| David Lewis - 1726 - 346 páginas
...Oak with broad-fpread Boughs. And beyond the purple Grove, Haunt of Tbiltif> Queen of Love!: Gawdy as the op'ning Dawn* Lies a long and level Lawn, On...high, Holds and charms the wand'ring Eye! , Deep are has Feet in Towyrs Flood, His Sides are cloath'dwith waving Wood, And antient Towers crown his Brow,... | |
 | 1726 - 350 páginas
...fturdy Oak with broad-fpread Boughs. And beyond the purple Grove, Haunt of Thittis, Queen of Love! Gawdy as the op'ning Dawn, Lies a long and level Lawn, On...a dark Hill, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wand'rifig Eye! Deep are his Feet in Ttuy's Flood, His Sides are cloath'd with waving Wood, — i And... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - 1755 - 356 páginas
...fturdy oak with broad-fpread boughs. . And beyond the purple grove, Haunt of Phillis, queen of love ! Gaudy as the op'ning dawn, Lies a long and level lawn, On which a dark hill, fteep and high, _. Holds and charms the wand'ring eye I Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides are cloath'd with... | |
 | John Dyer - 1761 - 196 páginas
...The fturdy oak with broad-fpread bough: And beyond the purple grove, Haunt of Phillis queen of love ! Gaudy as the op'ning dawn, Lies a long and level lawn On which a dark hrll, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wand'ring eye ! Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 412 páginas
...broad-fpread boughs. And beyond the purple grove, Haunt of Phyllis, Queen of Loice ! Gaudy as the opening dawn, Lies a long and level lawn, On which a dark hill, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wandering eye! Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides are cloath'd with waving wood, And ancient... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 362 páginas
...dawn, Lies a long and level lawn, On which a dark hill, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wandering eye ! Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides are cloath'd with waving wood, And ancientjtowers crown his brow, That caft an aweful look below ; Whofe ragged walls the ivy creeps,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 366 páginas
...dawn, Lies a long and level lawn, On which a dark hill, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wandering eye ! Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides are cloath'd with waving wooJ, And ancient towers crown his brow. That caft an aweful look below ; Whofe .ragged walls the ivy... | |
 | 1782 - 402 páginas
...the purple grove, Haunt of Phillis, queen of love } Gaudy as the op'ning dawn, . .. ' , . Lies a Ipng and level lawn, • . . On which a dark hill, fteep and high, Holds and charms the wand'ring «ye 1 Deep are his. feet in Towy's flood , His fides are cloath'd with waving wood, And ancient towers... | |
 | 1782 - 518 páginas
...fturdy oak with broad-fpread boughs ; And, beyond, the purple grove, Haunt of Phillis, queen of love ! Gaudy as the op'ning dawn, Lies a long and level lawn, On On which a dark hill, fteep and 'high, Holds and charms the wand'ring eye. Deep are his feet in Towy's... | |
 | William Enfield - 1785 - 462 páginas
...fturdy oak, with broad-fpread boughs, And beyond, the purple grove, Haunt of Phillis, queen of love ! Gaudy as the op'ning dawn, Lies a long and level lawn,...; Deep are his feet in Towy's flood, His fides are cloth'd with waving wood, And ancient towers crown his brow. That caft an awful look below ; Whofe... | |
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