A DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS IN ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS, AND ILLUSTRATED BY REMARKS AND EXPLANATIONS. BY HUGH MOORE, ESQ. Si qui sunt, qui in cognitione semper pueri esse velint, non ego illis hæc conscripsi, LONDON: PRINTED FOR WHITTAKER, TREACHER, & CO. AVE-MARIA LANE. ARTHUR-BLUNDELL-SANDYS-TRUMBULL-HILL, In entreating your Lordship to permit me to introduce to the world the following compilation, under the auspices of your justly respected name, I have been actuated, not only by a deep sense of obligation for many acts of friendship and kindness, but likewise by the consideration, that you have uniformly been a strenuous and a liberal supporter of every undertaking that could, even in the slightest degree, tend to promote the diffusion of knowledge throughout Ireland. For the following collection of gleanings, commenced as a matter of private recreation, and which has, gradually, and almost imperceptibly, (notwithstanding other avocations and habits but little studious) grown to its present dimensions, I beg leave to solicit your Lordship's protection; and knowing A 2 |