6. A vagrant. 7. Labyrinthus2. 6. Planus2. labyrinth. Dido. 12. With a fox. 9. 7. Satira'. 8. Echinus2. 11. Of 9. Caro3. 10. Virgo3. 13. To 11. Dido3. 12. Vulpes. 13. Felis3. 14. Paris. 15. Orpheus. 16. Silex (acc.). 17. Obex3. 17. Bolts. 1. Of old men. 2. Of a young man. 3. To infants. 4. To a watchman. 5. With a cloak. 6. By a blast. 7. In harbours. 8. From the face. 9. O heirs. 10. Of peacocks. 11. Sedition. 12. With desire. 14. Of rest. 16. Of chariots. 13. To players. 15. To a thing. 17. Of, houses. 1. Senex3. 2. Juvenis3. 3. Infans. 4. Vigil3. 5. Chlamys3. 6. Flatus*. 7. Portus4. 8. Facies. 9. Hæres3. 10. Pavo3. 11. Seditio3. 12. Cupido3. 13. Histrio3. 14. Requies3 5. 15. Res. 16. Currus1. 17. Domus2&4. 18. Portus1. 19. Manus1. & O sails. 4. Of heaven. 5. Of delights. 6. The baths. 7. In Argos. 3. I. Vessels. 2. Of acres. To the commonwealth. 4. From masters of families. 5. O Orpheus. 6. With Edipus. 7. Of Achilles. 8. To Jupiter. 1. With pounds. 2. The morning. 3. By birth. 4. Tedious stories. 5. In the evening. 6. Of a stripe. 7. To the thigh. 8. Fears. 9. O Tempe. 10. In the place of another. 11. To chaos. 12. Wealth. 1. Of the feasts of Bacchus. 2. In Syracuse. 3. Of Jerusalem. 4. O Druids. 5. The children. 6. Of the gods. 7. To hot-baths. 8. With spoils. 9. In a camp. 1. Of a tiger. 2. To the people. 3. With the laurel. 4. Of Fidena. 5. O tree. 6. To a mediator. 7. With all kinds of provisions. 1. Tigris. 2. Plebs3. 3. Laurus2&4. 4. Fidena1 or Fidenæ1. 5. Arbor3. 6. Sequester23. 7.Penus2, 34. ADJECTIVES.* 1. Bonus puer2. 2. Eximius res. 3. Magnus regnum2. 4. Latus ager2. 5. Formosus puella'. 6. Argentum2 solidus. 7. Ignārus faber2. 8. Rupes3 altus. 9. Caput largus. 10. Justus dominus2 (acc.). 11. Arcanus sica' (acc.). 12. Sedile celsus (acc.). 13. Carus amicus2. Magnus veritas3. 15. Pravus donum2. 16. Minister2 dignus. 17. Amplus summa'. 18. Subitus letum2. 14. * An adjective agrees with a substantive in gender, number and case 5. Of a green twig. 6. Of a fertile soil. 7. To a green cloth. 8. To a swift foot. 9. To a recent crime. 10. A brave lion. 11. A short night. 12. A lofty song. 13. O deceitful prætor. 14. O cheerful day. 15. O cruel war. 16. With warlike Ancus. 17. By an easy victory. 18. With a meek disposition. 1. Fierce lions. 2. Icy winters. 3. All kinds. 4. Of the light bands. 5. Of the sweet Muses. 6. Of cheap eggs. 7. To rapacious wolves. 8. To unequal storms. 9. To great gifts. 10. Fleeting years. 11. Green snakes. 12. Empty casks. 13. O slow horses. 14. O swift hinds. 15. O cruel answers. 16. With brittle reeds. 17. In narrow houses. 18. In pleasant conversations. 1. Cruel necessity. 2. Of rich islands. 3. Gentle whispers. 4. O envious age. 5. By a noble death. 6. Of a mournful war. 7. To cruel Proserpine. 8. In a short time. 9. O deadly autumn. 10. Ancient temples. 11. Of common nature. 12. With a small part. 13. Of incredible liberality. 14. Of barbarous nations. 15. By a similar complaint. 16. With a loud voice. 17. Of human error. 18. A lasting silence. 19. Of a foolish opinion. rannus. 5. Viridis virga1. 6. Ferax solum2. 7. Viridis pannus2. 8. Velox planta'. 9. Recens scelus3. 10. Fortis leo3 (acc.). 11. Brevis nox3 (acc.). 12. Sublimis carmen3 (acc:). 13. Fallax prætor3. 14. Hilăris dies". 15. Crudelis bellum2. 16. Pugnax Ancus2. 17. Facilis victoria'. 18. Ingenium2 mitis. 1. Acer leo. 2. Glacialis hyems3. 3. Omnis genus3. 4. Levis chorus2. 5. Dulcis Camœna'. 6. Vilis ovum2. 7. Rapax lupus2. 8. Inæqualis procella'. 9. Grandis donum2. 10. Fugax annus2 (acc.). 11. Viridis colubra' (acc.). 12. Inauis dolium2 (ace.). 13. Segnis equus2. 14. Velox cerva'. 15. Atrox responsum2. 16. Fragilis calămus2. 17. Exilis domus2 & 4 18. Dulcis alloquium2. 2&4 1. Sævus necessitas3. 2. Dives insŭla'. 3. Lenis susurrus2. 4. Invidus ætas3. 5. Nobilis letum2. 6. Bellum2 lachrymōsus. 7.Sævus Proserpina'. 8. Brevis tempus3. 9. Lethĭfer autumnus 10. Vetus templum2 (acc.). 11. Commúnis natura'. 12. Pars3 exiguus. 13. Incredibilis liberalitas3. 14. Barbărus gens3. 15. Similis querela1. 16. Magnus vox3. 17. Error3 humanus. 18. Diuturnus silentium2. 19. Opinio3 stultus. 5. 1. Frequent conversations. 2. The swift Moors. 3. A joyful mind. 4. To lofty towers. With a sweet sound. 6. Of warlike praises. 7. To an ancient king. 8. In a heavy chariot. 9. With black eyes. 10. In a poor house. 11. The swift winds. 12. With a suppliant hand. 13. In a fertile region. 14. With equal loss. 15. A teachable boy. 1. Of one god. 2. Two comedies. 3. Three rooms. 4. With ten soldiers. 5. Two hundred trees. 6. Of twenty nights. 7. In five months. 8. To the eleventh boy. 9. In the sixth year. 10. The second king. 11. In the thousandth legion. the second oration. fiftieth rule. 12. Of 13. By the 9. 1. Of a milder disposition. 2. With a firmer step. 3. Of a dearer friend. 4. The pleasantest words. 5. The severest misfortunes. 6. Of worse ages. 7. With a less weight. 8. More winters. With greater heaps. 10. The next summer. 11. Of the first complaints. 12. With the greatest wisdom. 13. The least virtue. 14. To a most excellent man. 15. The hither Spain. 16. To the last labour. 1. Of the lowest places. 2. The ripest seeds. 3. To the most wonderful power. 4. Of a most worth less man. 5. The last age. 6. In the next year. 7. Of a most famous temple. 8. The most sacred laws. 9. Of a most deserving life. 1. Creber sermo3. 2. Celer Maurus2. 3. Lætus anĭmus2. 4. Celsus turris3. 5. Dulcis sonus2. 6. Bellicus laus3. 7. Antiquus rex3. 8. Gravis currus1. 9. Niger oculus2. 10. Inops domus24. 11. Celer ventus2 12. Supplex manus1. 13. Uber regio3. 14. Par damnum2. 15. Docilis puer2. 1. Unus deus2. 2. Duo comœdia'. 3. Tres conclave3. 4. Decem miles. 5. Ducenti arbor3. 6. Viginti nox3. 7. Quinque mensis3. 8. Undecimas puer2. 9. Sextus annas2. 10. Secundus rex3. 11. Millesimus legio3. 12. Secundus oratio3. 13. Quinquagesimus regula1. 1. Mitis animus2. 2. Firmus gradus. 3. Carus. amicus2. 4. Jucundus verbum2. 5. Gravis casus1. 6. Malus sæculum2. 7. Parvus pondus3. 8. Multus hyems. 9. Magnus acervus2. 10. Propior æstas. 11. Prior querela'. 12 Supěrus prudentia'. 13. Parvus virtus3. 14. Vir. bonus. 15. Hispania' citer (comp.). 16. Exter labor3. 1. Inferus locus2. 2. Matūrus semen. 3. Mirificus potentia'. 4. Nequam homo. 5. Ulterior ætas3. 6. Propior annus2. 7. Inclỹtus templum. 8. Sacer jus (acc.). 9. Meritus vita'. PRONOUN. 3. Of 1. Of me. 2. To thee. themselves. 4. With me. 5. With us. 6. With themselves. 7. For himself. 8. With thee. 9. With you. 10. Of us. 11. Of you. 12. For itself. 13. For herself. 14.0 thou. 15. Themselves. 16. Tome. 1. To him. 2. That woman. 3. Of that man. 4. To these tears. 5. To this man. 6. Of her. 7. Those things. 8. My book. 9. Omy Paris. 10. By thy fault. 11. Of our army. 12. By your fault. 13. Philosophers of our own country. 1. For my own sake. 2. Thou thyself. 3. With these eyes. 4. Of this province. 5. Of the same kind. 6. Of the same opinion. 7. By the same way. 8. In some place. 9. Some woman. 10. In whatsoever land. 11. Of some cities. 10. Opimus præda'. 11. Diuturnus commoratio3. 12. Flebilis fortuna'. 13. Arcanus crimen3. 14. Regālis animus2. 15. Propinquus amicus2. 1. Ille. 2. Ille. 3. Ille vir. 4. Hic lachryma. 5. Hic. 6. Is. 7. Is. 8. Meus liber. 9. Meus Paris. 10. Tuus culpa. 11. Noster exercitus. 12. Vester culpa. 13. Nostras philosophus. 1. Meâpte causa (abl.). 2. Tute. 3. Hicce oculus. 4. Hicce provincia. 5. Ejusmodi. 6. Idem sen tentia. 7. Idem via. 8. Aliquis locus. 9. Quidam fœmina. 10. Quicunque terra. 11. Quidam urbs. |