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138. cl. 383.

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The Golden Manual," to which this little volume is intended as a Companion, may be had of the publisher, in various bindings.


THIS little MANUAL is intended as a Companion to the more complete Books of Devotion already existing, and is compiled upon a plan which, it is hoped, will render it generally acceptable. Such a book, e. g., as the "GOLDEN MANUAL," or "GARDEN OF THE SOUL," comprising forms of devotion for every occasion, as well as instructions and explanations, is, of course, an indispensable companion for the devout Catholic; but, besides this, most persons feel the want of a small compact Manual (such as can easily be carried in the pocket), containing a selection simply of such devotions as are most frequently required, and which can be referred to at times when the more complete Prayer-Book is not readily accessible. This and the larger work together will thus be found to supply all that is generally needed for the purposes whether of public or private devotion, and each can be used according as circumstances suggest. This MANUAL, as well as its more complete Companion, contains, it will be seen, a large number of

Prayers to which Indulgences are attached: such are, for the sake of convenience, distinguished by an asterisk *. It will be seen that a new, and, it is believed, a more complete and convenient arrangement than any hitherto published, has been adopted for the Devotions at Mass. The Ordinary of the Mass, and the Private Prayers corresponding to each part, are here printed on opposite pages, so that either the one or the other, or both, may be followed, as each person's devotion may suggest, without the inconvenience of constantly turning from one part of the book to another.

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