| 1800 - 306 páginas
...founded in confent, and infti. tuted for the general good. II. All men have certain natural, eflential, and inherent rights — among which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty ; acquiring, pofleffing, and protecting property ; and, in a word, of feeking and obtaining happinefs. III. When... | |
| 1804 - 372 páginas
...right, originates from the People, is founded in consent, and instituted for the general good. II. All men have certain natural, essential, and inherent...enjoying and defending life and liberty ; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property ; and, in a word, of seeking and obtuining happiness. III. When... | |
| Ignatius Thomson - 1810 - 220 páginas
...is founded in confent, and inftituted for the general good. All men have certain natural, effential and inherent rights — among which are the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, pofleffing and protecting property ; and in a word, of feeking and obtaining happinefs. ' 2. When men... | |
| Humphrey Marshall - 1824 - 538 páginas
...all men arc born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and unallocable rights; among which are the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety: Therefore, "Resolved,... | |
| Henry Clay - 1827 - 200 páginas
...ferm or other, as will appear from the following extracts : From the Bill of Rights — New Hampshire. "All men have certain natural, essential and inherent rights — among which are, the enjoying, acquiring, possessing and protecting property." From the Declaration of Rights — Massachusetts. "... | |
| 1828 - 494 páginas
...of right, originates from the people, is founded in consent, and instituted for the general good 2. All men have certain natural, essential, and inherent...among which are the enjoying and defending life and liherty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property: and, in a word, of seeking and ohtaining happiness.... | |
| Francis Smith Eastman - 1828 - 124 páginas
...all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and unalienable rights, among which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety ; — therefore,... | |
| Virginia. Constitutional Convention - 1830 - 932 páginas
...right, originates from the people, is founded in consent and instituted for the general good." " Art. 2. All men have certain, natural, essential and inherent...enjoying and defending life and liberty : acquiring, possessing and protecting property : and in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness. " Art. 3. When... | |
| George Bourne - 1834 - 266 páginas
...of happiness.'' — Declaration of Independence. " All men are born equally free and independent ; all men have certain natural, essential, and inherent...enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and, in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness. Among the... | |
| British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society - 1841 - 308 páginas
...constitution of Ohio ! " ALL are born free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, inalienable rights ; among which are the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and attaining happiness and safety." Yet men who... | |
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