| 1747 - 686 páginas
...change of many-colour'd life IK die*, Eshaufled worlds, and thrn imigin'd new : Exiflencc faw him fpuin her bounded reign, And panting time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful llrokn prifiding truth imprels'd» And unrefiited paflion ftorm'd the breaft. Then7o*«/o"... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - 1755 - 356 páginas
...Firft rear'd the ftage, immortal SHAKESPEAR rofe; Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, lixhaufted worlds, and then imagin'd new : Exiftence faw him...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful ftrokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifted paflion ftorm'd the breaft. Then JOHNSON... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 384 páginas
...Same. WHEN learning's triumph o'er her barb'rons foes Firft rear'd the ftage, immortal SHAKESPEAR rofe; Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, Exhaufted...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pew'rful ftrokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifted paffion ftorm'd the breaft. Then JOHNSON... | |
 | 1758 - 352 páginas
...triumph o'er her barb'rous foes ' • Firft rear'd the ftage, immortal SHAKESPEAR rofej Each charge of many-colour'd life he drew, Exhaufted worlds, and...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful ftrokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifted paffion ftorm'd the breaft. Then JOHNSON... | |
 | Benjamin Victor - 1761 - 288 páginas
...rofe ; Each Change of many-colour'd Life he drew, Exhaufted Worlds, and then imagined new : Exigence faw him fpurn her bounded reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful Strokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefiiUd Paffion ftorm'd the Breaft. Garrick, defervedly... | |
 | 1762 - 414 páginas
...When Learning's triumph o'er her barb'rous foes Firft trod the ftage, — immortal Shakefpear rofe : Each change of many-colour'd life he drew ; Exhaufted...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain. All All men have difcovered a cuiiofity to know the little ftories and particularities of a great genius,... | |
 | Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 392 páginas
...\T7HEN learning's triumph o'er her barb'rous foes Firft reared the ftagc, hnmortalSHAKESPE AR rofe ; Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, Exhaufted...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful ftrokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifted paflion ftorm'd the breaft. Then JOHNSON... | |
 | Collection - 1766 - 356 páginas
...Same. WHEN learning's triumph o'er her barb'rons foes Firft rear'd the ftage, immortal SHAKESPEAR rofe; Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, Exhaufted...reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain : His pow'rful ftrokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifted paffipn ftorm'd the breaft. Then JOHNSON... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...rofe, Each Change of many-colon rM Life he drew, Exhaufted Worlds, and then imagin'd new : Fxiftence faw him fpurn her bounded Reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain. His powerful Strokes prefiding Truth imprefs'd, And unrefifting Paffion ftorm'd the Dreaft. Then Jonfin came, inftructed... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 páginas
...WHEN Learning's Triumph o*er her barbarous Foes, Firft rear'd the Stage, immortal Skakefpeare rofe, Each Change of many-colour'd Life he drew, Exhaufted Worlds, and then imagin'd new : Fxiftence faw him fpurn her bounded Reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain. His powerful... | |
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