Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

First pers. Second.

[blocks in formation]

(Je, Ï.) (tu, thou.) (il,he; elle,she.) (nous, we.) (vous,you.) (ils orelles,they.)

First pers. Second.

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203. In the following list, all the irregularities of the verbs are given in full; but, in general, when the tenses are regular, that is, formed according to the rules page 153, or the synoptic table page 155, the first person only is given; thus, in ABSOUDRE, from j'absolvais, the first person of the imperfect, form by the rules and table the remaining persons, tu absolvais, il absolvait, nous absolvions, vous absolviez, ils absolvaient; from j'absoudrai, the first person of the future, form tu absoudras, il absoudra, nous absoudrons, vous absoudrez, ils absoudront.

N.B. The tenses are placed in the following order :-The Infinitive Present-the Participle Present-Participle Past-the Indicative Present -Imperfect-Past Definite-Future-the Conditional Present-the Imperative the Subjunctive Present and Imperfect.

Etre subjoined to the participle, signifies that the compound tenses are conjugated with that verb; as, je suis allé.

A verb preceded by an asterisk (*) is defective.

ABATTRE, to pull down. Conjugated like battre, which see.

204. NOTE. When a compound word, that is, a word compounded of a verb and of a preposition, such as Abattre, occurs in the alphabetical order, reference is, in most instances, made to the simple verb from which it is derived, and like which it is conjugated.

ABSOUDRE, to absolve. Absolvant, absous (feminine absoute)—J'absous, tu absous, il absout; nous absolvons, vous absolvez, ils absolvent-J'absolvais (203.)—(No past definite)- J'absoudrai — J'absoudrais Absous

Que j'absolve-(No imperfect of the subjunctive.) ABSTRAIRE, to abstract. Like traire.

Faire abstraction de...... is usually preferred.

ACCOURIR, to run to. Like courir. (J'ai or je suis accouru.) *ACCROIRE. Only used in the infinitive with faire, as faire accroire, to impose upon, to make one believe; as, vous voulez m'en faire accroire, you wish to deceive me. ACCUEILLIR, to welcome. Like cueillir.

ACQUÉRIR, to acquire. Acquérant, acquis-J'acquiers, tu acquiers, il acquiert; nous acquérons, vous acquérez, ils

acquièrent J'acquérais-J'acquis-J'acquerrai―J'acquerrais-Acquiers, qu'il acquière; acquérons, -ez, qu'ils acquièrent-Que j'acquière, -es, -e; que nous acquérions, -iez, qu'ils acquièrent—Que j'acquisse.

205. NOTE. The double r in the future and the conditional must be sounded strongly, to distinguish between the pronunciation of j'acquérais and j'acquerrai or j'acquerrais (see note page 7). This observation applies also to the verbs courir, to run, and mourir, to die, which see.

ADMETTRE, to admit. Like mettre.

ALLER, to go. Allant, allé (être) or avoir été-Je vais, tu vas, il va; nous allons, vous allez, ils vont―J'allais -J'allai-J'irai-J'irais-Va, qu'il aille; allons, allez, qu'ils aillent-Que j'aille, -es, -e; que nous allions, que vous alliez, qu'ils aillent-Que j'allasse.

206. NOTE. We use both être allé and avoir été,-as, je suis allé, j'ai été, etc., for the compound tenses of this verb. Etre allé means to be gone, and avoir été means to have been or returned. Thus, il est allé à Paris intimates that he is at Paris, or still on his journey thither, and il a été à Paris implies that he has been to Paris, or that he has dwelt there. Examples of this verb in the first person:

Si l'on vient me demander, dites que je suis allé à la bourse,

J'y ai été deux fois ce matin,


If any one ask for me, say that I am gone to the Exchange.

I have been there twice this morning.

Être allé, followed by another verb, is used in preference to avoir été. C. NODIER.

Il est allé le voir à Paris, et il en est revenu,

He went to see him in Paris, and he has returned.

Modern grammarians give as a rule that être allé is to be used when movement is principally implied, and avoir été when simply expressing a past state or existence; as,

Je suis allé à Paris en poste,
J'ai été à Paris,

I posted to Paris.

I have been to Paris.

207. NOTE. In the conjugation of aller there are three distinct roots, aller, vais, and irai. The first of these, all, (as in allai, allé, etc.,) is probably derived from the Latin verb ambulare, to walk, hence the French words ambulant, ambler, etc. (Some grammarians consider the word aller derived from the Celtic, see Remarques philologiques sur l'origine de la langue française in the RÉPERTOIRE LITTÉRAIRE, page xxiv.) The second, va, (je vais, tu vas, il va, etc.,) is from the Latin verb, vadere, to go, (whence we have évader, to escape, evade,) and the third, ir, (j'irai, j'irais, etc.,) from the Latin verb ire, to go (whence we have the compound words périr, to perish; subir, to undergo).

208. NOTE. Aller is frequently used as a reflective verb with en; thus, s'en aller, to go away. Examples:

S'en aller, to go away.
S'en allant, going away.

S'en être allé, to have gone away.
S'en étant allé, having gone away.

Je m'en vais,

Tu t'en vas,
Il s'en va,

Nous nous en allons,
Vous vous en allez,
Ils s'en vont,

Je m'en suis allé,
Tu t'en es allé,

Il s'en est allé,

Nous nous en sommes allés,
Vous vous en êtes allés,
Ils s'en sont allés,

Simple Tenses.

Je m'en allais, etc.
Je m'en allai, etc.
Je m'en irai, etc.
Je m'en irais, etc.
Que je m'en aille, etc.
Que je m'en allasse, etc.

I am going away.
thou art going away.
he is going away.
we are going away.
you are going away.
they are going away.
I have gone away.
thou hast gone away.
he has gone away.
we have gone away.
you have gone away.
they have gone away.
Compound Tenses.
Je m'en étais allé, etc.
Je m'en fus allé, etc.
Je m'en serai allé, etc.
Je m'en serais allé, etc.
Que je m'en sois allé, etc.
Que je m'en fusse allé, etc.

[blocks in formation]

209. NOTE. The imperative va takes s, for the sake of euphony, when followed by y, thither; as, vas-y, go thither; but if y be followed by a verb in the infinitive connected with va, the s is not added; as, va y mettre tout en ordre, go and arrange everything. Va also takes s when followed by the pronoun en; as, vas en savoir des nouvelles, go and obtain some information about it (ACADÉMIE). Va does not however takes when followed by the preposition en (200.).

*APPAROIR, to be evident. A law term, used only in the infinitive, and in the indicative present 3rd person singular, il appert, it is evident.

APPRENDRE, to learn. Like prendre.

ASSAILLIR, to assault. Assaillant, assailli-J'assaille, -es, -e;

nous assaillons, -ez, -ent-J'assaillais-J'assaillis―J'as

saillirai- J'assaillirais-Assaille-Que j'assaille-Que j'assaillisse. ASSEOIR (s'), to sit down. S'asseyant, assis (être)-Je m'assieds, tu t'assieds, il s'assied; nous nous asseyons, vous vous asseyez, ils s'asseyent - Je m'asseyais-Je m'assis-Je m'assiérai or asseyerai-Je m'assiérais or asseyerais Assieds-toi, qu'il s'asseye; asseyons-nous, asseyez-vous, qu'ils s'asseyent-Que je m'asseye-Que je m'assisse.

The reflective conjugation of the verb asseoir is here given on account of the frequency of its use. But the student should also practise its conjugation as a transitive verb with a substantive, as in the following examples: asseoir un enfant, asseoir un malade, asseyez cet enfant, ce malade; asseyez-le sur le gazon; asseyez bien cette demoiselle à cheval.

*ATTRAIRE, to allure. Like traire.

This verb is seldom used but in the infinitive.
Attirer may supply the tenses wanting.

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*AVENIR (sometimes written ADVENIR), to happen. Only used in the infinitive mood, the participles, and in the third persons. In those forms it is conjugated like venir or tenir, page 122.

Les choses étant en cet état, il avint Matters being in that condition, it que...

Il en aviendra ce qui pourra,

On ne peut pas prévoir tous les cas

qui aviendront,

Les choses qui sont avenues,

happened that... Happen what may.

We cannot foresee all occurrences that may arise.

The things which have happened.

[blocks in formation]

BATTRE, to beat. Battant, battu-Je bats, tu bats, il bat; nous battons, -ez, -ent-Je battais-Je battis-Je battrai —Je battrais—Bats—Que je batte—Que je battisse. BÉNIR, to bless.

This verb is regular, and conjugated like agir, but in speaking of things consecrated by the church, its participle is bénit, as du pain bénit. BOIRE, to drink. Buvant, bu-Je bois, tu bois, il boit;

nous buvons, vous buvez, ils boivent-Je buvais-Je bus -Je boirai-Je boirais-Bois, qu'il boive; buvons, -ez,

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