PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC. IN VOL. IV. Portrait of William Greenfield, M. R.A.S., Portrait of Rt. Hon. John George Lambton, Baron Durham, Portrait of W. Jackson Hooker, LL.D., F.R.S., & L.S.,...... Portrait of the Rt. Rev. Beilby Porteus, D.D., Bishop of London.,. May flowers, 204 Congregational ministers' society,.... 577 Meteorological observations, 126, 174, .. Constantine, edict of, respecting wor- ship, 421 223, (at Walsall,) 246, 295, 322, 340, Continents, the two great,....... 28, 220 Missionary recollections of a, .... 26, 82, .... 118, 166 Courtnay, earl of Devon, 173 Crimes and punishments, ...... 315, 351 Moore, esq. (Thomas) life of, Ν. 410, 504, 551 393 ...... Durham, lord, memoir of, .......... 57 National stability and decay, with notes, 45 Binning's fellowship with God, Divine origin, &c. of the holy scrip- .... Drew, A.M. (Samuel) life, character, .... and literary labours of, E. Epistle to the Hebrew, a new transla- tion, 383 Ethics, christian,. Gift, the new year's, for 1834,........ 47 ...... 527 Guidone, a dramatic poem, ........ 146 H. Harvard, Mrs. memoirs of, third edit. 48 139 Bosworth's accidents of human life,&c. 437 Herbert's sacred poems, &c.,........ 532 Conder's dictionary of geography, 286 Manna laid up for the Sabbath, &c... 338 |