Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Georgia historical society. Collections. v. 3, pt.
1. 8°. New York, Bartlett & Welford, 1848.
Gérando (A. de). De l'esprit public en Hon-
grie depuis la révolution française. 2 p. 1. iv,
505 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimeurs unis, 1848.
Gérard (Louis Philippe). Le comte de Val-
mont; ou, les égarements de la raison. 6 v.
16°. Paris, Dufour & cie. 1826.
Gerbert (Martin). De legitima ecclesiastica

potestate circa sacra et profana. 6 p.1.808
pp. 51. Typis Monaster. S. Blassii in Silva
nigra. [Frankfurt am Mayn, Weschs.] 1761.
Gerhard (Edouard). Griechische und etrus-
kische trinkschalen des königlichen muse-
ums zu Berlin. vi, 34 pp. 19 col. pl. fol.
Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1840.
Gerhard (Friedrich). Deutsch-amerikanischer
arbeiter-kalender für 1870. Sechster jahrgang.
124 pp. 21. 120. New York, F. Gerhard, 1870.


Deutsch-amerikanischer farmer-kalender für 1870. Vierter jahrgang. 123 pp. 7 1. 120. New York, F. Gerhard, 1870. Deutsch-amerikanischer haus-kalender für 1870. Fünfter jahrgang. 68 pp. 21. 12°. New York, F. Gerhard, 1870.

Illustrirter familien-kalender, zehnter jahrgang. 19 p. 1. 128 pp. 91. 12°. New York, F. Gerhard, 1870.

144 pp.



Gerstäcker (Friedrich)-continued.

gezelschap duitsche landverhuizers naar en in Noord-Amerika. Naar het Hoogduitsch. 2 p. 1. 352 pp. 1 pl. 1 map. 80. Amsterdam, H. Frijlink, 1847.


Gerth van Wijk (Jan Abraam). Specimen
historico-theologicum, exhibens historiam ec-
clesiæ ultrajectinæ romano-catholicæ, male
jansenisticæ dictæ, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 183, 4 pp
80. Trajecti ad Rhenum, L. E. Bosch, 1859.
Gervinos (Georg Gottfried). Ιστορία της
επαναστάσεως και αναγεννήσεως της Ελλάδος.
Μεταφρασθείσα από του πρωτοτυπου υπο Ιωαν-
νου Η. Περβαναγλου. 2 ν. η', 534 pp ; 596 pp.
80. Αθήνησι, Χ. Ν. Φιλαδελφος, 1864-65.
Getrouw verhaal van de opkomst, lotgevallen
en tegenwoordigen toestand der zo genaamde
methodisten in Engeland; waar achter ge.
voegt is een koort verhaal van eenige onge-
wone godsdienstige beroeringen, onder de
inwoonders van verscheide dorpen in de Al-
blasserwaard. [anon.] xii pp. 11. 324 pp.
16°. Workum, D. Balk, 1752.
Gevers d'Endegeest (—). Du dessèchement
du lac de Harlem. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 115, 9 pp;
3 p. 1. 113, 24 pp. 21. 8°. La Haye, Van
Cleef, 1849-54.

[Atlas wanting].


Ghent (University of). Catalogue des collec-
tions d'anatomie comparée, y compris les
ossements fossiles; de l'université de Gand.
[Par Ch. Poelman]. 4 p. 1. 120 pp. 4 pl. 8°.
Gand, E. Vanderhaagen, 1868.
Ghika (Helena, princess Koltzoff-Massalsky).
Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation;
la Suisse allemande. From the French,
and comprising the chapter suppressed by
order of the imperial government in the Pa-
risian edition of the work, by H. G. 2 v.
xxx, 458 pp. 1 portrait; 3 p. 1. 441 pp. 1 fac-
simile. 8°. London, A. Fullarton & co. 1858.


Illustrirter gartenlaube-kalender für Ghillany (Friedrich Wilhelm). Manuel dip1870. Fünfter jahrgang. New York, F. Gerhard, 1870. Kalender für lustige leute für 1870. 124 pp. 21. 120 New York, F. Gerhard, 1870. Gerrald (Joseph). A convention the only means of saving us from ruin. In a letter addressed to the people of England. 3d ed. 127 pp. 80. London, D. I. Eaton, 1794. Gerstäcker (Friedrich). How a bride was won; or, a chase across the pampas. Translated [from the German] by F. Jordan. 274 pp. 8 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869. Lotgevallen en ontmoetingen van een

lomatique. Recueil des traités de paix européens les plus importants, des actes de congrès et autres documents relatifs à la politique internationale, depuis le traité de Westphalie jusqu'à ces derniers temps. Augmenté de traductions françaises et d'une introduction générale par J. H. Schurtzer. 2 v. xvi, 344 pp; 547 pp. 21. 8°. Nordlingue, C. H. Beck, 1856. Ghirardini (Alessandro). Studj sulla lingua umana, sopra alcune antiche inscrizioni, e sulla ortografia italiana. 3 parts in 1 v. 80. Milano, società cooperativa, 1869.



Gibbon (Edward, jr.) An essay on the study | Gifford (H.)-continued.

of literature. Written originally in the French. Now first translated into English. 4 p. 1. 163 pp. 16°. London, J. Becket, 1764. Gibbons (Henry, m.d.) Tobacco and its effects. A prize essay, showing that the use of tobacco is a physical, mental, moral and social evil. 48 pp. 16. New York, Carl. ton & Lanahan, 1868.

Gibbons (Thomas). A new system of shorthand whereby words can be written in all their vowels and consonants, as with the common hand, but in one-fourth or fifth part of the time, [etc.] 12 pp. 2 1. 24 pl. (on 12 1.) 8°. London, Simpkin & Marshall, 1825. Gibbs (George). Alphabetical vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi. Published under the auspices of the Smithsonian institution. 4°. New York, Cramoisy press,

40 pp. 1863.

[SHEA'S Library of American linguistics, v. 11].


Alphabetical vocabulary of the Chinook
language. Published under the auspices of
the Smithsonian institution.
23 pp.

New York, Cramoisy press, 1863.
[SHEA'S Library of American linguistics, v. 9].



A dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade language of Oregon. 44 pp. 40. New York, Cramoisy press, 1863. [SHEA'S Library of American linguistics, v. 12]. Gibbs (Philip). An essay towards a farther improvement of short hand. 1 p.1.56 pp. 80. [London, J. Bettenham], 1736. [With his Historical account of swift writing].

An historical account of compendious and swift writing. 4 p. 1. 60 pp. 11. 8°. London, J. Bettenham, 1736. Gibert (Camille Melchior). Traité pratique des maladies spéciales de la peau, enrichi d'observations et de notes nombreuses, puissées dans les meilleurs auteurs et dans les cliniques de l'hôpital Saint-Louis. 2e éd. vi, 483 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Baillière, 1840. Gibson (Robert). The theory and practice of surveying; containing all the instructions requisite for the skilful practice of this art, [etc.] Newly arranged, [etc.] by James Ryan. 248, 73, 91 pp. 15 pl. 8°. Hartford, A. S. Barnes & co. 1838. Gibstone (Henry). L'esclavage aux ÉtatsUnis. Dean le quarteron. 3 p. 1. 340 pp. 16°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1863. Gifford (H. chemist). The general receipt book; or, oracle of knowledge: containing several hundred useful receipts and experi



ments in every branch of science: including medicine, chemistry, mechanics, dyeing, painting, etc. With directions for making British wines, [etc.] 156 pp. 11. 24°. London, 1845.

[With WESLEY (J.) Primitive physic]. Gilabert (Vicente). Escrutinio physicomedico-anatomico, que satisface a la apologia del doctor Lloret: prueba, que del occeano de la sangre sale la materia de la nutrition, etc. 12 p. 1. 424 pp. 41. 8°. Madrid, G. Roxo, 1729. Gilbert (William). Lucrezia Borgia, duchess of Ferrara. A biography. Illustrated by rare and unpublished documents. 2 v. viii, 343 pp. 1 portrait; viii, 359 pp. 120. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1869.


Giles (Chauncey). The gate of pearl. 176 pp. 2 pl. sm. 160. New York, J. R. Put

nam, 1869.

Vita s.

Giles (John Allen, U. d. editor).
Thomæ cantuariensis archiepiscopi et mar-
tyris, ab auctoribus contemporaneis videlicet
Willelmo cantuariensi, Elia de Evesham,
Henrico ac Rogerio de Croylandia, anonymo
parisiensi, Benedicto petriburgensi, anonymo
lambethiensi, aliisque scripta. Et nunc
primum e codicibus omnibus mstis edita.
v. 2. xx, 329 pp. 8°. Londini, Whittaker et
soc. 1846.

[PATRES ecclesiæ anglicanæ. v. 1. wanting]. Gillespie (Major Alexander). Gleanings and remarks: collected during many months of residence at Buenos Ayres, and within the upper country; with a prefatory account of the expedition from England, until the surrender of the cape of Good Hope, under the joint command of sir D. Baird and sir Home Popham. 1 p. 1. ii, 340 pp. 11. 1 map. 80. Leeds, author, 1818.

Gillette (A. D.) Hymns for social meetings.
96 1. 320. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott
& co. 1843.

Gillies (John, editor). The psalms of
David, with notes devotional and practical,
referring to the new testament. 442 pp.
16°. Albany, G. Lindsay, 1816.
Gilman (Mrs. Maria). My ten-rod farm; or,
how I became a florist. 119 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, Loring, 1869.

Gilmore (-). Gun, rod, and saddle. Per

sonal experiences. By Ubique. [pseudon.] 275 pp. 1 pl. 16°. New York, W. A. Townsend & Adams, 1869.



Gilmour (Rev. Richard). Bible history; containing the most remarkable events of the old and new testament, prepared for the use of catholic schools in the United States. vi, 336 pp. 2 pl. 16. Cincinnati, Benziger brothers. [1869]. Gimbernat (Carlos de). Manual del soldado español en Alemania. 212 pp. 18°. Munick, F. Hübschmann, 1807. Ginard (Jules). Opvs morale in dvas partes divisvm. 2 p. 1. 751 pp. 28 1. 160. Palma, G. Guasp, 1652. Gindre de Mancy (-). Dictionnaire portatif et complet des communes de la France, de l'Algérie, et des autres colonies françaises. Précédé de tableaux synoptiques, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 732 pp. 18°. Paris, Garnier frères,



Giordan (François). Description et colonisation de l'isthme de Tehuantepec, précédées d'une notice historique. 2 p. 1. 144 pp. 2 l. 1 tab. 1 map. 8°. Paris, Le Doyen, 1838. Giovanni Giuseppe di S. Teresa. See Noronha Freire (Joao de). Giovio (Paolo). Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, septem libris iam olim ab authore comprehensa, ad virum expressis imaginibus exornata. fol. 4 p. 1. 392 pp. 7 1. Basilea, P. Perna, 1575.

Elogia virorum literis illustrium, quotquot vel nostra vel avorum memoria vixere, ad viuum expressis imaginibus exornata. 6 p. 1. 232 pp. 21. fol. Basilea, P. Perna, 1577.

[With the preceding]. Girard (Heinrich). Briefe über Humboldt's Kosmos. Sec Cotta (B. von, etc.) Girard (Jules Augustin). Le sentiment religieux en Grèce, d'Homère à Eschyle; étudié dans son développement moral et dans son caractère dramatique. 2 p. 1. 553 pp. 1 1. 8°. Paris, L. Hachette & cie. 1869.

Girard (l'abbé). See Gérard (Louis Philippe).

Girault, de Saint Fargeau (Auguste). Dictionnaire de la géographie physique et politique de la France, [etc.] rédigé sur des documens authentiques, d'après un nouveau plan. xii, 846 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, à la librairie du commerce, 1826.


[blocks in formation]


Gladstone (William Ewart)-continued.

Juventus mundi. The gods and men of the heroic age. xxviii, 541 pp. 1 pl. 120. London, Macmillan & co. 1869. Glance (A) at New York; embracing the city government, theatres, [etc. anon.] vi, 264 pp. 160. New York, A. Greene, 1837. Glas (John) and others. Christian songs. 7th ed. 129 pp. 1 1. 16°. Providence, (R. I.) B. Wheeler, 1787.

Glascock (William N.) Sailors and saints; or, matrimonial manoeuvres. By the authors of the "Naval sketch book." [anon.] 218 pp; 214 pp. 120. New York, J. & J. Harper, 1829. Glasgow university (The) calendar, for the year 1867-68. 163 pp. 120. Glasgow, J. Maclehose, 1867.


[blocks in formation]

[v. 1.] Separatio auri è silicibus, arena, argilla, aliisque fossilibus per salis spiritum, quæ aliàs eliquari nequeunt. Item, panacea sive medicina vniversalis antimonialis, ejusque usus, [etc.] 67 pp. 1751. [v. 2. De ortu et origine omnium metallorum et mineralium, quo scilicet pacto illa per astra producantur ex aqua et terra, corpus sibi suscipiant et multiplici forma formentur, [etc.] 47 pp. 1752. [v. 3.] Commentarii in libellum Paracelsi cœlum philosophorum sive liber vexationum dictum, in quo metallorum transmutationes in genere docentur, [etc.] 110 pp. 1752.


Gleich (Dr. Lorenz). Nur im wasser ist heil. Beiträge zur begründung der wasser-heillehre in einer sammlung von aufsätzen. Herausgegeben von B. Vanoni. xi, 196 pp. 120. Augsburg, C. A. Fahrmbacher, 1847. s. Gleisberg (Dr. P.) Kritische darlegung der urgeschichte des menschen nach Carl Vogt. Oeffentlicher vortrag gehalten in der sitzung der freunde der zoologie und botanik in Dresden. 2 p. 1. 48 pp. 89. Dresden, Weiske, 1868. Gley (Gérard). Voyage en Allemagne et en Pologne, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1. 197 pp; 2 p. 1. 238 pp. 8°. Paris, Gide fils, 1816. Glimpses of pleasant homes. A few tales for youth. By a member of the order of mercy, authoress of the life of Catharine McAulay, etc. 3 p. 1. 236 pp. 4 p. 1. 120. New York, catholic publication society, 1869. Gmelin (Johann Friedrich) Allgemeine geschichte der pflanzengifte. 2e auflage, xii, 852 pp. 8°. Nürnberg, Raspe, 1803.



[With introduction by J. H. McIlvain. anon.] 1 p. 1. iv, 165 pp. 16°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1869. Godwin (William). Deloraine. 2 v. 210 pp; 204 pp. 80. Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833.

[A novel]. Philadelphia,

Goadby (Robert). An apology for the life | God's furnace. By one tried in the fire. of mr. Bampfylde Moore Carew, commonly called the king of the beggars, being an impartial account of his life, from his leaving Tiverton school to the present time. [etc. anon.] 6th ed. xxviii, iv, 350 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. London, R. Goudby, [about 1780]. Gobineau (Arthur, comte de). Typhaine's abbey; a tale of the twelfth century. Translated by Charles D. Meigs, m. d. 438 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Gobright (Louis A.) Recollection of men and things at Washington, during the third of a century. 420 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Gock (Carl). Die vertheidigung der freyen kirche von Nord-America, [etc.] 120 pp. 16°. Reading, (Pa.) C. Gock, 1822. Godart d'Aucour (Claude). Le berceau de la France. [anon.] 3 parts in 1 v. 160. La Haye, I. Beau Regard, 1744. Goddard (Abbott). A selection of hymns

and spiritual songs. 224 pp. 32°. Cincinnati, Morgan & Sanxay, 1835. Goddard (Frederick B.) Where to emigrate, and why; describes the climate, soil, productions, minerals, and general resources, amount of public lands, the quality and price of farm lands in nearly all sections of the United States; and contains a description of the Pacific railroad, the homestead and other land laws, rates of wages throughout the country, etc. xvi, 591 pp. 4 pl. 19 maps. 8°. New York, F. B. Goddard, 1869.

The same. Where to emigrate and why. Homes and fortunes in the boundless west and the sunny south; their climate, scenery, etc. xvi, 591 pp. 16 pl. 19 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, the people's publishing company, 1869.

Godet (Ch. H.) Supplément à la fiore du
Jura suisse et français. viii, 220 pp. 80.

Neuchatel, chez l'auteur, 1869.

Godinez (Miguel). Practica de la theologia mystica. Sacala a luz Juan Salazar y Bolea. 16 p. 1. 380 pp.6 1. 169. Pamplona, M. Gregoria de Zabala, 1690.

S. 16°.

The same. 5 p. 1. 464 pp. 3 1. Madrid, J. Doblado, 1780. Godman (John D. m. d.) Rambles of a naturalist. To which are added reminiscences of a voyage to India. By Reynell Coates, m. d. 151 pp. 120. Philadelphia, T. T. Ask, 1833.

Essay on sepulchres; or, a proposal for erecting some memorial of the illustrious dead in all ages on the spot where their remains have been interred. xii, 116 pp. 1 pl. 16°. London, W. Miller, 1809. Goffridus. Epistolæ, opuscula, sermones. J. Sirmondus primum in lucem eruit, ac notis epistolas illustravit, anno 1610. 1p. 1. col. 615-1005. fol. Parisiis, typographia regia, 1696.

[in SIRMOND (Jacques). Opera varia, v. 3]. Goguette (La) ancienne et moderne. Choix de chansons nationales, guerrières, cachiques, philosophiques, joyeuses et populaires. [polyon.] 3 p. 1. 540 pp. 1 pl. 32°. Paris, Garnier frères, 1851.

Going and son: a novel. By "Monk." [pseudon.] 167 pp. 8°. New York, Ameri

can news co. 1869.

Gold (The) key. A dramatic story. Trans

lated from the French. [anon.] 112 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.

[ocr errors]

Golden songs and ballads for the children. Selected by the author of "Annie's golden cross. 251 pp. 180. Philadelphia, presbyterian publication committee, 1869. Goldene (Der) fertige rechner in dollars und cents mit grobem druck [etc. anon.] 168 pp. 180. St. Louis, C. Witter, 1868. Goldsmith (Alban, m. d.) Diseases of the genito-urinary organs. 96 pp. 6 pl. 8°. New York, Wiley & Halsted, 1857. Goldsmith (Oliver). Miscellaneous works. With a brief memoir of the author. 1 p. 1. xii, 308 pp. 12°. London, A. Moffat, 1841.


Ιστορια της Ελλαδος, [etc.] Νυν πρωτ τον μεταφραθείσα [etc. ] υπο Δημητρίου Αλεχαν. δρίδου, [etc.] v. 1. xxxxvi, 439 pp. 1 map. 89. Εν Βιέννη, τύποις Σραιμβλοις, 1806. Gomez (A. Enriquez). La culpa del primer peregrino, y el passagero. 12 p. 1. 176 pp. 8°. Madrid, J. Garcia Infanzon, 1735. Gomez de Leon (Francisco Leal). Catecismo de platicas doctrinales, y morales, sobre las quatro partes de la doctrina chris


Gomez de Leon-continued. tiana, para alivio de los nuevos predicatores, parrocos, i sus thenientes, [etc.] 12 p. l. 487 pp. 160. Madrid, M. Martin, 1779. Goncourt (Edmond and Jules).

Histoire de Marie-Antoinette. 2 p. 1. 429 pp. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didot frères, etc. 1858. Gonon (Ennemond). Mémoire sur le système télégraphique nouveau, universel et perpétuel, pour le jour et pour la nuit. 2 p. 1. 102 pp. 1 pl. 4°. Paris, Sirou, 1844. Gonzalez (Pedro Lopez). Floresta grammatical, dispuesta en varias selectas, [etc.] 24 p. 1. 248 pp. 16°. Madrid, 1754. Gonzalez de la Cruz (Josef Joaquin). Compendium in quo definitiones, divisiones, axiomata juris, aliæque perquam utiles notitiæ continentur, [etc.] 151 pp. 16°. Matriti, P. Aznar, 1808.

Gonzalez de Mendoza (Juan). Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costūbres del gran reyno de la China: sabidas assi por los libros de los mismos Chinas, como por relation de religiosos [etc.] Con vn itinerario del nuevo mundo. 12 p. 1. 245 pp. 121. 180. Madrid, P. Madrigal, 1586.

The same. Histoire dv grand royavme de la Chine. Mise en François avec des additions en marge, par Lvc de la Porte. 12 p. 1. 348 1. 16. Paris, J. Perier, 1588. Goodrich (Charles Rush). The world of science, art, and industry. See Silliman (B. jr.) and Goodrich.

Goodwin (Rev. Ezra Shaw). Sermons. With a memoir. 268 pp. 16°. Boston, B. H. Greene, 1834. Goodwin (Rev. John). Os ossorianvm; or, a bone for a bishop to pick; being a vindication of [his] treatise called Anti-cavalierisme from the exceptions of G. Williams, bishop of Ossory. [anon.] 64 pp. sm. 4°. London, Henry Overton, 1643. Good words. [A monthly religious magazine]. Edited by N. Macleod, d. d. January to December, 1869. v. 10. 8°. London, Strahan & co. 1869. Gordon (C.) That good old time; or, our fresh and salt tutors. By Vieux Moustache. [pseudon.] 16°. Boston, 1866.

Two lives in one. By Vieux Moustache.

[pseudon.] v, 246 pp. 1 pl. 160. New

York, Hurd & Houghton, 1870. Gordon (Miss Helen). "The way, the truth, and the life." Questions on the life of our Savior, for the use of Sunday schools in the


Gordon (Miss Helen)-continued.

protestant episcopal church. Primary series. vi, 152 pp. 16°. Boston, E. P. Dutton & co. 1869.


The same. Advanced series. vi, 124 pp. 16°. Boston, E. P. Dutton & co. 1869. Gordon (Thomas). Principles of naval archiWith proposals for improving the form of ships. To which are added some observations on the structure of carriages for the purposes of inland commerce, agriculture, etc. 1 p. 1. viii, 207 pp. 5 pl. 120. London, T. Evans, 1784. Gorham (Elsie, pseudon?) The Hildreth stories rainy days in the nursery. 2 p. 1. 166 pp. 3 pl. 180. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1869.

Goss (Warren Lee). The soldier's story of his captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, and other rebel prisons. 1 p. 1. 357 pp. 1 portrait. 16 pl. 2 maps. 8°. Boston, Lee & Shepard,


Gosse (Henry). Poetical translations. [With the original texts]. 1 p. 1. 146 pp. 8°. London, A. J. Valpy, 1822.


Jerusalem delivered, canto xvi. [By T. Tasso). pp. 1-66.

The story of Ceyx and Alcyoné, from Ovid. [Book xi). pp. 67-106.

The Henriad, canto ix. [By F. M. Aroüet de Voltaire]. Gosselman (Carl August). Reise in Columbien, in den jahren 1825 und 1826. Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von A. G. F. Freese. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 230 pp.1 map; 1 p. 1. 312 pp. 11. 1 pl. 120. Stralsund, Löffler, 1829-31.

The same. Reis naar Columbia, in de jaren 1825 en 1826. 2 v. viii, 254 pp. 1 map; vi, 344 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Haarlem, de wed. A. Loosjes, 1832.

Gossip (The); or, scraps of manuscripts and facetiæ, laconica et lyrica; being the gleanings of the leisure hours of a gentleman. [anon.] xiv, 213 pp. 120. Brighton, C. Verrall & co. 1849.

Gosson (Stephen). The schoole of abuse; conteining a pleasaunt invectiue against poets, pipers, plaiers, iesters, and such like caterpillers of a commonwelth; and a short apologie of the Schoole of abuse, 1579. 80 pp. 16°. London, A. Murray & sons, 1868. [ARBER'S English reprints, no. 3].

Gostling (Rev. William). A walk in and about the city of Canterbury, with many observations not to be found in any descrip

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