DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS, 1. Ab actu ad posse valet illatio. (Lat.)-" From events which have taken place we may form deductions as to those which are to ensue." Hence, experience may be regarded as our best guide, to steer us in safety through the complicated mazes of worldly affairs, and it is reasonable to infer, that results which we have once witnessed may again come to pass.-M.D. 2. Ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris. DECIM. LABER.-" As you have acted towards others, you may expect others to act towards you." To do unto others as you would they should do unto you, is a golden maxim that can never be too deeply impressed upon the human mind; and though the sublime moral precept, to return good for evil, should never be forgotten, he who expects to see it often fulfilled in this world will be grievously disappointed.-M.D. 3. A barbe de fol on apprend à raire. (Old Fr.)—“On the beard of a fool persons learn to shave." We all like to learn at the expence of others, and fools are generally found the most pliable subjects to practise on.-M.D. 4. Abbatis. (Fr. Mil. Term.)-" An impediment to stop the advance of an enemy, composed of trees felled, and thrown with their branches firmly intertwined, to stop a road or passage."-M.D. 5. A ben conoscer la natura dei popoli, convien esser principe, ed a conoscer ben quella dei principi convien esser popolare. MACHIAVELLI."To be well acquainted with the dispositions of a people, one should be a prince; and to know well the disposition of a prince one should be his subject."-M.D. 6. Abiit nemine salutato. (Lat.)-" He went away without taking leave." Without saying good-bye.-M. 7. Ab inconvenienti. (Lat.)-" From the inconvenience." Argumentum ab inconvenienti, means an argument to prove that any measure proposed will be unlikely to promote the expected end, and that consequently it is inexpedient and inconvenient.-M.D. 8. Ab initio. (Lat. Phrase.)-" From the beginning." Such a thing has endured from the beginning. His measures were, from the beginning, well concerted.-M.D. 9. Abnormis sapiens. HORACE.-"Wise without instruction." Gifted by nature with a sound understanding. Of plain, untutored, common sense.-M.М. 10. Ab ovo usque ad mala. HORACE.-" From the egg to the apple." From the commencement of the feast to the end. Eggs having been the first, and apples the last article served at a Roman entertainment. From the alpha to the omega.-M.М. 11. Absentem lædit cum ebrio qui litigat. PuB. SYR.-" He who argues with a drunken man, offends a person who is absent." For his senses being in abeyance, he may be considered as if he was absent. -М.М. 12. Absentem qui rodit amicum, Qui non defendit alio culpante, solutos Qui nequit, hic niger est, hunc tu, Romane, caveto. Hor.-" He "He who malignant tears an absent friend, Μ.Μ. 13. Absit invidia. (Lat.)-" Divest yourself of envy." Lay aside all invidious feeling.-M.M. 14. Absque sudore et labore, nullum opus perfectum est. (Lat.)-“ Without sweat and labour no work is perfected." Without exertion and diligence success in the pursuits of this life is rarely attained.-M. 15. Abstinere a fabis. PYTHAG.-" To abstain from beans." To keep clear of elections. The Athenians, at the election of citizens who were to perform the duties of the magistracy, ballotted by beans, a custom which we have retained, and which seems likely to be perpetuated.-М. 16. Abundat dulcibus vitiis. QUINT.-" He abounds with seductive faults." Spoken in allusion to an author whose very errors were so fascinating as to afford pleasure.-M.D. 17. Ab urbe condita: generally expressed in the classics by the initials A. U. C. signifying, " from the building of the city." The æra from which time was calculated, and the dates of events recorded by the Romans.-M.D. 18. A capite ad calcem. (Lat.)-" From the head to the heel." From top to bottom. Thoroughly. From one end to the other.-M.D. 19. A causa persa, parole assai. (Ital. Prov.)-" Your cause being lost, 'tis useless to speak of it." When a decree is irrevocable, there is no good in dwelling on the misfortune.-M.D. 20. Accedas ad curiam. (Law Lat.)-" You may approach the bench." A term used to signify a writ under which proceedings may be removed from one court to another.-M.D. 21. Accede ad ignem hunc, jam calesces plus satis. TER.-" Approach to this fire, you will soon be too warm." This was written in allusion to the beauty of Thaïs.-М. 22. Accensa domo proximi, tua quoque periclitatur. (Lat.)-"The house of your neighbour being in flames, your own must be exposed to danger." This may be applied as a moral lesson, teaching us to be ever anxious to avert from our neighbour misfortunes, which beginning with him, may ultimately assail ourselves; and to discountenance in his family, as far as in us lies, evil habits, of which the contagion may extend to our own.-M. Munera sunt, auctor quæ pretiosa facit. OvID.-" Presents which our love for the donor has rendered precious, are ever the most acceptable." The value we place on every gift, is in a ratio proportionate to the degree of estimation in which we hold the person by whom it has been presented, and (as in Shakspeare) that value may be enhanced by the manner of giving. "You gave-with words of so sweet breath composed, M.D. 24. Accidit in puncto, et toto contingit in anno. (Lat.)—" It happens in an instant, and continues to occur throughout the entire year." This is commonly applied to those uniform occurrences which are dictated by the laws of nature; as, the revolutions of the celestial bodies; the systematic movements of a clock, or any other piece of well-regulated machinery.--MD. 25. Accidit in puncto, quod non contingit in anno. (Lat.)-" A thing which does not occur in a year, may, perchance, happen in a moment."-M.D. 26. Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo. (Lat. Law Maxim.)-" No man ought to accuse himself unless it be before his God." It is a maxim in the British law, that no man can be compelled to inculpate himself, or become his own accuser; and even when culprits are disposed to confess their guilt, that confession is not received without their being cautioned by the court as to the consequences, and permitted to put in a plea of not guilty.-M.D. 27. Acer et vehemens bonus orator. CICERO.-" A good orator is pointed and vehement." The contrast is, "Lentus in dicendo, et pene frigidus orator." Slow in his enunciation, frigid in style. -М. 28. Acerrima proximorum odia. TACITUS. - "The hatred of those who are the most nearly connected, is the most inveterate." Family disputes are generally conducted with more acrimony than those between persons unallied by the ties of consanguinity, and the animosities engendered by civil wars are infinitely more deadly and implacable than those which subsist between enemies of different nations.-M.D. 29. Acribus initiis incurioso fine. TACIT.-" Ardent in the commencement, careless towards the conclusion." This is a fault common to many in the conduct of their affairs, and one which always ought to be guarded against; for, without perseverance and steadiness, few projects can ever be brought to perfection, and without these essential qualifications no difficulties are ever surmounted, no consummation is ever attained; and how many once flourishing concerns do we see crumble away, how many once thriving establishments dilapidated, through this defect in the conductors!! —M.D. 30. A cruce salus. (Lat.)-" Salvation from the cross." Motto of the Earl of Mayo. 31. Acta exteriora indicant interiora secreta. (Lat. Law Maxim)-"The outward conduct of men is an index to the secrets of the heart." In forming our opinions of the dispositions of men, we can alone be guided by a reference to their past conduct.-M.D. 32. Actio personalis moritur cum persona. (Lat. Law Maxim.)-" An action brought against any man's person, dies when he dies." In case of a breach of the peace, by assault, forcible entry, or trespass, one party or the other dying, puts an end to the proceedings -M.D. 33. Actis ævum implet, non segnibus annis. OvID.-" He signalizes his existence by his actions, not by a long life passed in indolence." This may be applied to the noble hero of our own time, who has immortalized his fame, (Wellington); as well as to many of his confrères d'armes, whose brilliant achievements have preserved the liberties of the world.-M.D. 34. Actum est de republica." The republic is at an end." The constitution is overturned and annihilated. -M.D. 35. Actum ne agas. TER.-"What has been already done you need not do again." A work which has been brought to perfection may be injured by an over, or (to use a fashionable term) an ultraanxiety to improve it.-M.D. 36. Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam. (Law Maxim.)-"The act of God does injury to no man." This means that no human contract can be enforced when impeded by the decree of the Almighty; no penalty be exacted for a damage sustained through his will. Thus, if a house is swallowed up by an earthquake, or a portion of land carried away or overwhelmed by the ocean, the tenant shall not be held responsible for such damage, though bound by his lease to restore the premises to the lessor in the same order as when he received possession.-M.D. 37. Actus legis nulli facit injuriam. (Lat. Law Maxim.)-The act of the law injures no man, for (as a learned author has explained this maxim) " if land out of which a rent-charge is granted, be recovered by elder title, the grantee shall have a writ of annuity, because the rentcharge is made void by course of law." - Macdonnel's Dic. of Quot. 38. Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus. (Law Maxim.) An act done, to which I am not a consenting party, cannot be called my act. As, for instance, if a person should be compelled, through fear of bodily injury, or by force of confinement, to give his promissory note, or his draft for a sum of money, the instrument, whatever it might be, would be rendered void and illegal by the act of compulsion by which it was elicited.-M.D. 39. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea. (Lat. Law Max.)-" The act does not constitute guilt" (in the eye of the law), "unless the design is criminal." The law requires that evil intention should be brought home to the person accused, before he can be pronounced guilty.-M.D. 40. A cuspide corona. (Lat.)-" From the spear a crown." Glory, or honours won in the field, or by military achievements. Motto of the Ir. Viscount Middleton.-M.D. 41. Ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet. (Lat.) -" Every rumour is credited, when directed against the unfortunate." The visitations of |