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Thou art accustomed to forget nothing but injuries. Regardless both of his own dignity and the safety of his friends. How well I recollect the words, the voice, and the countenance of thy great sire Anchises !

Wherefore all, forgetting their wives and children, and their distant warfare, regarded the Persian gold and the riches of the whole East as now their own plunder; nor did they think of the war and the dangers, but of these riches.

I shall never be sorry to remember Eliza while I have any remembrance of myself, while a soul shall actuate these limbs.

Obliviscor nihil soleo nisi injuria acc. Oblitus decusque gen. suus sociusque salus gen. Ut recordor verbum acc. et vox acc. vultusque acc. parens (Anchisa) magnus!

Quippe oblitus omnis conjux gen. liberique gen. et longinquus gen. a domus militia gen. duco impf. Persicus aurum et totus Oriens opes jam quasi suus præda acc.: nec bellum gen., pericălumque gen., sed divitiæ gen. memini plup.

Nec (me pigēbit) memini Elissa gen. dum memor ipse nom. ego gen., dum spiritus hic rego3




They do not remember death (gen.). I shall forget that night (gen.). God himself commands thee to remember death (gen.). A good man should forget all injuries (gen.). (He wished vellet) to forget the old (affront contumelia). He advised the Ædui, that they should forget their quarrels (gen.) and dissensions (gen.). But if he should determine to continue the war (abl.), he should remember the old disaster (gen.) of the Roman people, and (the former pristine) valour (gen.) of the Helvetii. Dion (gained potītus est) the whole (gen.) of that part of Sicily. The Romans gained the standards (gen.) and arms (gen.).

Advised, cohortātus; quarrels, controversia: but if, sin; determine, persevēro; continue, persequor; disaster, incommodum; valour, virtus : standards, signum.


1. Multus (acc. plur.) admoneo. 2. Prout quis

1. We are warned of many things. 2. According as every

[blocks in formation]

Take away this grief from me, or at least lessen it. Many, flying from their territories, trusted themselves, and all their effects, to strangers.

Since one is favourable for corn, the other for wine. Let fields and streams gliding in the valleys delight me. May I court the rivers and the woods inglori


How I feared, lest the realms of Libya might injure thee! I, indeed, name nobody, nor can any one be angry with me, without previously owning himself guilty.

L. Otho, a brave man, my friend, has restored to the equestrian order, not only their dignity, but also their pleasure. We must take care that our bounty hurts not those very men to whom we shall seem to be bountiful.

But all things were ever dearer to her than decency and chastity. Thou couldst not easily discern whether she was less sparing of her money or of her reputation.

The Athenians gave up to the same Miltiades a fleet of seventy ships, that he might follow up in war the islands which had assisted the barbarians.

For he [Alcibiades] was a very great commander both by sea and land; and such was the plausibleness of his elocution and

Eripio ego dat. hic dolor, aut minuo saltem. Multus ex suus finis egressus, sui suusque neut. plur. omnis neut. plur. alienissimus credo perf.

Alter fem. frumentum plur. quoniam faveo, alter fem. Bacchus. Rus plur. ego et riguus placeo in vallis amnis. Flumen amo, silvaque inglorius nom.

Quàm metuo, ne (quid) Libya tu regnum noceo! Ego autem nemo nomino, quare irascor ego neme possum fut., nisi qui antè de sui volo (voluerit) confiteor inf.


L. Otho, vir fortis, meus necessarius, equestris ordo restituo non solùm dignitas, sed etiam luptas. (Videndum est) ne obsum subj. benignitas is ipse, qui benignè (videbitur) fio inf.

Sed omnis semper carus is, quàm decus atque pudicitia sum (fuit.) Haud facilè discerno minùs par co impf. subj. pecunia an fama.

Classis septuaginta navis Athenienses idem Miltiades dedo3, ut bellum persequor insula qui barbărus acc. plur. adjūvo.

Namque imperator sum perf. summus mare et terra; et tantus sum impf. commendatio OS atque

language, that, in haranguing, no one was able to withstand him.

For when they understood that he [Alcibiades] could be very serviceable to the commonwealth, they banished him from the state, and attended more to their own resentment than to the common interest.

He seized the citadel of the town, which is called Cadmea, at the instigation of a few Thebans, who, that they might the more easily resist the opposite faction, favoured the interest of the Lacedemonians.

But thou, O mariner, spare not, as an ill-natured man, to give a small quantity of light sand to my bones and unburied head.

It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country. But death pursues the man who flies; nor spares the legs of tender youth, nor the cowardly back.

Provided he can raise a laugh for himself, he will not spare any friend; and whatever he once scribbles upon paper, he is restless [that] all the boys and old women about the town* shall know it.

But the Triballi meet Philip returning from Scythia.

oratio, ut nemo is (dicendo) possum impf. subj. resisto.

Nam cùm intelligo impf. subj. sui plurimùm prosum (prodesse) respublica, ex is ejicio perf. inf., (plusque) ira suus, quàm utilitas publicus pareo perf. inf.

Occupo arx oppidum, qui Cadmea nomino, impulsus (impulsu) abl. perpaucus Thebāni, qui adversarius factio (quo) faciliùs resisto impf. subj.. Lacon res dat. studeo impf.

At tu, nauta, ne parco malignus nom. do particŭla vagus arēna os et caput inhumātus.

Dulcis et decorus sum pro patria morior3 & 4. Mors et persequor fugax vir; nec parco poples imbellis juventa, timidusque tergum.

Dummodo excutio risus sui, non (hic) parco quisque amicus; et quicunque neut. semel charta plur. illino fut. subj., gestio fut. et puer et anus (redeuntes) a furnus la

cusque scio.

Sed Triballi occurThey ro Philippus revertens ab

* Literally, all the boys and old women returning from the bakehouse or fountain, or from drawing water; i. e. the crowd.

would not grant a passage, unless they received a part of the spoil. Upon this [arose] a quarrel, and soon after a battle, in which Phili was so much wounded in his thigh, that his horse was killed through his body.

I envy not indeed the good fortune or condition of any citizen or fellow soldier; nor do I wish, by depressing another, to exalt myself.

Instantly from the crowd, which was in the Comitium, a lamentable clamour was raised, and they stretched forth their hands towards the senate-house, begging that they would restore to them their children, their brethren, their relatives.

Shall I ransom you? when ye ought to sally forth from your camp, ye hesitate, and remain there; when it is necessary to stay and defend your camp with arms, ye surrender the camp, your arms, and yourselves to the enemy. Conscript Fathers, I no more vote for ransoming those men, than for delivering up to Hannibal the others, who forced their way out of the camp through the midst of the enemies, and, by the greatest exertions of valour, restored themselves to their country.

Scythia: (negant se daturos) transitus, ni portio accipio pres. subj. præda. Hinc jurgium, et mox prælium, in qui ita in femur vulnero perf. Philippus, ut equus per corpus is interficio impf. subj.

Haud equidem invideo fortuna aut conditio ullus civis et commilito; nec premendusalius volopres.subj. ego acc. effero perf. inf.

Extemplo ab is turba, qui in Comitium sum, clamor flebīlis suffero perf. pass., manusque ad Curia tendo impf. orans, ut sui reddo liberi, frater, cognātus.

Tu redimo? cùm (oportet) erumpo castra, cunctor ac maneo; cùm (necesse est) maneo, castra tutor arma; et castra et arma et tu ipse trado hos

tis. tos

Ego non magis (isredimendos), Pater Conscriptus, censeo, quàm ille dedendus acc. plur. Hannibal, qui per medius hostis e castra erumpo ac per summus virtus restituo sui patria.


Let the woods please us before all [things]. And rich cheese was pressed (impf. subj.) for the ungrateful city. The shades hurt the corn. We often compare small [things] with great. Here he first gave an answer to me (a suppliant

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