65. AU TO JESUS IN HIS PASSION. M. 76. (First Tune.) Unison. 1. My Je-sus! say, what wretch has dared Thy sa-cred Hands to bind? 'Tis I have thus un - grate-ful been: Yet, Jesus, pi - ty take; 88 Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord, For Thy sweet mercy's sake! A-men. Copyright 1898 by Boosey & Co. M. 76. (Second Tune. 1. My Jesus! say, what wretch has dared Thy sa-cred Hands to bind? AV 'Tis I have thus un grateful been: Yet, Jesus, pity take; Oh, spare and par- don me, my Lord, For Thy sweet mercy's sake! A-men. flood nigh drown'd, O Warrior Strong? Who wrought this wrong? Ah 4. "And not for city fair nor castle tall, But more than all, for thee, sweet soul, whose smile I lost awhile, for love of thee I sigh, And in this pain I die." 67 THEY SHALL LOOK ON WHOM THEY PIERCED. 1. Our Life hangs dead up-on Cal va-ry's hill, Our sins have un A done and de thron'd Him; The Heart of all hearts is bro-ken and still, -Since they of His household dis own'd Him. Oh lend us light from thy sin less eyes, Thou sor row-ful Mo-ther that ラ own our offences that tore Him. Oh soft en our souls with sorrow like thine Till in them He rise again death less, Di - vine. 2. O kind strong Hands of my Brother and Friend, So willing to help and to heal me, My hardness at last has nailed you fast Lest back from my sins you should steal me, O Feet that followed my faithless ways, Ah me! for your pitiful resting! You rest on the nails, - the dust of the road Is washed from you now in your own meek Blood. 3. O bruisèd Innocence! Where is Thy power? The love that no words ever told me; For ever and ever shall hold me. And no one shall ever be master of me |