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" Words, with their pronunciation, etymology, alternative spellings, and various meanings, illustrated by quotations and numerous woodcuts, there are several valuable appendices, comprising a Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World ; Vocabularies of Scripture,... "
P. Ovidi Nasonis Tristium liber primus, ed. by A.E. Roberts - Página 16
por Ovid - 1902 - 112 páginas
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Petrifactions and Their Teachings: Or, A Hand-book to the Gallery of Organic ...

Gideon Algernon Mantell - 1851 - 554 páginas
...zl. 1zs. ; half russia, 2/. 18*. ; full calf, 3/. jr. ; full russia, 3/. 15*. The Appendices comprise a Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, Vocabularies...a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 names, &c., &c. ' We believe that, all things considered, this will be found to be the best existing English dictionary...
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The History of Magic, Volumen2

Joseph Ennemoser - 1854 - 566 páginas
...£i us. 6d. ; half-calf, £2 2s.; half-russia, £2 55.; calf, £2 8s. Also in 2 vols. cloth, £i 143. In addition to the Dictionary of Words, with their...; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c. This last revision, comprising and superseding the issues of 1847, 1864, and 1880, is by far the most...
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The Life of Alexander Pope: Including Extracts from His Correspondence

Robert Carruthers - 1857 - 554 páginas
...£i us. 6d.; half-calf, £2 as.; half-russia, £2 53.; calf, £2 8s. Also in 2 vols. cloth, £i i45. In addition to the Dictionary of Words, with their...Phrases, Proverbs, &c. ; a Biographical Dictionary with i0,000 Names, &c. This last revision, comprising and superseding the issues of i847, i864, and t880,...
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The Life of Alexander Pope: Including Extracts from His Correspondence

Robert Carruthers - 1857 - 578 páginas
...REVISED THROUGHOUT WITH A NEW SUPPLEMENT OF 25,000 ADDITIONAL WORDS AND PHRASES. The Appendices comprise a Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, Vocabularies...a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 names, &c-, Sic. Dr. MURRAY, Editor of l'ie ' Oxjord Frglish Dktinarr,' tays!—' In this its latest form, and...
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Examples of Indian Periodicals ...

1873 - 744 páginas
...Words, with their pronunciation, alternative spellings, etymology, and vaiious meanings, illustrated l>y quotations and numerous woodcuts, there are several...Dictionary of Foreign Quotations, Words, Phrases, Proverbs, <fec. ; A Biographical Dictionary with 1O.OOO Names ; A Classified Selection of Illustrations (filling...
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The Heroïdes: Or, Epistles of the Heroines, the Amours, Art of Love, Remedy ...

Ovid - 1893 - 578 páginas
...illustrations. Prices: Cloth, £i us. 6d.; half-calf, £2 as.; half-russia, £2 53.; calf, £2 8s. Also in 2 vols. cloth, £i 145. In addition to the Dictionary...; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c. This last revision, comprising and superseding the issues of 1847, 1864, and 1880, is by far the most...
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The History of Civilization: From the Fall of the Roman Empire to ..., Volumen3

Guizot (M., François) - 1892 - 558 páginas
...8s. Also in 2 vols. cloth, £i 143. ; half-calf, £2 I2S. ; half-russia, £2 i8s. full-calf, £3 38. In addition to the Dictionary of Words, with their...; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c. SOME PRESS OPINIONS ON THE NEW EDITION. 'We believe that, all things considered, this will be found...
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The History of Egypt: From the Earliest Times Till the Conquest by ..., Volumen2

Samuel Sharpe - 1885 - 474 páginas 6d. ; half-calf, £2 2s. ; half-russia, £2 53.; calf, £2 8s. Also in 2 vols. cloth, £i 143. In addition to the Dictionary of Words, with their...; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c, This last revision, comprising and superseding the issues of 1847, 1864, and 188o, is by far the most...
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Memorials of Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages: Including His ...

August Neander - 1885 - 586 páginas
...etymology, alternative spellings, and various meanings, illustrated by quotations and numerous wopdcuts, there are several valuable, comprising...; a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 Names, &c, This last revision, comprising and superseding the issues of 1847, 1864, and 1880, is by far the most...
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Letters of Charles Lamb: With Some Account of the Writer, His ..., Volumen2

Charles Lamb - 1886 - 526 páginas
...Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, Vocabularies of Scripture, Greek, Latin, and English Proper Namesj a Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction, a Brief...a Biographical Dictionary with 10,000 names, &c., &c. ' We believe that, all things considered, this will be found to be the best existing English dictionary...
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