| 1747 - 686 páginas
...bubbles of the day. Ah ! let not Cenfure term our fate our choice, The ftige but echoes back the publick voice. The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give...live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no mere the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their tools of guilt to die ; "Tis yours this night to... | |
 | Benjamin Victor - 1761 - 288 páginas
...new.blown Bubbles of the Day. Ah ! let not Cenfure term^ur Fate our Choice, The Stage but ecchoes b«K the public Voice, The Drama's Laws the Drama's Patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, rnuft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the-Foilies you decry, As Tyrants doom their Tools of guilt... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...And chace the new-blown Bubbles of the Day. Ah! let not Cenfure term our Fate, our Choice: The Stage but echoes back the public Voice, The Drama's Laws,...Drama's Patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafc to live. Then 3 Then prompt no more the Follies you decry, As Tyrants doom their Tools of Guilt... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 412 páginas
...And chace the new-blown Hubbies of the Day. Ah! let not Cenfure term our Fate, our Choice: The Stage but echoes back the public Voice, The Drama's Laws, the Drama's Patrons give, For we that live to pleafc, muft pleafc to live. Then 3 Then prompt no more the Follies you decry, As Tyrants doom their... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...And chace the new-blown Bubbles of the Day. Ah! let not Cenfure term our Fate, our Choice: The Stage but echoes back the public Voice, The Drama's Laws, the Drama's Patrons g|ve, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the Follies you decry, As... | |
 | 1780 - 354 páginas
...choice^ The ftage but echoes back the publick voice ; The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, Por we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the follies you defcry, As tyrants doom their tools of guilt to die ; 'Tis yours this night to bid the reign commence,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1785 - 222 páginas
...plac'd, Muft watch the wild viciflitudes of tafte ; With every meteor of caprice rnuft play, And chafe the new.blown bubbles of the day. Ah ! let not cenfure...drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, For we that Kve to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry, As tyrants do/>m their... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 páginas
...rope-dancer, a real or pretended Turk, that exhibited rji Covcnt-garden ftage a winter or two before. ' Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice, * The...' For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. c Then prompt no more the follies you decry, ' As tyrants doom their tools of guilt to die ; c 'Tis... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 652 páginas
...exhibited on Covent-garden ftage a winter or two before. ' Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice, f The ftage but echoes back the public voice ; * The...pleafe to live. * Then prompt no more the follies you deer)', ' As tyrants doom their tools of guilt to die ; * 'Tis your's, this night, to bid the reign... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 632 páginas
...rope-dancer, a real or pretended Turk, that exhibited on Covent-garden ftagc a winter or two before. O3 'Ahl ' Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice, ' The...voice ; ' The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, c For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. ' Then prompt no more the follies you decry, ' As... | |
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