Imágenes de páginas



Griswold (Rufus Wilmot). The poets and poetry of America. 16th ed. 622 pp. 10 portraits. 8. Philadelphia, Parry & McMillan, 1855. Groesbeck (John). Key to the Crittenden commercial arithmetic. 43 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Eldredge & brother, 1870. Grollier de Servières (Nicolas, comte). Recueil d'ouvrages curieux de mathématique et de mécanique; ou, description du cabinet de monsieur Grollier de Servières, [etc.] 13 p. 1. 100 pp. 51. 85 pl. 4°. Lyon, D. Forey, 1719. Groom (Edward). The art of transparent painting on glass. Comprising the method of painting, and an account of the implements and materials employed in producing subjects for dissolving views, magic lanterns, etc. 55 pp. 5 pl. 16°. London, Windsor & Newton, 1855.

Grosley (Pierre Jean). Mémoires de l'académie des sciences, inscriptions, belles-lettres, etc. nouvellement établie à Troyes en Champagne. 173 pp. 8°. Paris, 1787.

[In CAYLUS (A. C. P. comte de). Euvres badines complettes, v. 12).

Gross (Samuel D. m. d.) A manual of military surgery; or, hints on the emergencies of field, camp, and hospital practice. 96 pp. 120. Richmond, J. W. Randolph, 1862. Grote (George). History of Greece. From the 2d London ed. 12 v. 120. New York, and Boston, Harper & brothers, etc. 1851-67. Grotius or de Groot (Hugo). Opera omnia theologica. 4 v. fol. Basilea, apud E. & J. R. Thornisios, 1732.

[blocks in formation]



Defensio fidei catholicæ de satisfactione Christi, adversus Favstvm Socinvm senensem. Disqvisitio de dogmatibvs pelagianis. Animadversiones in animadversiones Andreæ


Votvm pro pace ecclesiastica.

Rivetiani apologetici, pro schismate

votvm pacis facti, discvssio.


De svmmo sacerdotio dissertatio historica ac politica. De dogmatis, ritibvs, et gubernatione ecclesiæ christianæ. De dogmatis qvæ reipvblicæ noxia sunt aut dicuntur. Index rervm et verborvm.

Apologeticvs eorvm qvi Hollandiæ Vvestfrisiæqve et vicinis quibusdam nationibus ex legibus præfuerunt ante mutationem quæ evenit anno cioiocxviii. Cum refutatione eorum quæ adversus ipsum, [Grotium], atque alios acta ac iudicata sunt. 12 p. 1. 534 pp. 16°. Parisiis, N. Buon, 1622. Grou (Jean Nicolas). Caracteres de la verda dera devocion. Traducida al Castellano por un eclesiástico. 6 p. 1. 263 pp. 16o. Madrid, R. Ruiz, 1796.



Groves (Anthony N. missionary). of a residence at Bagdad, during the years 1830-31. xv, 306 pp. 12°. London, J. Nisbet, 1832.

Gruber (Eberhard Ludwig). Grundforschende fragen, welche denen neuen täufern im witgensteinischen insonderheit zu beantworten, vorgelegt waren. Nebst beygefügten kurzen und einfältigen antworten auf dieselben, etc. von einem aufrichtigen mitglied der gemeinde zu Witgenstein, etc. 40 pp. 16°. Lancaster, J. Bär, 1822. [With FELBINGER (J) Christliches handbüchlein]. Grund (Francis P.) Die Americaner in ihren moralischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen verhältnissen. [Aus dem Englischen] in's Deutsche übersetzt vom verfasser. p. 1. 444 pp. 80. Stuttgard, und Tübingen, J. G. Cotta, 1837.


[blocks in formation]


Guardamino (Diego de)—continued. y peso sutil de Castilla, con las de varios reynos, y provincias de la Europa, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 120 pp. 16°. Madrid, A. Marin, 1757. Guardiola y Rueda (Manuel). Novenario doloroso de Maria santisima señora nuestra. Sermones para la novena de sus dolores. Sacados de la obra que escribio Manuel Guardiola y Rueda, por el d. Benito Francisco de Castro y Barbeyto. 2a ed. xvi, 392 pp. 160. Madrid, Cano, 1804. Guardiola y Saez (Lorenzo). El corregidor perfecto, y juez exactamente dotado de las calidades necesarias y convenientes para el buen gobierno económico y politico de los pueblos, [etc.] 2 p.1. xxiv pp. 11. 277 pp. sm. 4. Madrid, A. Lopez, 1785. Guay (Claude le). See Le Guay.

[blocks in formation]

[No more published]. Guggenbühl (J. m. d.) Die heilung und verhütung des cretinismus und ihre neuesten fortschritte. Mittheilungen an die schweizerische naturforschende gesellschaft. 3 p. 1. 121 pp. 1 pl. 4°. Bern, Huber & co. 1853. Guibert (Jacques Antoine Hippolyte). Reisen durch Deutschland. 16°. Hamburg, 1805. [MAGAZIN der neuesten und besten ausländischen reisebeschreibungen, v. 7).


Guays (J. F. E. Le Bois des). See Le Bois des Guicciardini (Francesco). La historia d'Italia

Guays (J. F. E.) Guelen (Auguste de). staet van Fernanbvc. Nederduytsch vertaelt. sterdam, 1640.

Kort verhael van den
Uit het François int
15 1. sm. 40. Am-

Güell y Renté (José). Leyendas americanas. 1 p. 1. 283 pp. 1 portrait. 120. Madrid, imprenta de las novedades é ilustracion, 1856.

Traditions américaines. 2 p. 1. 295 pp. 11. 12°. Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1861. Guer (Jean-Antoine). Moeurs et usages des Turcs, leur religion, leur gouvernement civil, militaire et politique, avec un abrégé de l'histoire ottomane. 2 v. 2 p. 1. xxiv, 453 pp. 81. 12 pl; 2 p. 1. viii, 637 pp. 1 1. 16 pl. 4°. Paris, Coustelier, 1746. Guericke (Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand). Handbuch der kirchengeschichte. 6o auflage. 3 v. 80. Leipzig, Gebauer, 1846.



v. 1. Aeltere kirchengeschichte. v. 2. Mittlere kirchengeschichte. v. 3. Nenere kirchengeschichte. Guérin-Méneville (Félix Édouard). Rapport sur les travaux entrepris pour introduire le ver à soie de l'aylanthe en France et en Algérie. 2 p. 1. 100 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, imprimerie impériale; 1860. Guernsey (Egbert). Primary history of the United States of America. 206 pp. 160. New York, D. Burgess & co. 1854. Guernsey (Orrin) and Willard (Josiah F.) History of Rock county, [Wisconsin ], and transactions of the Rock county agricultural society and mechanics' institute. xii, 350 pp. 3 pl. 1 portrait. 8°. Zanesville, Wis. by the society, 1856.


nuouamente ristampata, con annotatione de Remigio fiorentino. 24 p. 1. 4711. 4°. Venetia, N. Beuilaqua, 1563.

The same. La historia d'Italia. Riscontrata con tutti gli altri historici, et autori, che dell' istesse cose habbiano scritto, per Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione arretino, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 44 p. 1. 4881; 112, 81. sm. 4°. Venetia, E. Baba, 1640.

Two discourses of master Frances Guicciardini, which are wanting in the thirde and fourth bookes of his historie, in all the Italian, Latin, and French coppies heretofore imprinted, [etc.] 67 pp. sm. 4°. London, W. Ponsonbie, 1595. [With the preceding]. Guiccioli (— Gamba, countess). Lord Byron, jugé par les témoins de sa vie. My recollections of lord Byron; and those of eye-witnesses of his life. [From the French by H. E. H. Jerningham]. 670 pp. 1 pl. Guide (The), or counsellor of human life; New York, Harper & brothers, 1869. containing miscellaneous pieces, on a variety of useful and entertaining subjects, etc. [anon.] 1st ed. 191 pp. 31. 16°. Springfield, (Mass.) E. Gray, 1794.



Guidi (Jean Baptiste Marie). Lettres conte-
nant le journal d'un voyage fait à Rome en
1773. [anon.] 2 v. xii, 295 pp; 2 p. 1. 276
160. Genève, 1783.
Guidotti (Orazio and Paolo). Difesa de' dritti
della nazione spagnola sulla real casa e chiesa
di S. Giacomo degli Spagnola. Nella real
camera di s. Chiara. cxvi pp. 4°. [Na-
poli], 1761.




Guillon de Montléon (L'abbe Aimé). Les | Gurney (Priscilla). Hymns, selected from

martyrs de la foi pendant la révolution française; ou, martyrologie des pontifes, prêtres, religieux, religieuses, laics de l'un et l'autre sexe, qui périrent alors pour la foi. 4 v. 8°. Paris, G. Mathiot, 1821. Guilloré (François). Retiro de damas, con los exercicios que deben practicarse en él; sacado sumariamente del que compusó, en idioma francés por el padre d. Alfonso Fernando de Irisarri. 4 p. 1. 166 pp. 180. Madrid, I. Ibarra, 1783.

[blocks in formation]

Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution of the United States of America. Translated from the French. xvi, 188 pp. 16°. Boston, J. Munroe & co. 1840.

Gummere (John). An elementary treatise on astronomy, etc. To which are added solar, lunar, and astronomical tables. 3d ed. 359, 112 pp. 8 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Kimber & Sharpless, 1842.


The same. 4th ed. Revised by E. Otis Kendall. 363, 114 pp. 8 pl. 8°. Philadel phia, E. C. & J. Biddle, 1851. s.

A treatise on surveying, containing the theory and practice: to which is prefixed a perspicuous system of plane trigonometry. 14th ed. [Also] mathematical tables; difference of latitude and departure; logarithms from 1 to 10,000; etc. Stereotype ed. 2 v. in 1. 266 pp. 11 pl; 152 pp. 8°. Philadel phia, Kimber & Sharpless, 1839.


Gunning (- Mrs. general). Memoirs of Mary, a novel. 3d ed. 5 v. 16°. London, J. Bell, 1794.

Gurney (Joseph John). Un hiver aux Antilles, en 1839-40; ou, lettres sur les résultats de l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies anglaises des Indes occidentales, adressées à Henri Clay, du Kentucky, et traduites de l'Anglais sur la 3e édition, par J. J. Pacaud. xi, 358 pp. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1842.

The same. Eeen winter in de WestIndiën, beschreven in gemeenzame brieven aan Henry Clay van Kentucky. Naar den vierden druk, uit het Engelsch vertaald door C. J. Zweerts. 1 p. 1. vi pp. 1 1. 248 pp. 80. Amsterdam, M. H. Binger, 1843.

various authors, for the use of young persons. 3d American from the 9th London ed. xvi, 276 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, H. Longstreth, [about 1840]. Gurney (Thomas).

Brachygraphy; or, an easy and compendious system of short-hand, adapted to the various arts, sciences, and professions; improved after more than 40 years' practice and experience, by T.Gurney, and brought still nearer to perfection [etc.] by Joseph Gurney. 9th ed. 2 p. 1. iii, xv, pp. 27 1. 1 portrait, 14 pl. on 8 1. 18°. London, J. & M. Gurney, 1778.

Guyon (Claude Marie). Histoire des ama

zones anciennes et modernes. 2 p. 1. lxlviij, 210 pp. 160. Bruxelles, J. Léonard, 1741. s. Guyon (Jeanne Marie Bouvières de La Mothe, madame). Die heilige liebe Gottes und die unheilige naturliebe nach ihren unterschiedenen wirkungen, in xliv anmuthigen sinnbildern und erbaulichen versen vorgestellet. Aus dem Französischen treulich verdeutschet, (etc.) 360 pp. 12 pl. 120. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Schweitzer, 1828.


Haage and Schmidt, (gardeners). Haupt-ver zeichniss über samen und pflanzen. 72, 54 pp. 8°. Erfurt, 1865. Habermann (Johann). Christliches gebetbüchlein, enthaltend morgen und abendsegen auf alle tage in der woche, [etc.] wie auch doct. Neuman's Kern aller gebete, [etc.] 128 pp. 240. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Bär, 1838. Hackett (Horatio B.) Commentary on the Acts of the apostles. See Bible (English). Hadcock (John W.) Science, illustrated and applied; a poem, in two parts. To which are added miscellaneous poems, original and selected. 186 pp. 120. Utica, Beardsley & Lyon, 1851.

Haddon (Walter, ll. d.) and Fox (John). Contra Hieron. Osorium, eius'q; odiosas insectationes pro euangelicæ veritatis necessaria defensione, responsio apologetica. 7 p. l. 415 1. sm. 4. Londini, I. Day, 1577. Hadfield (William). Brazil and the river Plate in 1868; showing the progress of those countries since his former visit in 1853. 271 pp. 4 pl. 8°. London, Bates, Hendy & co. 1869.

Hadley (James). Elements of the Greek language taken from the Greek grammar of J. Hadley, [etc.] vi, 246 pp. 129. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.



Haefkens. See Häfkens. Haeften (Benedict van). Regia via crveis. xvi, 404 pp. 131. 8°. Antverpiæ, H. & C. Verdussen, 1712. Haerlems schuyt-praetjen, op't redres van de West-Indische compagnie. [anon.] 12 1. sm. 4°. [Harlem]? 1649. Häfkens (J.) Reise naar Guatemala. 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. 120 pp. 2 pl; 2 p. 1. 113 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, W. K. Mandemaker, 1827. Hagedorn (Friedrich von). Oden und lieder in fünf büchern. xlii pp. 1 1. 276 pp. 120. Hamburg, J. C. Bohn, 1747. Hagenbach (Carl Rudolf, d. d.) History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the last German ed. with additions, by rev. John F. Hurst, d. d. 2 v. xii, 504 pp; vi, 487 pp. 8°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869.


A text-book of the history of doctrines. The Edinburgh translation of C. W. Buch, revised, with large additions from the 4th German ed. and other sources. By Henry B. Smith, d. d. v. 1. 478 pp. 8°. New York,

Sheldon & co. 1861.

Hagner (Charles V.) Early history of the falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh navigation companies, Fairmount water-works, etc. 102 pp. 2 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Hague (Rev. William). An historical discourse, delivered at the celebration of the second centennial anniversary of the first baptist church, in Providence, November 7, 1839. 192 pp. 120. Providence, B. Cranston & co. 1839. Hahnemann (Samuel Christian Friedrich). First essay on the homoeopathic principle. 8°. London, 1849.

[IN BRITISH homoeopathic association. Truths, etc. pp. 89-186].

Haines (William A.) Catalogue of the terrestrial shells in the collection of W. A. Haines. 119 pp. 8°. New York, New York printing co. 1868.

Hakluyt society. Publications. 8°. London, 1868-69.


S. v. 40-42.

CORREA (G.) The three voyages of Vasco da Gama,
and his vice royalty. 1869. v. 41.
CORTES H.) The fifth letter to the emperor Charles
V. 1868. v. 40.

GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. First part of the royal commentaries of the yncas. 1869. v. 42. Haldane (Robert). Address to the public, concerning political opinions and plans lately adopted to promote religion in Scotland. 141, 38 pp. 80. Edinburgh, J. Ritchie, 1800. [HAZARD pamphlets, v. 79].


Hale (Rev. Edward Everett). The Ingham papers; some memorials of the life of capt. Frederic Ingham, sometime pastor of the first Sandemanian church in Naguadavick, and major general by brevet in the patriotic service in Italy. xx, 266 pp. 12c. Boston, Fields, Osgood & co. 1869.

Sybaris and other homes. xiv pp. 1 1. 206 pp. 120. Boston, Fields, Osgood & co. 1869.

Hale (Enoch, m. d.) History and description
of an epidemic fever, commonly called spotted
fever, which prevailed at Gardiner, Maine, in
the spring of 1814. xvi, 246 pp. 8°. Bos-
ton, Wells & Lilly, 1818.
Hale (Helen L.)
little things. 30 pp. 1 pl. 24°.
Carlton & Lanahan, 1869.

Herbert; or, religion in
New York,

The orphan's aim; or, faithful in the least. 46 pp. 1 pl. 24°. New York, Carlton & Lanahan, 1869.

The little straw-braiders; or, don't get tired. 47 pp. 1 pl. 18°. New York, Carlton & Lanahan, 1869.

Hale (M. P.) Summer at Walnut ridge. 259 pp. 4 pl. 180. New York, Carlton & Lanahan, [1869].

Hales (Stephen, d. d.) A description of ventilators, whereby great quantities of fresh air may with ease be conveyed into mines, goals, hospitals, work-houses, and ships, in exchange for their noxious air. An account, also, of their great usefulness in many other respects, as in preserving all sorts of grain dry, sweet, [etc.] xx, 346 pp. 2 1. 5 pl. 8°. London, W. Innys, etc. 1743.

Halford (Sir Henry, m. d.) Essays and ora

tions read and delivered at the royal college of physicians; to which is added an account of the opening of the tomb of king Charles i. 192 pp. 2 pl. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1831. Hall (Basil). Voyage dans les États-Unis de l'Amérique du Nord, et dans le Haut et le Bas-Canada, [etc.] 2 v. 2 p. 1. xii, 331 pp. 1 map; 2 p. 1. 351 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1834.

Hall (Daniel Weston). Arctic rovings; or,

the adventures of a New Bedford boy on sea and land. 171 pp. 160. Boston, A. Tompkins, 1861.

Hall (Edward Brooks, d. d.) Hymns for social worship and private devotion. viii, 148 pp. 320. Providence, B. Cranston & co. 1837.


Hall (E. Hepple). The summer tourist's Hallager (Morten)-continued.

pocket guide to American watering places. With map and tables of distances. 5 p. 1. xxx, 156 pp. 111. 1 map. 160. New York, Cathcart & Hall, 1869.

Hall (Francis). Travels in Canada and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. 2d ed. xii, 421 pp. 1 map. 8°. London, Longmans, etc. 1819.


Hall (Henry). The history of Auburn, [New York]. xvi, 580 pp. 120. Auburn, Dennis brothers & co. 1869. Hall (Rev. John). Minor characters of the bible. 105 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1847. Hall (Joseph, bishop of Exeter). Satires. With the illustrations of the late rev. Thomas Warton. And additional notes by Samuel Weller Singer. civ, 182 pp. 1 portrait. 160. Chiswick, C. Whittingham, 1824. Hall (Newman). From Liverpool to St. Louis. xxv, 294 pp. 16°. London, G. Routledge & sons, 1870.

Hall (Rev. Robert). On terms of communion; with a particular view to the case of the bap tists and pædobaptists. From the third English ed. 115 pp. 8°. Boston, Wells & Lilly, 1816.

Polemical and other miscellanies, consisting of articles originally inserted in the London eclectic review. And an apology for the freedom of the press. From the 7th London ed. 264 pp. 120. Boston, J. Loring, 1827.

Hall (Samuel R.) Hall's alphabet of geology; or, first lessons in geology and mineralogy. With suggestions on the relation of rocks to soil. 196 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1868.

Hall-Stevenson (John). See Stevenson. Hall (Rev. W. J.) Psalms and hymns. xi, 86 pp. 831. 32°. London, Rivington, [1848]? [Imperfect title page wanting]. Hall (William W. m. d.) Soldier health. 5th ed. 160 pp. 180. New York, 1863. Hallager (Morten). Udförlige og troværdige efterretninger om de fra Rusland af langs med kysterne af Jishavet til söes giorte opdagelser; lilligemed de i russiske tieneste værende danske söe-officerers, commandeur-capitain Vitus Berings og capitain Morten Spangbergs söe-reiser, foretagne i aarene 1728, 1729, 1738, 1741 til 1743, paa det östlige ocean fra Kamtschatka af til Japon og Amerika; samt en beskrivelse over de siden den tid i dette


hav fundne öer, [etc.] uddragne af ovenmeldte söefareres dagböger og af Müllers, Stellers, de l'Isle's, Pallas's beretninger og skrifter, [etc.] xiv pp. 1 1. 350 pp. 16°. Kiöbenhavn, M. Hallager, 1784.

Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Poetical writings, with extracts from those of Joseph Rodman Drake. Edited by James Grant Wilson. 1 p. 1. 389 pp. 1 portrait. 120. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

Alnwick castle, with other poems. [anon.] 64 pp. 8°. New York, G. & C. Carvill, 1827.

[MARKOE pamphlets, v. 1].

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The poetry of witchcraft, illustrated by copies of the plays on the Lancashire witches, by Heywood and Shadwell. 239 pp. 40. Brixton Hill, printed for private circulation only, 1853. Hallock (Dr. F.) Help in trouble; or light in darkness. [A medical treatise on private diseases]. 52 pp. 120. Boston, the proprietor, 1868.

The secret medical counsellor; or, an essay on the physiology, functions, and diseases of the organs of generation. 142 pp. 12 pl. 120. Boston, the proprietor, 1869. Hallock (Mrs. M. A.) The child's history of king Solomon. 128 pp. 1 pl. sm. 4°. New York, American tract society, [1869]. Hallock (Rev. William Allen). Memoir of Harlan Page; or, the power of prayer and per sonal effort for the souls of individuals. 1 p. 1. 230 pp. 1 portrait. 18°. New York, American tract society, [1835].

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