P. Ovidi Nasonis Tristium liber primus, ed. by A.E. Roberts

G. Bell, 1902 - 112 páginas

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Página 14 - Paradigms for conjugation, Rules for formation of tenses, &c. &c. By JS Baird, TCD 2s.
Página 67 - Into one place, and let dry land appear. Immediately the mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops ascend the sky. So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep, Capacious bed of waters...
Página 27 - ... morae spatium nox praecipitata negabat, versaque ab axe suo Parrhasis arctos erat. quid facerem ? blando patriae retinebar amore : ultima sed iussae nox erat ilia fugae. 50 a! quotiens aliquo dixi properante 'quid urgues? vel quo festines ire, vel unde, vide !
Página 16 - Words, with their pronunciation, etymology, alternative spellings, and various meanings, illustrated by quotations and numerous woodcuts, there are several valuable appendices, comprising a Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World ; Vocabularies of Scripture, Greek, Latin, and English Proper Names ; a Dictionary of the noted Names of Fiction ; a Brief History of the English Language ; a Dictionary of Foreign Quotations, Words, Phrases, Proverbs, &c. ; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c.
Página 42 - Et veniam pro laude peto : laudatus abunde, Non fastiditus si tibi, lector, ero.
Página 29 - te sequar et coniunx exulis exul ero. et mihi facta via est et me capit ultima tellus; accedam profugae sarcina parva rati. 85 te iubet a patria discedere Caesaris ira, me pietas. pietas haec mihi Caesar erit.
Página 15 - Latin Accidence. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA Is. Latin Versification. Is. Notabilia Qusedam ; or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek Verbs and Elementary Greek, Latin, and French Construction.
Página 3 - Book II. By AC LIDDELL, MA Book III. By FH COLSON, MA, Head Master of Plymouth College, and GM GWYTHER, MA, Assistant Master. Book IV. By Rev. AW UPCOTT, MA, Head Master of Christ's Hospital. Book V. By A. REYNOLDS, MA, Merchant Taylors
Página 4 - MA, Dulwich College. — Book II. By LD WAINWRIGHT, MA, St. Paul's School. Book III. By LD WAINWRIGHT, MA Book IV. By AS WARMAN, BA, Grammar School, Manchester.
Página 48 - Est mihi sitque, precor, flavae tutela Minervae, navis et a picta casside nomen habet. sive opus est velis, minimam bene currit ad auram, sive opus est remo, remige carpit iter.

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