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The Chairman then opened the business, by stating that the Secretary would read the Report.

The Rev. J. Blackburn read the Report, from which it appeared that the Society had seventy associations, including 1,574 visitors, who, twice a month, entered the abodes of 37,630 families, to lend religious tracts. Local prayer-meetings were maintained. There were eighty, attended by nearly 3,000 of the neighbouring poor. The visitors had distributed 545 copies of the Scriptures; had induced 2,200 children to seek admission to Sabbath and other schools; and had obtained charitable assistance for nearly 1,500 cases of distress. The stock loan libraries were 48, each containing 50 volumes of practical theology. The Committee had felt a lively solicitude in the behalf of the many poor foreigners who annually took up their abode in this metropolis, and has engaged Dr. Giustiniani to visit them. With respect to the funds, H. R, H. the Duchess of Kent had favoured the Society with a donation of ten guineas. Joseph Trueman had presented a second donation of £50; and £40 had been received as the produce of a sermon by the Rev. J. Parsons.

By the Treasurer's accounts, it appears, that there was a balance of £125. 8s. 2d. against the Society.

The Rev. J. Young, of Albion Chapel, in moving the first resolution, professed himself unable to comprehend the structure of that Christian's mind and heart, to whom this Society did not at once approve itself. Whenever they thought of its simplicity, its economy, and its efficacy-of its visitors, its tracts, its preaching stations, or its prayer meetings, they might surely defy the most captious or cold-hearted to withhold their admiration. He could say nothing of the clearness with which the Report had been prepared, but he congratulated the Society in its advance in the accomplishing so vast an amount of good. A new order of agency had been called forth and originated by this institution. It was a discovery of but a few years' standing. There was a sort of spiritual charm, of holy necromancy, connected with it. It had called into being 37,000 individuals, who were before as good as dead; as if, by the touch of some mighty magician, they had sprung forth, their slumbering energies had been awoke, and they now became a delightful band, under an illustrious leader, animated with the same zeal, and all resolved to lay prostrate the kingdom of darkness and ungodliness. The humblest disciple was elevated to the position of a fellow-worker with God, and was made an instrument in saving the ignorant and the lost. Every triumph of the Society was the nucleus of further benefits. The individuals brought to the knowledge of the truth were not only so many gained to Christ and lost to Satan, but became the 2D. SERIES, NO. 42.-VOL. IV.

means of rescuing others, and swelled the ranks of the army destined to overthrow the kingdom of darkness and establish the kingdom of Christ. The Society was unostentatious its means might by some be deemed almost despicable; but it was in that circumstance that they had the strongest security of success. They were under the influence of God. The humble Christian visitor, with his little tract in his hand, was in himself miserably accoutred for removing the ignorance of the human heart, and making an impression on the kingdom of Satan; but he went forth, exulting in the promise," Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord!" It was too late to say there was no need of such a Society in this, the most religious city in the world, as it is called. The prisons, the haunts of vice, and the gin-shops gave forth another voice. Let the wicked, of all the various hues and orders, speak :-let the multitude who spent the day of sacred rest in recreations, amusements, and vice; let the hundreds of thousands who were as ignorant as the very heathen, speak-ah! let the very opposition with which the institution had often been met, speak! And what tidings would they proclaim?


was it that the blasphemer and infidel had, in several instances, attempted to interrupt the proceedings of the Society, but because they knew that there was a party standing upon the very arena that they had hitherto occupied, and were contending with them for that very class of society they had been accustomed to call their own? There was one part of the Report to which he could not help alluding. One of the most touching passages in the Old Testament was that in which the Israelites were commanded not to oppress the stranger, because they were strangers in the land of Egypt. God was the stranger's shield-the stranger's help. The meeting would sympathize with him in expressing the fulness of his heart towards the honoured individual mentioned in the Report, (Dr. Giustiniani,) who, through trials and persecutions, had been brought from the darkness of popery to the liberty of the children of God. God bless him, and cause His countenance to shine upon him, and give him peace. Dr. Giustiani was the representative of the Society to foreigners residing in this country from France, Germany, Italy, and Poland-of those who came from the birthplace of the glorious Tell, and from Hungary, the land of the more glorious martyrs, Jerome and Huss. For oppressed, mangled, bleeding Poland, there seemeth no hope but in that kingdom where the voice of the oppressor is heard no more. Their chairman knew the elevation on which Britain stood, for he had contributed to it; to his exertions it was owing that Britain had washed her hands of slavery. The Chairman's name would descend with the 2 P 186.-VOL. X

of the sainted Wilberforce to the latest posterity, emblazoned with patriotism, and encircled with the gratitude of millions. (cheers.)

The Rev. Dr. Heugh, of Glasgow seconded the resolution. It used to be thought here and in his own country that the ignorant, the irreligious, and the careless should be left to the attention of the ministers of the gospel, or rather to the functionaries of the Establishment; and that private members of the Christian community had nothing to do but to look on. That feeling was greatly changed. It was felt to be matter of Divine obligation, that they also must make peculiar exertions. He trusted that this feeling would become universal. There were two classes of argument that had great weight in the north, and could not fail to have influence in the south. The one was derived from general principles, the other directly from the Bible. As truly as they were bound to love the Lord their God with all their heart, they were bound to love their neighbour as themselves. They were called upon to do what they could individually for the temporal and spiritual interests of those around them. With respect to express Bible authority, he did not merely refer to the Divine approbation, but to the covenant of promise made by God to the church. The promise to which he alluded was, 'They shall not teach every man his neighbour, but all shall know the Lord, from the least to the greatest." He saw no limit to the good which this Society was fitted to achieve.


The Rev. J. E. Giles moved the second resolution. He contended that the Society had peculiar claims to support, arising from the present moral state of the public mind. There was an activity pervading that mindmen readily interchanged their ideas and sentiments-combination of purpose was the leading feature of the day. He saw the daring attempts to grasp the helm of opinion made by men whose design was to advance their selfish interests-but he could not hear a loud call to the exercise of Christian watchfulness - Christian prayerfulness Christian exertion! But the church of Christ must either advance or recede: if religion were to close her eyes but for a moment, that interval would be employed in tearing down the hedges, in rooting up the protection, and in taking possession of the field she occupied. They must not look backthey must not stand still-they must go on, conquering and to conquer. He had had the happiness of introducing four persons into the Christian church in consequence of the agents of this Society. One of them had been snatched from confirmed infidelity. The system of combination now existing in this country was destructive to vital godliness he feared, that, unless they were counteracted, they would overturn the foundation of peace and order.

Dr. Giustiniani seconded the resolution. When he looked around him, he felt a thrill of sacred joy pervading his own breast. When he read in the Bible those blessed words, "Go out quickly, and bring in the poor, the maimed, the halt, and the blind:" when he was assured that there was joy in the presence of the angels of God by the conversion of one sinner; and when he listened to the facts contained in the Report, he must cry, with Peter, "It is good to be here!" The meeting had awakened in his heart feelings of gratitude by the sympathies they had expressed on the behalf of his countrymen who were walking, in the darkness of the shadow of death. He was surrounded by aged divines, but he hesitated not to say that the passage, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself," had been incorrectly translated. The word rendered neighbour ought to be translated "fellowmen." The English word neighbour implied some one residing near them; but the Hebrew term included the whole family of man. Still the spirit of the word had been fully exemplified. Were he a Roman Catholic, he would advocate the cause of the Christian Instruction Society, because he saw there, the true succession. He would advocate the Society, were he a Churchman, for the glory of God and the salvation of sinners. The Society had not a limited jurisdiction. Their parish was the whole kingdom. They had broken the chains of the hierarchy, and they distributed the Bible freely as they received it from the Spirit of God. As an Independent he would advocate the Society, because it was to the honour of that body, that they had given the impulse. As a simple Christian, as a soldier out of uniform, he would support it, because it was not the uniform, but the heart, that made the soldier. As Christian soldiers, they must watch, pray, and fight against their common enemy. native country, was in a state of spiritual slavery. Civil slavery could not last for ever, but the man under the dominion of corruption was a slave indeed. Unless the Christian public united in their efforts against the common foe, it was to be feared that infidelity would extend in England as it had done in France. Five missionaries of infidelity, termed St. Simonians, were now diffusing their sentiments. In conclusion, he appealed to the ladies on behalf of the Society. A distinguished lady had presented him with the loan of two chapels, in which he might preach to his countrymen.

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The Chairman then rose, and, after a very impressive address, retired amidst reiterated applause. The chair was then taken by Thomas Challis, Esq., and the meeting was addressed by the Rev. H. Townley, the Rev. John Edwards, the Rev. J. Dyer, J. Pitman, Esq., and by Thomas Challis, Esq.



THE thirtieth anniversary of this society was held in Exeter Hall on the 8th of May. the platform were the Bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, Winchester, and Chester; the Dean of Salisbury, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, the Earl of Chichester, Lord Visc. Morpeth, Lord Mountsandford, J. J. Gurney, Esq., and a great number of clergymen and ministers of various denominations. Lord Bexley was in the chair.

His Lordship observed, that, during the twenty-three years of his connexion with that society, he had never lost sight of its great and noble objects, nor ever ceased to pray for its success. They had placed him, for the first time, in his present situation, and he trusted he should be endued with the spirit which animated their late worthy president. Those who remembered his manner, his amiable temper, the attitude and the demeanour he always assumed, would wish that the same spirit might devolve on his successor. When he first joined the society, the whole circulation did not exceed 35,000 copies of the scriptures-it now exceeded eight millions. Then its expenditure had not exceeded £50,000; now it was considerably beyond two millions. Were the society to close its labours, it would have conferred the most invaluable blessings upon the world. It would leave to posterity eight millions of bibles and testaments, in 121 different languages and dialects, 72 of which were not before known as the vehicle of communicating divine truth. He trusted the operations of the society would go on, with increased energy and success.

The Report was read by the Rev. A. Brandram.

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to Turkey, to China, to the West Indies, how much would they behold to vex and grieve their minds! They would behold beautiful countries, but they would perceive so much of poverty, crime, misery, and moral degradation, that their pleasure would be destroyed. But what a contrast was exhibited by the Bible Society!-there the more they examined, the more they were delighted. Could they follow a Bible in its course, they would have to tell of new hearts and right spirits created, and of thoughts loosened from things below and fixed on things above, of the sickbed comforted, and of prisoners and captives released; men and families, formerly in heathen darkness, enlightened by the word of hope and salvation; conversion spread from individuals to families, from families to districts, from districts to countries. This was the Spirit's work, and his glory he would not give to another. Had they not seen something of this in their list of donations? One was inscribed, "Thanksgiving for mercies received." What could inspire that, but the Bible? Was it not the Bible that taught the poor widow, an inmate of an almshouse, to leave the half of her little property, her £2. 10s. to the Bible Society. In speaking of other bequests, his Lordship said Mr. Hughes had bequeathed his £100, and Mrs. Hannah More her £1000.

Lord Viscount Morpeth moved the next resolution'in a very neat and elegant address.

The Rev. David Abeel, American missionary, in seconding the resolution, detailed some facts in reference to China. It had been asserted, that China could not be entered, and that her 360 millions of souls must be left to perish. This opinion was entertained only by protestant Christians. Every sect, every religion, had found the way to enter China, except the protestant Christians. It was an opinion generally received that the world was to be converted by missionaries. He knew of but one missionary in whom he could place any confidence. That missionary he had met with in China: he was instructed in languages, made voyages from island to island, entered villages, and had dared to enter the palace of him who styled himself the "Son of Heaven." That missionary had done the speaker the honour to be his companion. The audience would desire to know who he was; he could tell them who he was not. He was not a Churchman, nor a Dissenter; he was not a Calvinist, nor an Arminian; not an American, an Englishman, a Scotchman, nor a Hollander. He hated all sects, but he loved the operations of the Bible Society. The Bible Society was that which sent him forth. The Bible! that was the name of the missionary, of whom he had spoken!

The Rev. Mr. Knill, (from Petersburg,) had been appointed to India, and afterwards to Russia, and gave some interesting particulars relative to the distribution of the Scriptures in those extensive countries.

The Rev. H. Stowell seconded the resolution, and expressed a hope that the day was not distant, when our beloved sovereign would occupy the chair as President of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and would be supported on the right and left by his ministers.

Mr. J. J. Gurney submitted the resolution to the meeting, which was carried by acclamation.

Lord Bexley returned thanks for the expression of the feeling of the meeting towards him.

The Rev. J. Browne, the newly erected Secretary, moved the thanks of the meeting to the Vice-presidents of the Society.


The Rev. T. Lessey, of the Wesleyan Connexion, seconded the motion. thought every religious society was indebted to this, it was the common property of the Christian world. He loved the Society, because its great characteristic was, that it provided instruction for the poor. The rays

of human philosophy never fell vertically on the world; but the Gospel of Christianity rose in splendour, to illuminate mankind. It soon reached its zenith, and shed its bright rays in the humble valley, as well as on the highest mountain. The Rev. Gentleman expatiated on the spread of infidelity among the lower classes, which he ascribed to a want of vigilance on the part of those who were not at their posts as they ought to have been.

The Rev. J. Linder addressed a few words to the meeting, in a low voice and foreign


J. Pease, Esq. M.P. moved a resolution of thanks to the Treasurer and Committee.

The Rev. W. Marsh, of Birmingham, seconded the motion. As a Birmingham man, he might be supposed to be well acquainted with Unions, both political and trade; and if any there entertained fears from them, he did not for from June to Christmas, and from Christmas till now, he had seen nothing to fear. Were there any thing alarming in those Unions, this Union was calculated to render them innoxious. On that platform he saw one vast society of Christian brethren. The institutions that called them together at this time of the year, were the beauty, the glory, the defence of the country. He thought he heard a whisper, that he had a neighbour and a friend sitting on the other side,-John Angel James, who was a traveller from Birmingham as well as himself, and he thought the whisper said, "You, John Angel James, Independent, you, William Marsh, Episcopalian, you came here as friends; and when you retire, see that you fall not out by the way." O let that great Missionary, the Bible, have a place in your hearts; and under the influence of that mighty power that gives it efficacy, you John Angel James, and William Marsh, will live and die together in harmony. Let us have Corinthian hands and Macedonian hearts.

The Rev. J. A. James being called upon, came forward. He responded, from the bottom of his heart, to every feeling of affection to which utterance had been given by Mr. Marsh. He would willingly respond to every challenge for mutual affection; churchmen called for love, and he called for love, but let them both call for truth. But let them be every where what they were at that meeting. Let it not be a platform charity. Let it be, like our religion, an inseparable part of ourselves. He was passing no reflection upon others, but, uttering devout wishes, he might say, prayers that God would send them the "spirit of unity," or, to give the true scriptural expression, "Lord, send us the unity of the Spirit!"

The resolution was carried, and the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry moved the thanks of the meeting to the noble Chairman, the motion was seconded by the Earl of Chichester, and carried by acclamation.

Lord Bexley returned thanks, and the meeting separated.


The Annual Meeting took place at Exeter Hall, on the 8th instant. Sir Andrew Agnew was received with loud cheering.

After a hymn and prayer, the worthy baronet was called upon to take the chair. He said he was convinced that Sabbath schools were indispensable, otherwise a large portion of the population would grow up in a state of the greatest ignorance; but all teaching, and especially Sunday School teaching, ought to be based on the knowledge of their common Lord and Master. It was gratifying to him to know, that many of those whom he saw before him, assembled from various parts of the country, were the teachers and conductors of Sabbath schools.

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The Rev. C. Stowell observed, that there were many occasions that called forth the exercise of the mind of man, but no occupation was more solemnly responsible, none se interesting and delightful, as that of leading youth to the truths that relate to eternity. He had to move the adoption of the Report, which should also be widely disseminated, to encourage thousands in that department of Christian labour. As general information advanced, their labours should be redoubled. Things that were most valuable in their proper use, were most injurious when abused, and when the culture of intellect came to be abused, it must lead to the greatest degree of ruin. In some departments of literature, there was not only an increase of infidelity, but an increased effort to diffuse its poisonous principles. It could be met only by one method-that which this society had adopt

ed-the exercise of Christian benevolence largely diffused. One object might strongly impress upon the minds of the meeting the necessity of increased exertions. They could not pass from their closets to the house of prayer, without being assailed by the open desecration of the day of God. Every one employed in the task of instruction, was himself rescued in mercy from these polluting scenes, and was made the instrument, under God, of rescuing the children committed to his care. An observance of the Sabbath was the great instrument by which every other object would be achieved. The

rev. speaker then took a general view of religious education, and particularly hailed

the announcement, that the Society had commenced the establishment of Sundayschool libraries, and concluded with eloquently descanting on the blessings that would result from the system of Sundayschool instruction being established in France, Germany, and Ireland.

The other speakers were, the Rev. A, Fletcher, the Rev. Dr. Bennett, John Fair, Esq., Mr. J. R. Wilson, the Rev. J. Cunningham, the Rev. J. Blackburn, the Rev. Dr. Morrison, the Rev. Amos Sutton, and W. B. Gurney, Esq. At the conclusion of the meeting, the company joined in singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." (To be continued in our next.)


THE increase of literary associations, not only in London but in the large provincial towns, must have been remarked by every observer. To the admirer of the diffusion of knowledge, this circumstance must have given rise to the most gratifying reflections. Even those who may hold different opinions on this subject, must admit that the tide of intellectual cultivation is flowing on with

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Such an institution has long been a desideratum amongst the inhabitants of this suburb of London, and its opening is hailed with great satisfaction by those who have long wished for such a society. A provisional committee was appointed at the close of last year, and a meeting of the subscribers took place in March for the formation of the society under its present appellation. The subsequent arrangements having been completed, the members were again assembled on the 3d of May, to proceed to a formal opening of the institution. The Earl Fitzwilliam, the president, was in the chair, and he was supported by the Earl of Denbigh, Lord Byron, Mr. Ewart, M.P., Mr. Hesketh Fleetwood, M.P., Dr. Lardner, and Dr. Anthony Todd Thompson, all of whom promoted the objects of the institution by taking a part in the interesting proceedings of the day. The Report of the provisional committee was read; it announced the engagement of a house for the purpose of the institution in Sloane-street, and that the number of subscribers exceeded two hundred. It also observed, that the foundation of a library had been formed by donations of books from several gentlemen, and that the commencement of a museum had been made by the liberal present of a collection of minerals by J. De St. Croix, Esq. The same Report also alluded in strong terins to the exertions made in establishing the institution by Mr. J. C. Evans, with whom its plan originated.

The Duke of Sussex has become patron; and the Duke of Bedford, the Marquis of Westminster, Earls of Morley, Denbigh, and Cadogan, vice-patrons; Earl Fitzwilliam, president; and the Earls of Munster and Burlington, Lords Byron, Morpeth, and Milton, and other gentlemen of influence in the neighbourhood, vice-presidents of the institution.

The means of effecting the objects of the establishment are a library of reference and circulation; lectures on literature, science, and art, natural history, antiquities, &c.; reading rooms; converzatione; and a museum of natural history and antiquities.

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