Percival Leverett - 1835 - 376 páginas
...insertion of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word ; as, alitum, alituum ; reliquiee, relliquia. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, did, dicier. The wordb, which are most frequently lengthened by this figure, arc verbs passive and...
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Latin Exercises: Adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar

Ethan Allen Andrews - 1837 - 310 páginas
...diaeresis. § 3229 3* Epenthesis is the insertion of a ictlcr or syllable in the middle of a word. 6. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word. Besides the introduction of one of the preceding figures into each of the following exercises, the...
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The New Latin Tutor, Or, Exercises in Etymology, Syntax and Prosody

1838 - 370 páginas
...Troia for Troja : and, in words derived from the Greek, by changing t into el; as, uegeta for eUgia. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, dici, dicier. The word;., which are most frequently lengthened by this figure, are verbs passive and verbs deponent in...
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Grammar of the Latin Language ...

Ethan Allen Andrews - 1838 - 352 páginas
...asjteris. 5. Crasis is the contraction of two vowels into one ; as, cogo, for coägo ; nil, for niliil. 6. Paragoge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, med, for me ; claudier, for claudi. 7. Apocope is the omission of the final letter or syllable of a...
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A Grammar of the Latin Language: For the Use of Schools and Colleges

Ethan Allen Andrews, Solomon Stoddard - 1838 - 366 páginas
...asplris. 5. Crasis is the contraction of two vowels into one ; as, cogo, for cougo ; nil, for iii/iil. 6. ParagOge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, med, for me ; dandier, for dnudi. 7. j1/iMvftK is the omission of the final letter or syllable of a...
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A Simplified Latin Grammar

Walter Posthumus Powell - 1838 - 216 páginas
...caldum [ie calidum], puertia [ie pueritia], mr&m [ie virorum] . 158 PEOSODY. FIGURES. § 158. Par agog e is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, dicier, viderier. § 159. * Apocope is the removal of a letter or syllable from the end of a word;...
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A dictionary of the English language

Alexander Reid - 1844 - 574 páginas by way of paradox. Par-a-dox-oTo-gy, n. the use of paradoxes. Pär'agö-ce, n. (Gr. para, ago) the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word. Раг-a-gogl-cal, a. relating to a paragoge. Pär'agön, n. (Fr. parangon) a model a pattern. —...
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A Grammar of the Latin Language: For the Use of Schools and Colleges

Ethan Allen Andrews, Solomon Stoddard - 1845 - 346 páginas
...Crasis is the contraction of two vowels into one ; as, cogo, for coago ; nil, for nihil. G. ParagSge is the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as, med, for me, ; clfiudier, for claudi. 7. Jlpocdpe is the omission of the final letter or syllable of...
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