"GOD of his Mercy, and special Favour to"wards them, whom he hath appointed to everlafting Salvation, hath so offer'd his Grace " especially, and they have fo received it fruitfully, that although, by reason of their finful "Living outwardly, they feemed before to have "been the Children of Wrath, and Perdition, yet now the Spirit of GOD, nightily working " in them unto Obedience to GOD's Will and "Commandment, they declare by their outward "Deeds of Life, in the shewing Mercy, and Cha"rity (which cannot come but of the Spi"rit of GOD, and his especial Grace) that they "are the undoubted Children of GOD." Hom. of Alms-deeds, part 2. "Let us earnestly pray to the living GOD our "heavenly Father, that he will vouchsafe by his "Holy Spirit, to work a true, and unfeigned Repentance in us." Hom. of Repentance, part 1. "True is the Saying of Bede, where the Holy "Ghost doth inftruct and teach, there is no De" lay at all in Learning." Hom. for Witsunday, part 1. "This Wifdom cannot be attained, but by the "Direction of the Spirit of GOD." Hom. for Ro"gation Week, part 3. The Holy Ghost is the Schoolmaster of Truth, "which leadeth his Scholars (as our Saviour "faith) into all Truth. Reason inust give Place "to GOD's Holy Spirit." Hom. on Information of the Scriptures. "It is evident and plain to all Men, that "the Holy Ghost was given, not only to the A"postles, but also to the whole Body of Christ's "Congregation; although not in like Form, and "Majefty, as he came down at the Feast of Pen"tecoft." Hom. for Witsunday, Part 2. In the Passages here recited, (one would think) was enough faid to convince all Men, what the Church believes; yet because we need Precept upon Precept, and Line upon Line, that we might be fully perfuaded, I will yet add more of the Churches Doctrine, and Faith, out of the Book of Common Prayer. After the general Confeffion, the Minifter faith, "Wherefore let us befeech him to grant " us true Repentance, and his Holy Spirit." In the Exhortation, in the Office of Commination is written, "He is ready to receive us, and "most willing to pardon us---if we follow him " in Lowliness, Patience, and Charity, and be or"dered by the Governance of his Holy Spirit." At the Lord's Supper, the Minifter faith, "If " with a true, penitent Heart, and lively Faith, "we receive this holy Sacrament, we spiritually "eat the Flesh of Christ, and drink his Blood, "then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us. We " are one with Christ, and Christ with us." This alfo is an Anfwer in the Catechism, "I "believe in GOD the Holy Ghost, who fanctifieth me, and all the elect People of GOD." The fixteenth Article faith, "After we have "received the Holy Gholt, we may depart from "Grace given, and fall into Sin, and by the "Grace of GOD, we may rife again, and amend " our Lives." The Seventeenth Article begins thus, " Prede"stination to Life, is the everlasting Purpose of "GOD, whereby (before the Foundations of the "World were laid) he hath conftantly decreed, " by his Counsel (fecret to us) to deliver from "Curfe, and Damnation, those whom he hath "chofen in Christ out of Mankind, and to bring, "them by Christ, to everlasting Salvation, as "Veffels C5 "Vessels made to Honour. Wherefore they "which be endued with so excellent a Benefit "of GOD, be called according to GOD's Pur"pote by his Spirit, working in due Seafon. They thro' Grace obey the Calling, they be "juftified freely, they be made Sons of GOD, " by Adoption, &c. The thirteenth Article begins thus, "Works "done before the Grace of Christ, and the In" fpiration of his Spirit, are not pleasant to "GOD." In the Collect for all Conditions of Men, are these Words, "More especially we pray for the "good Estate of the Catholick Church, that it " may be guided and govern'd by thy good Spi"rit; thar all who profess, and call themselves "Christians, may be led into the Way of Truth, " and hold the Faith, in Unity of the Spirit." "Send down upon our Bishops, and Curates, " and all Congregations committed to their Charge * the healthful Spirit of thy Grace." Prayer for the Clergy and People. " So replenish him with the Grace of thy Ho"ly Spirit, that he may always incline to thy "Will." Prayer for the King. "Endue them with thy Holy Spirit, enrich "them with thy Grace." Prayer for the Royal Family. "That it may please thee to endue us " with the Grace of thy Holy Spirit, to amend " our Lives according to thy holy Word." Litany. "Grant that we being regenerate, and made " thy Children by Adoption and Grace: may "daily be renewed by the Holy Spirit." Col. for Christmas. Grant F "Grant, O Lord, that in all our Sufferings " here upon Farth, for the Testimony of thy "Truth, we may ftedfastly look up to Heaven, " and by Faith behold the Glory that shall be " revealed, and being filled with the Holy Ghost may learn to love, and bless our Perfecutors!" Col. for St. Stephen's Day. "Grant us the true Circumcifion of the Spi"rit." Col. for the Circumcifion. "Send thy Holy Ghost, and pour into our "Hearts, that most excellent Gift of Charity, c.” Col. for Quinquagefima. " Give us Grace to use such Abstinence, that' "the Flesh being fubdued to the Spirit, we " may ever obey thy godly Motions, in Righte" ousness and true Holiness." Col. first Sunday in Lent. "Grant to us thy humble Servants, that by "thy holy Inspiration, we may think thofe "Things that be good, and by thy merciful "guiding may perform the fame." Col. for the fifth Sunday after Easter. "We befeech thee to leave us not comfortless, but " send to us thine Holy Ghost, to comfort us, and " exalt us to the fame Place, whither our Savi" our Christ is gone before." Col. Sunday after Afcenfion. "GOD, who at this Time didst teach the "Hearts of thy faithful People, by the fending " to them the Light of thy Holy Spirit, grant " us by the fame Spirit, to have a right Judg" ment in all Things, and evermore to rejoice in " his holy Comfort." Col. for Whitsunday. "Grant to us, Lord, we beseech thee, the Spi"rit, to think and do always fuch Things as " be right." Col. for the ninth Sunday after Trinity. "OGOD, forasmuch as without Thee, we "are not able to please thee, mercifully grant, "that thy Holy Spirit may in all Things direct " and rule our Hearts." Col. for nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. "Cleanfe the Thoughts of our Heart by the "Inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may " perfectly love thee." Col. in the Communion. "Inspire continually the universal Church with "the Spirit of Truth, Unity, and Concord." Prayer for Christ's Church Militant. "Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat "the Flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to " drink his Blood, that we may evermore dwell " in him, and he in us." Prayer before Confecration. "We befeech thee, for thine infinite Mercies, " that thou wilt mercifully look upon these thy "Servants, wash them, and fanctify them with "the Holy Ghost." Also again, "Give thy Holy "Spirit to these Perfons, that they may be born a ag in, and be made Heirs of everlasting SalvaGrant that all carnal Affections may die " in them, and that all Things belonging to the "Spirit may live, and grow in them." Prayers in the Office of Baptism of those of riper Years. "tion. 66 Almighty and everlasting God, who hath "vouchsafed to regenerate thele Perfons by Water and the Holy Ghost, and haft given unto "them Forgiveness of all their Sins, strengthen "them, we beteech thee, O Lord, with the Holy "Ghost, the Comforter: Daily increase in them "thy manifold Gifts of Grace; the Spirit of "Wifdom and Understanding; the Spirit of "Counfel, and ghoftly Strength; the Spirit of "Knowledge and true Godliness; and fll them, "O Lord, with the spirit of thy holy Fear, now " and |