Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Leidy (Joseph, m. d.) Description of vertebrate fossils. 4°. Charleston, 1860.

[In HOLMES (F.S.) Post-pleiocene fossils of South Carolina, pp. 99-118, pl. 15-24].

Leigh (Charles). The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak, in Derbyshire: with an account of the British, Phonician, Armenian, Gr[eek] and Rom[an] antiquities in those parts. 2 v. in 1. 10 p. 1. 194 pp. 12 pl. 1 portrait; 11. 112 pp. 18 1. 21 pl. fol. Oxford, C. Leigh, 1700. Leigh (Samuel). Leigh's new picture of London; or, a view of the political, religious, medical, literary, municipal, commercial, and moral state of the British metropolis. 2d ed. viii, 529, 36 pp. 5 1. 1 map, 14 pl. 180. London, S. Leigh, 1818. [Imperfect: 1 map wanting].

[blocks in formation]


Leiste (Christian). Beschreibung des brittischen Amerika zur ersparung der englischen karten. 572 pp. 1 map. 160. Wolfenbüttel, Bindseil, 1778.

Leithold (Theodor von). Mijn uitstap naar Brazilie, of reize van Berlijn naar Rio de Janeiro, en van daar terug, enz. 'Uit he Hoogduitsch. iv, 228 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Van Kesteren, 1821.

Leland (Charles Godfrey). Hans Breitmann's

ballads. 118 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T.

B. Peterson & brothers, [1869].

Hans Breitmann's party. With other ballads. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & bros. 1868.

Hans Breitmann in politics. 13 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.

Hans Breitmann about town. And other new ballads. 2d series of the Breitmann ballads. 62 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & bros. 1869.

Le Mercier (Rev. Andrew). The church history of Geneva, in five books. As also a political and geographical account of that republick. 2 v. in l. 5 p.l. 220 pp; vi,76 pp. 11. 12. Boston, S. Gerrish, 1732.

A treatise against detraction, in ten sections. 1 p. 1. iv pp. 5 1. viii, 303 pp. 8°. Boston, D. Henchman, 1733.

Lémery (Nicolas). Woordenboek of algemeene verhandeling der enkele droogeryen, [etc.] In 't Fransch beschreven in. Eu in 't Nederduitsch gebragt door C. V. Putten en Isaac de Witt. 10 p. 1. 772 pp. 37 1. 26 pl. 40. Rotterdam, J. D. Beman, 1763. Le Mire (Aubert). De statv religionis christianæ, per Europam, Asiam, Africam, et orbem novum, libri iv. 9 p. 1. 456 pp. 16°. Helmestadii, H. Mülleri, 1670. Lémontey (Pierre Édouard). Raison, folie, petit cours de morale mis à la portée des vieux enfans; suivi des observateurs de la femme. [anon.] 3e éd. [etc.] 2 v. 2 p. 1. 8°. xxviii, 404 pp; 2 p. 1. 446 pp. Paris, Deterville, 1816.

Lemprière (William). A tour from Gibralter to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant; and thence over mount Atlas to Morocco. Including a particular account of the royal harem, etc. 3d ed. with additions and corrections. xi, 330 pp. 24°. Richmond, W. Pritchard, 1800.



Lemström (Carl Selim). Om volta-induk- Leotaud (Vincent)-continued.

tionsströmmars intensitetsförlopp. Akademisk afhandling. 2 p. 1. 132 pp. 1 1. 4 pl. 80. Helsingfors. J. C. Frenckell & son, 1869. Le Mullier (Henri). Histoire parlémentaire de la présidence, depuis l'élection du prince Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte jusqu'au 2 décembre 1851. 230 pp. 1 1. 120. Paris, Garnier, 1852.

Lennep (Jacob van). De voornaamste geschiedenissen van Noord-Nederland, door mr. J. van Lennep aan zijne kinderen verhaald. 12 v. 16°. Amsterdam, P. M. Warnars, 1848-53.

Lennep Coster (G. van). Aanteekeningen, gehouden gedurende mijn verblijf in de West-Indien in de jaren 1837-1840. vii, 359 pp. 3 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1842.

Herinneringen mijner reizen naar onderscheidene werelddeelen. 2 v. xii, 324 pp. 3 pl; 1 p. 1. viii, 320 pp. 3 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1836.


v. 1. Reis naar de kust van Africa en West Indië, 1819-21, Aanteekeningen, gehouden op eenen krnistogt in de Nordzee, met de haringvloot, in 1827.

v. 2. Aanteekeningen gehouden op eene reize daar de Middellandsche Zee en Konstantinople, in 1825.


Lenny's search. By H. A. D. [anon.] 384
pp. 3 pl. 160. Boston, congregational sab-
bath school and publishing society, [1863].
Lenoir (Marie Alexandre). Musée royal des
monumens français; ou, mémorial de l'his-
toire de France et de ses monumens.
pp. 120. Paris, A. Lenoir, 1815.
[MARKOE pamphlets, v. 36].
Lente (El). Novela satirico moral, traducida
del Frances por d. L. L. [anon.] 3 p. 1.
224 pp. 180. Valencia, J. Ferrer de Orga,

Léon-Chapelle (—). Mes loisirs.



tions, réflexions, maximes et poésies. 4o éd. 352 pp. 8°. Saint-Étienne, K. Pichon, 1855. Leon y Gama (Antonio de). Descripcion histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras que con ocasion del nuevo empedrado que se está formando en la plaza principal de México, se hallaron en ella el año de 1790. 3 p. 1. 116 pp. 1 1. 3 pl. 129. México, Zuñiga y Ontiveros, 1792.

Leotaud (Vincent). Examen cirevli qvadratvræ hactenvs editarvm celeberrimæ, qvam Apollonius alter, magno illo Pergo non minor geometra r. p. Gregorivs a Sancto Vin

centio, societatis Jesv, exposuit. 6 p. 1. 296
pp. 11 1.
sm. 4°. Lugdvni, 1654.
[With LIONNE (Artus de). Cvrvilineorvm amœnior
contemplatio, etc.]

Analyse des con

Lepaige (Louis Adrien).
stitutions et priviléges de la compagnie de
Jésus. Nouvelle éd.
2 v. 16°. Amster-
dam, 1761.

[COUDRETTE (C.) Histoire générale de la compagnie
de Jésus, v. 3-4).

Lepan (Édouard-Marie-Joseph). Vie politique, littéraire et morale de Voltaire, où l'on réfute Condorcet et ces autres historiens. 2e éd. Augmentée d'un grand nombre de faits, avec la réponse de l'auteur à m. Viennet, l'un des rédacteurs du journal de Paris. 2 p. 1.378 pp. 16°. Paris, Migneret, 1819. Lepe (Pedro, bishop of Calahorra y Calçada). Catecismo catholico, en el cual se contiene la explicacion de los principales mysterios de nuestra santa fé catholica, y los de mas cosas, qve debe el christiano saber para sv salvacion. 8 p. 1. 401 pp. 4°. Madrid, A. Gonzales de Reyes, 1707.

Lepelletier de Saint Remy (R.) SaintDomingue. Etude et solution nouvelle de la question haïtienne. 2v. lxxxiii, 374 pp; 3 p. 1. 554 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1846. L'Épine (Ernest). La légende de CroqueMitaine. Illustrée par G. Doré. 3 p. 1. 274 pp. 4°. Paris, L. Hachette & cie. 1863. Lereu (Hipólito) and Suarez (Pascual). Lecciones escogidas para los niños que aprenden á leer en las escuelas pias. 4a impresion. viii, 326 pp. 1 1. 18°. Madrid, E. Aguado, 1831.


Leroux (Charles). A practical treatise on
the manufacture of worsted and carded
yarns. From the French, by Horatio Paine,
m. d. and A. A. Fesquet. [With] an ap-
pendix containing extracts from the reports
of the international jury, etc. 1867. 341 pp.
11. 12 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird,
Leroux (Pierre). Job, drame en cinq actes,
avec prologue et épilogue, par le prophète
Isaie, retrouvé, rétabli dans son intégrité, et
traduit littéralement sur le texte hébreu.
[Appendice. Le Job des églises, et le Job
de m. Renan]. 2 p. 1. 454 pp. 1 1. 89.
Paris, E. Dentu, 1866.

Le Roux de Lincy (Adrien Jean Victor).
Le livre des légendes. Introduction. 1 p. 1.
xiv, 286 pp. 8°. Paris, Silvestre, 1836.



Le Roy (Jean Baptiste). Resumen de una | Leslie (Frank)—continued.

obra sopre hospitales, [etc. 1787]. 8°. Madrid, 1793.

[In MEMORIAS leidas sobre la edificacion de hospitales, 1793].

Le Roy de Lozembrune (François). Précis historique et politique de ce qui a donné lieu à la rupture du traité de Passarowitz, et à la guerre de 1737, [etc.] 16°. Vienne, Gräffer le jeune, 1788.

[In HISTOIRE de la guerre de Hongrie. 1716-18, pp. 245-277].

Lery (Jean de). Historie van een reyse ghedaen inden lande van Bresillien, andersins ghenoemt America. Met een vocabulaer ofte t'zamensprekinghe in haerlider tale : mitsgaders de beschryvinghe van veelderly ghedierten, boomen, cruyden, ende andere by-sonderste dinghen van dien lande, herwaerts over heel vreemt ende onbekent. Over-geset wt het Franchoys. Met verscheyden schoone figueren. 111 1. sm. 4°. Amstelredam, C. Claesz, 1597.


The same. Reise in Brasilien. der von dem herrn verfasser selbst veranstalteten lateinischen ausgabe übersetzt. Mit anmerkungen und erläuterungen. 4 p. 1. 415 pp. 11. 8°. Münster, Platvæt, 1794. Le Sage (Alain René). The adventures of Robert Chevalier, call'd De Beauchene, captain of a privateer in New France. 2 v. 4 p. l. 307 pp; 4 p. 1. 288 pp. 18°. London, T. Gardner, 1745.

NOTE.-Ce n'est point une fiction, mais l'histoire singulière d'un capitaine de flibustiers, qui fut tué à Tours, par des Anglais, en 1731, rédigé d'après les mémoires fournis par sa veuve. QUERARD. Lescallier (Daniel). Exposé des moyens de mettre en valeur et d'administrer La Guiane. xxiv, 216 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Paris, Buisson, 1791.

Lesguillon (Pierre Jean). Emotions. 2 p. 1.
308 pp. 8°. Paris, Bousquet, 1833.
Leslie (Rev. Charles). A short method with
the deists. Wherein the certainty of the
christian religion is demonstrated. In a letter
to a friend. 120. Newark, 1795.
[In OGDEN (U.) Antidote to deism.

v. 2.

pp. 319

Leslie (Frank). Paris universal exposition, 1867, [etc.] Report on the fine arts. 43 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1868. The same. [Author's ed.] 43 pp. 31 pl. 4°. Washington, government printing

office, 1868.

Frank Leslie's chimney corner. Nov. 28, 1868, to Nov. 20, 1869. v. 8-9. fol. New York, F. Leslie, 1868-69.

v. 27-28.

Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. Sept. 19, 1863, to Sept. 11, 1869. fol. New York, F. Leslie, 1868-69. The same. Frank Leslie. 1869. v. 5. 1869.

Ilustracion americana de Oct. 21, 1868, to April 14, fol. New York, F. Leslie,

Frank Leslie's lady's magazine. Jan. to Dec. 1869. v. 24-25. sm. fol. New York, F. Leslie, [1869].

Frank Leslie's pleasant hours. Devoted Feb. to light and entertaining literature. 1869, to Jan. 1870. v. 6-7. 89. New York, F. Leslie, 1869-70. Lesquereux (Leo). Report on the fossil plants of Illinois. 8°. Chicago, 1866.

[ILLINOIS (Geological survey of). v. 2, section 3]. Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim). Nathan, the wise. A dramatic poem of five acts. Translated into English prose, by dr. Isidore Kalisch. 1 p. 1. ix, 212 pp. 1 1. 16°. New York, Waldheimer & Zenn, 1869.

Lessius (Leonardus). See Leys (Leonard).
Lessons from biography, for young men.

[anon.] 191 pp. 180. Philadelphia, Ameri-
can sunday school union, 1865.
Lester (Charles Edwards). The glory and
shame of England. 2 v. 304 pp; 2 p. 1. pp.
307-601. 8°. New York, Bartram & Les-
ter, 1866.

Leti (Gregorio). Li precipitii della sede apostolica; ò, vero la corte di Roma, persequitata, e perseguitante. 22 p. 1. 887 pp. 180. Lione, A. Dernen, 1672.

Le Trosne (Guillaume François). Suite de
la dispute sur la concurrence de la naviga-
tion étrangère pour la voiture de nos grains,
[etc.] viij, 184 pp. 16°. Paris, 1765.
Letters addressed to lord Liverpool and the
parliament on the preliminaries of peace.
By Calvus. [pseudon.] 1 p. 1. 100 pp. 80.
London, H. Colburn, 1814.

Letters on England. By Victoire, count de
Soligny. [pseudon.] Translated from the
original mss. 2 v. xvi, 311 pp; 1 p. 1. xi,
316 pp.
120. London, H. Colburn & co.

Letters on the force of imagination in preg-
nant women. [anon.] iii, 133 pp. 180.
London, W. Griffin, 1765.

Letters on prejudice. [anon.]

2 v.


436 pp; xv, 486 pp. 120. London, T. Cadell, 1822.



Letters to a nobleman, proving a late prime | Lever (Charles). The Bramleighs of Bishop's

minister [William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, third duke of Portland] to have been Junius; and developing the secret motives which induced him to write under that and

other signatures. With an appendix containing a celebrated case, published by Almon in 1768. [By A. G. Johnston. anon.] xv. 55 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1816.

Letters of the southern spy, in Washington and elsewhere. [anon.] 92, 3 pp. 16°. [n. p.] 1861.

Letters (The) of Wyoming, to the people of the United States, on the presidential election, and in favour of Andrew Jackson. Origginally published in the Columbian observer. [anon.] 104 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, S. Simpson & J. Conrad, 1824. Letters written from Colombia during a journey from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. [anon.] viii, 208 pp. 1 map. 80. London, G. Cowie & co. 1824. Letter-writer's (The) own book. xxx, 15-224 pp. 7 1. 18°. Philadelphia, J. B. Perry,


[Imperfect: title page and second leaf wanting]. Leuckart (Dr. Rudolf). Bericht über die leistungen in der naturgeschichte der niederen thiere während der jahre 1848-1853, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861 und 1862. 8°o. Berlin, 1854-64. S.

[Extracts and reprints from Archiv für naturgeschichte].

Lehrbuch der anatomie der wirbellosen thiere. See Frey (H.) and Leuckart.

Ueber die morphologie und die verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der wirbellosen thiere. Ein beitrag zur charakteristik und classification der thierischen formen. 4 p. 1. 180 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, 1848. Leusden (Jan). Clavis hebraica veteris testamenti. 7 p. 1.535 pp. 4°. Ultrajecti, F. Halma, 1683.


Philologus hebræus, continens quæstiones hebraicas, quæ, circa vetus testamentum hebræum fere moveri solent. ed. 2a. 11 p. 1. 440 pp. 1 portrait. 4o. Ultrajecti, Meinardus a Dreunen, 1672. Levasseur (A.) General Lafayette in Amerika, oder dessen letzte reise durch Amerika in den jahren 1824 und 1825. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von A. Levasseur, geb. Zeis. 2 v. in 1. 870 pp. 1 1. 8°. Naumburg, Wild, 1829.

Folly. Copyright ed. 2 v. 366 pp; 362 pp. sq. 160. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1868. Levera (Francesco). Dialogvs contra duas hic transcriptas epistolas, nuper editas in prodromvm Francisci Leverae, in quo eiusdem prodromi doctrina et vsus vberrime confirmatur auctore Savinio Muto. [pseu don.] 1 p. 1. 64 pp. fol. Roma, A. Bernabò, 1664.

[With his Prodromus universæ astronomia].

De inerrantium stellarum viribus, et excellentia, secundum quatuor positus earum insignes, cum tabula declinationum, ascensionum rectarum, [etc.] 106 pp. 4 1. fol. Romæ, A. Bernabò, 1664.

- Prodromus [seu liber primus] vniversæ astronomiæ restitvtæ. De anni solaris et siderei, ac dierum magnitudine in omni aeuo, etc. 4 p. 1. 418 pp. 71. fol. Romæ, A. Bernabò, 1663.

[With the preceding]. Levesque (J. Ph.) Le Val-Duonegro; ou, les frères du poignard invisible; suivi des Ruines de Dirckenfeld, ou, le tribunal des frères noirs; histoires du xvie siècle. 2 p. 1. 334 pp. 8°. Paris, Locard & Davi, 1834. Levesque de Pouilly (Louis Jean). The theory of agreeable sensations. In which, after the laws observed by nature in the distribution of pleasure are discovered, the principles of natural theology and moral philosophy are established. [With] a dissertation on harmony of stile. [anon.] Translated from the French. xi pp. 4 1. 266 pp. 180. London, W. Owen, 1749.

Levi (David). Dissertations on the prophecies of the old testament. Containing all such prophecies as are applicable to the coming of the Messiah, the restoration of the Jews, and the resurrection of the dead; whether so applied by Jews or christians. Revised and amended, with a dedication and introduction, by J. King. 2 v. 1 p. 1. lxxvi, 298 pp; 313 pp. 8°. London, author, 1817. Levin's treasure in bank. By E. R. [anon.] 140 pp. 2 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869.

Lewes (Charles Lee). Comic sketches; or, the comedian his own manager. Written and selected for the benefit of performers in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America. Inscribed to the performers in general. xxxv, 194 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. London, H. D. Symonds, 1804.


Lewis (Eliza Gabriella). Poems. v pp. 1 1. 148 pp. 120. Brooklyn, Shannon & co. 1850. Lewis (Enoch). A dissertation on oaths. 100 pp. 160. Philadelphia, U. Hunt, 1838. Lewis (Rev. George). The bible, the missal, and the breviary; or, ritualism self-illustrated in the liturgical books of Rome. Translated from the Latin; with preliminary dissertations and notes, etc. 2 v. viii, 285 pp; vi, 289 to 809 pp. 80. Edinburgh, T. &T. Clark, 1853. Lewis (James Henry). The ready-writer; or, ne plus ultra of short-hand being the most easy, exact, lineal, speedy, and legible method ever yet discovered, [etc.] xix pp. 11. 106 pp. 8°. London, W. Smith & co. 1812. Lewis (J. O.) The aboriginal port-folio. Nos. 1-8. 12 1. 64 col. pl. fol. Philadelphia,

J. O. Lewis, 1835. Lewis (Matthew Gregory). Tales of wonder; written and collected. 2d ed. 2 p. 1. 251 pp. 120. London, W. Bulmer & co. 1801.

Lewis (Meriwether) and Clarke (William). Reize naar de bronnen van den Missouri, en door het vaste land van America naar de zuidzee. Gedaan op last van de regering der Vereenigde Staten van America in de jaren 1804, 1805 en 1806. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door N. G. Van Kampen. 3 v. 8°. Dordrecht, A. Blussé & zoon, 1816–18. Lewis (William). A second series of lessons on the game of chess, written expressly for the use of the higher class of players, and containing several new methods of attack and defence. New ed. revised and corrected. x, 316 pp. 8°. London, W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 1834. Leycester (Sir Peter). Historical antiquities, in two books. The first, treating in general of Great Brettain and Ireland. The second, containing particular remarks concerning Cheshire. [With] a transcript of Doomsday book, so far as it concerneth Cheshire. 3 p. 1. 437 pp. 11. fol. London, R. Clavell, 1673.

Leydekker (Melchior).

De republica Hebræorum libri xii, et de vario reipublicæ Hebræorum statu libri novem. Porro antiquitates Judæorum veræ ostenduntur et falsæ corriguntur, [etc.] Subjicitur Archæologia sacra, qua historia creationis et diluvii mo saica contra Burneti profanam telluris theoriam asseritur. 2 v. 12 p. 1. 702, 96 pp; 7 p. 1. 638 pp. 61. fol. Amstelodami, J. Stokman, 1704-10.


Leys (Léonard). La sobriedad y sus ventajas; 6, verdadero medio de conservarse con salud perfecta hasta la mas avanzada edad; traduccion hecha por Miguel de La Higuera y Alfaro. 1 p. 1. xi, 115 pp. 160. Madrid, I. Ibarra, 1782.

Lezo (Nicolas Luis de). Ordo in divinis officiis servandus in sac. æde palatin. matritensi juxta rubricas breviarii, missalisque romani, tum ab universo ejusdem clero, tum etiam aliarum ecclesiarum suæ jurisdictionis vere nullius, anno dñi. mdccexli. 278 pp. 180. Matriti, J. a Viana Razola, 1841. L'Héritier de Brutelle (Charles Louis). Stirpes novæ, aut minus cognitæ, descriptionibus et iconibus illustratæ. 6 parts in 2 v. xvi, 181 pp. 90 col. pl. fol. Parisiis, F. D. Pierre, 1784-85. Liberal (The) preacher; a monthly publication of sermons by living ministers. Edited by rev. T. R. Sullivan. v. 1. 2 p. 1. 202 pp. 8°. Keene, (N. H.) J. Prentiss, 1828. Liberalismo (El) y sus efectos en la republica

mexicana. Por J. H. [anon.] 14 pp. 120. Mexico, A. Boix, 1858. Library [The] of reason. Containing a series of articles from the works of ancient and modern authors, in favor of free inquiry. [Edited by W. Chilton]. 89 1. 8°. London, J. Watson, 1851. Liceo (El) mexicano.

pl; 264 pp. 22 pl. 80. 1844.

2 v. 434 pp. 31. 38 Mexico, J. M. Lara,


[v. 2 incomplete]. Lieber (Francis, ll. d.) Notes on fallacies peculiar to American protectionists, or chiefly resorted to in America. 39 pp. 8°. New York, American free trade league, 1869. Liebert (Narcissus). De doctrina Taciti. Dissertatio inauguralis. 2 p. 1. 122 pp. 1 1. 80. Wirceburgi, F. E. Thein, 1868. Life [The] and dangerous voyages of sir Francis Drake, with the surprising of Nombre de Dios, and the manner of his gaining large quantities of gold and silver. And a large account of that voyage wherein he encompassed the whole world, [etc. anon.] 164 pp. 1 portrait. 24°. London, H. Dean, [about 1750]?

Life before him. A novel. [anon.] 401 pp.

120. New York, W. A. Townsend & co. 1860. Life (The) of Elisha Tyson, the philanthropist. By a citizen of Baltimore.

[blocks in formation]

[anon.] Baltimore,

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