M. Yes, and there shall never be another. P. Who sent thee? M. God spake to John Reeve, and he spoke to me. P. Is that all thou hast to produce, only J. R's word for it? to this he avoided. Again, P. Thou sayest, God did not create the earth and the heavens, he only fathomed them; making them co-eternal with God; but Moses said he did: let me see a Bible! M. Moses put the cart before the horse. (This I bore for the next question's sake.) P. Paul the Apostle, who also wrote, by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, saith, God created all things, or made them; and the world is a great part of all things: besides, if it was before he made it, in this sense, must it not be God? since nothing which is uncreated can be a creature? M. If Paul were living, I would have reproved him for that: come not here to dispute, but believe; I say it, that's enough. P. Canst thou reprove the Holy Ghost; for he spake by it? M. Yes. P. That's Blasphemy; besides, if thou say'st it, must I therefore believe it, because thou say'st it? At this he grew enrag'd; and but for an Acquaintance by, and a Friend of his, I had doubtless been cursed at that time. The next time I came (with a friend in company,) I found him sitting by the chimney corner, quaffing with some of his followers and benefactors, as what we saw before us did evidence. My first salute was thus: P. How is it, Lodowick? methinks thou look'st, with thy old thread-bare black suit, like a sequestered begging priest. M. I am a priest. P. Art thou! Of what order? P. Aaron? where be thy bells, then? M. I have them in the mystery. P. Mystery? for shame, don't talk of a mystery; for there was some such thing that did belong to that order, things were altogether external, typical, and figurative : methinks this were enough to shew, that thou art no wayes concerned in any christian commission, who art not a Priest after the order of Melchisedeck, but Aaron, whose priesthood is at an end, as said the Apostle to the Hebrews, chap. vii. so that thou hast unchristianized thy whole commission, and brings it under the law of a carnal commandment, and, therefore, has no part nor portion in the power of an endless life, as saith the same Apostle. He interrupted. M. Have a care, life and death's before thee, therefore chuse life and live, &c. P. But, Lodowick, thou pretendest to know the dimensions of God, how high may he be? M. Betwixt your height and his (meaning a friend then present.) P. O, abominable! Well, L. Muggleton, God will blast thee for ever, thou presumptuous and blasphemous wretch, if thou turnest not from thy wickedness; with much more. M. Thou shalt be damned, God has decreed thou shalt be damned; thou art of the seed of the serpent. P. Why, then, didst thou set life and death before me, just now, (saying, thou hadst more mind I should be saved, than any of the Quakers,) if I am ordained to be damned? Is it not great deceit, to exhort a man to choose what he cannot have, though he bid for it; and to refuse that which he is unable to avoid? But, Muggleton, I will not say, that I serve such a God; no, my God never ordained thee to be damned, whether thou wert well or ill; this destroys all rewards and punishments, and makes evil and good unavoidable. M. I would not give a pinn for that. God which would save us both, now I have damn'd thee. P. Why dost thou talk of a God; for thou say'st, Thy God can dye; did the Immortal God ever cease to be! M. I would not give a rush for that God which can't dye. P. I say, thou and thy God shall to the pit, from whence ye came, where is death and darkness for ever : how can God cease to be, and yet be God : since, if he cease, every thing that remained in being must have been greater, since, below ceasing to be, is nothing? But suppose this nonsense and blasphemies; how rose he again? M. God left Elias with power. P. Then Elias was greater than God; for that which raiseth is greater than that which is raised; but if the power never dyed, the power was God, and that which dyed, not God: O hellish impudence and blasphemy! O Muggleton, thy end will be destruction. M. W. P. I say thou art a damned devil; remember Thomas Loe, who was the wickedest devil that ever I knew, who never went out of his bed after I curs'd him. under my feet; P. Thy curses are Thomas Loe was known to be an infirm man in his natural constitution, (as well as by P. Is that enough for one that pretends M. He writ me a curse, and he writ a very good hand too; but for all that, he was a damned devil, and thou, W. P. are as arrant a devil as he, and you shall be damn'd together. P. Lodowick, in this thou hast told another lye; for it was an apprentice that writ it where is thy unerring spirit now, thou vile impostor? And for being devils and damned together, God rebuke thee; only this know, that I am willing to go where he went; and whither we go, thou canst not come, without great and unfeigned repentance. M. Just so, many of you Quakers have dyed after my curse; among others, William Smith. P. This is another notorious lye; for the man is yet living: Well, Muggleton, God will reckon with thee for all thy wickedness. M. Thou art a cheat and a deceiver. P. (My friend spoke.) G. W. Muggleton, have a care what thou sayest! for though it is our religion, to forgive injuries; The Whale.-If among the perilous and adventurous occupations of a sea life, there is onel requiring more energy, activity, skill, courage, and patient endurance than another, it is when man, in a fragile skiff, comparatively a nutshell, defies and attacks in his own element the mighty monarch of the ocean, one of the fiercest and most active of all the finny tribes, the sperm whale. This enormous creature, as much a fish of prey as the shark, measures nearly eighty feet in length, and from thirty to forty in cir cumference; the head, shaped like a huge box rounded at the corners, and rising a little towards the neck, in some species forming nearly one-half of the whole. The tail, moved with as much facility as the whip of a wagoner, is horizontal, and from eighteen to twenty-four feet in breadth; while a tremendous lower jaw, from twenty-five to thirty in length, thickly studded with conical, curved teeth, ten or twelve inches long, is moved as adroitly as the tail, and both, when running on his side, with a power that would crush a ship, and a noise like thunder. To these irresistible faculties he possesses the agility of the salmon, leaping from the water, and-as in the instance of the unfortunate American South-seaman in 1821-falling on the decks of ships with a weight capable of shattering or sinking the largest. This redoubtable animal wars not only with many other fish, but with some of the more peaceable of its own species, pursuing, attacking, and with its long sharp teeth tearing the flesh from the carcases of many of the whale-tribe.-Naval Adventures by Lieut. Bowers. Stars.-There is in general no difference in the telescopic appearance of fixed stars, except what arises from difference of magnitude, brilliancy, and variety of colour. Aldebaran and Antares are red stars, Lyra and Spica Virginis are beautifully white. Bellatrix and Betelgeux, in the shoulders of Orion, present a remarkable contrast of colour: Bellatrix is white, and Betelgeux of a fiery scintillating lustre. Some are orange, others ruddy purple, yellow, and crimson. Insulated stars, of a red colour, almost as deep as that of blood, occur in many parts of the heavens a most remarkable instance is one of an intense ruby red, varying to scarlet. Sirius is of a bluish white, and the most splendid fixed star in the yet, perhaps, his friends would question heavens.-Time's Telescope for 1834. thee, and make thee prove it. M. I care not a curse for him, nor his friends, nor the greatest man in England. P. Thy black mouth is no slander; but know, Muggleton, that from my youth I have sought God, and dared not willingly to abuse a worm, and, as my friend has said, thou knowest there are laws other people make use of to vindicate their credit by, but I forgive thee; thereby thou may'st know the difference betwixt our Gods and our religions: thou revilest, and passest curses upon me,-I freely forgive thee. M. I care not a curse for you, nor the laws neither. This, with many more unsavoury foul expressions fell from his mouth, He also affirmed, That God never gave a law, but to devils; and that Moses and the Israelites were so. I asked him, if he received a law? He said, Yes. I asked him, for Skeletons discovered.-In July last, at Sizanne, in the department of the Maine, twelve skeletons were discovered, in the slope of a small hill, and only four feet below the surface of the earth. They were separated from each other by a line of rude and unwrought stone. The head of each was covered by a flat stone. Each skeleton had a brass collar round the neck; and by the side of the hip-bone, where the arms had lain, was a strong ring of brass, which opened like the antique bracelets. The first of the row had by his side a straight two-edged sword, but none of the others had arms. No coins, or any article bearing any inscription, from which any light on the date of these human remains was discovered, was seen near them.-French Paper. Past and Present Prices. It has been said, and will be said again, Why all this fuss about cheap food, seeing that we have it cheaper now than we had twenty years ago? And we answer the question thus -Twenty years ago, the quartern loaf, it is true, was ten-pence halfpenny, and now it is only eightpence halfpenny; but as the currency of the country (by the account of the land advocates) has fluctuated full thirty per cent since then, it follows that sixpence three-farthings now, would be the corresponding price with ten-pence halfpenny in 1813; whereas we pay eight pence halfpenny. The difference shews that we pay higher for our bread than we did then; which is not to be wondered at, considering that, although children multiply, acres do not; and that the population of the present day are required to subsist upon the same growth of food that was had by the population of 1813.-Corn Law Magazine. Expense of Living on the Continent.-As to the expense of living in different towns on the continent for a single person, at the first-rate inns, bed and board, annually, faring sumptuously every day, and including every expense whatever, I take it to be nearly as follows in pounds sterling:-Florence, 1007. Carlsruhe, 1207. Weimar, Elberfeldt, Cassel, Dusseldorf, Gottingen, Geneva, 1251. Leghorn, Darmstadt, Manheim, 1301. Utrecht, Heilbronn, 1407. Paris, Rome, Turin, Spa, Milan, Heidelberg, 1501. Rotterdam, Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle, 1607. Naples, Coblentz, 1701. Amsterdam, Kehl, 180l. Frankfort, 2007. Calais, 3007. I have not the least doubt a person going to these places, and making an agreement before hand to remain some months, would be boarded for one-half of the sums mentioned, and for still less if he went into private lodgings.-Reminiscences of an Old Traveller. Diffusion of Light.-The clouds obscure a great part of the sun's light, but they are never so dense as to obstruct it altogether. The light of the sun, when it strikes upon the particles of moisture forming the clouds, is diffused through their whole mass; therefore the light we receive on cloudy days, instead of coming in parallel rays directly from the sun, is diffused among the vapours in the air, which thus become a great reservoir of light, and transmit it to the earth in various directions. Even on the clearest day, a great portion of the light from the sun is diffused by the vapours of the atmosphere. It is this diffusion of the light that produces the bright appearance of the sky. It is also to the diffusion of light by the vapours of the atmosphere that we are indebted for the twilight that ushers in the day, and cheers its departure. In a perfectly transparent atmosphere we should be left in darkness the instant the sun was set; but the clouds and vapours reflect the sun's diffused light, long after he is below the horizon, and during the summer months spread a genial twilight throughout the night.-Philosophical Conversations. The Crocodile's tooth-picker.-I have frequently seen on the banks of the Nile a bird about the size of a dove, or perhaps rather larger, of handsome plumage, and making a twittering when on the wing. It has a peculiar motion of the head, as if nodding to some one near it, at the same time turning to the right and left, and making its congé twice or thrice before its departure; a mark of politeness I never before met with in any of the feathered tribe. I was told that it was called Suksaque, or Suk-sack, and that tradition had assigned to it the habit of entering the mouth of the crocodile, when basking in the sun on a sandbank, for the purpose of picking away what might be adhering to his teeth. This being done, it gives the crocodile a hint of its wish to depart. The reptile immediately opens its jaws, and permits its animated tooth pick to fly away.-Madox's Travels. Kangaroo Island.-In the French voyage of discovery, by Messrs. Peron and Freycinet, we find the following account of these interesting animals, then little known or disturbed by Europeans. "No traces of the abode of man are to be observed here, and we saw but three species of the mammalia; one of these belongs to the handsome genus dasyurus; the other two are new species, and appear to be the largest of the kangaroo tribe. Many of these animals are here of the height of a man, and more when, sitting on their hind legs and tail, they hold their body erect. From the favourable circumstance of the absence of every enemy, these large quadrupeds have multiplied very considerably in this island; they associate there in large herds. In some spots which they are in the habit of frequenting regularly, the earth is so trodden, that not a blade of herbage remains. Large pathways opening into the heart of the woods, abut upon the sea-shore from every part of the interior; these paths, which cross in every direction, are throughout firmly beaten; one might be led to suppose at first sight, that the vicinity must be inhabited by a numerous and active population. This abundance of kangaroos, rendering the chase as easy as productive, we were enabled to procure twentyseven, which we carried on board our ship alive, independent of those which were killed and eaten by the crew. This valuable acquisition cost us neither ammunition nor labour; one single dog was our purveyor: trained by the English fishermen to this description of chase, he pursued the kangaroos, and having overtaken them, he immediately killed them by tearing the carotid arteries.-Voyage de Découvertes. Settlements in Greece. Many Englishmen have made purchases of land in Greece, and among them Sir Pulteney Malcolm, who has bought a very fine estate in the environs of Athens. The admiral has also built a very large house, which he has since sold to king Otho, and with the money has bought the seven islands-called the Petales, to the south-west of Euboea. A great number of Maltese have entered Greece as artisans and agriculturists. This is a great advantage, as Greece was much in want of such men. -Suabian Mercury. Literary Notices. Just Published. Part 60 of the National Portrait Gallery, with Memoirs of Sir John Soane; Sir Thomas Hardy; and Samuel Crompton. 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