Imágenes de páginas




Dumas (Mathieu). Traité de la défence et de la conservation des colonies. viii, 120 pp. 8°. Londres, et Bruxelles, 1777. Dumast (Auguste Prosper François Guerrier de). Promenades d'automne dans les champs de la vérité; ou, examen de quelques opinions reçues. vii, 126 pp. 8°. Paris, B. Duprat, 1862.

Dufay (Jean Gaspar). Sermones para la octava del santissimo sacramento. Traducidos de la lengua Francesa à la Española. Por L. Bordonava y Montestruque. 6 p. 1. 239 pp. 8°. Madrid, J. Rico, 1758. Dufey (P. J. S.) Abrégé de l'histoire des révolutions de l'Amérique méridionale, depuis les premières découvertes par les Européens, jusqu'à nos jours, [etc.] 2 v. 2 p. 1. iv, 382 pp; | Du May (Louis). L'advocat condamné, et les 2 p. 1. 375 pp. 189. Paris, Emler frères, 1827. Duffield (John T. editor). The Princeton

pulpit. Edited by John T. Duffield. 326 pp. 8°. New York, C. Scribner, 1852. Dufraisse (Marc). Histoire du droit de guerre

et de paix de 1789 à 1815. 2o éd. 1 p. 1. 399 pp. 129. Paris, A. Le Chevalier, 1868. Dufur (A. J.) Statistics of the state of Ore

gon; containing a description of its agricultural development, and natural and industrial resources. Together with the physical, geographical, geological, and mineral statis. tics of the state. 128 pp. 8°. Salem, (Oregon), Willamette farmer office, 1869. Duganne (Augustine J. H.) A history of governments; showing the progress of civil society and the structure of ancient and modern states. 1 p. 1. 393 pp. 120. New York, R. M. De Witt, 1861. Dugrivel (A.) Des bords de la Saône à la

baie de San Salvador; ou, promenade sentimentale en France et au Brésil. 2 p. 1. 324 pp. 8°. Paris, Ledoyen, 1843. Duguet (Jacques Joseph). Tratado de los escrupulos. De sus causas, de sus especies, de sus peligrosas consequencias, de sus remedios generales y particulares. Escrito en Francés por el autor del libro intitulado: Instruccion de una señora christiana para vivir en el mundo santamente. Y traducido al Español. [anon.] 11 p. 1. 248 pp. 18°. Madrid, Blas Román, 1777.


Du Hamel (Rev. J. Pleasonton). Protestant gems of the prayer book. 102 pp. 160. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869.

Duhamel (Joseph Robert Alexandre). Confutazione degli errori su' misterj dell' incarnazione e della trinità che s'incontrano nella seconda parte dell' istoria del popolo di Dio [d'Isaac G. Berruyer. anon.] xxiv, 632 pp. 160. Roma, fratelli, Pagliarini, 1753. S. Dumas (Alexander). Love and liberty. A thrilling narrative of the French revolution

of 1792. 372 pp. 120. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & brother, [1869].


parties mises hors de procez par arrest du Parnasse; la France et l'Allemagneégalement defenduës, par la solide refutation du traité, que le sieur Aubery a fait, des pretentions du roy sur l'empire, [etc.] Par L. D. M. C. S. D. S. E. D. M. [anon.] 255 pp. 240. [Paris], 1669.

Dumbar (Gerhard). De oude en nieuwe constitutie der Vereenigde Staten van Amerika, uit de beste schriften in haare gronden ontvouwd. 3 v. 80. Amsterdam, J. A. Crajenschot, 1793-96.

Duméril (Auguste). Histoire naturelle des poissons; ou, ichthyologie générale. v. 1. Elasmobranches. Plagiostomes et holocéphales ou chiméres. 2 p. 1. 720 pp. 8°. Atlas, 8 pp. 14 col. pl. 8°. Paris, Roret, 1865. Dumont (Melanie). Velvet coat, the cat. A story for children. After the French by Lois Hamard. 125 pp. 2 pl. 16o. Philadelphia, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1870. Dumont d'Urville (Jules Sébastien César). Malerische reise um die welt. Eine geordzusammenstellung des wissenswerthesten von den entdeckungsreisen eines Magellan, Tasman, Dampier, etc. verfasst von einer gesellschaft reisender und gelehrter unter der leitung des herrn Dumont d'Urville. [Aus dem Französischen] von dr. A. Diezmann. 2 v. xii, 338 pp. 4 maps. 74 pl; iv. 300 pp. 1 map. 69 pl. 4o. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1835,


Dun (R. G.) & co. The mercantile agency reference book, [and key]; containing ratings of the merchants, manufacturers, and traders generally, throughout the United States and Canada. January, 1869. 2d ed. 40. New York, Dun, Barlow & co. 1869.

The same. July, 1869. 4°. New York, Dun, Barlow & co. 1869. Duncan (Alexander). The examiner; or, teacher's aid. Designed to assist pupils in reviewing their studies; also teachers, normal schools and teachers' institutes in class and drill exercises. Revised ed. 163 pp. 120. Cincinnati, Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle, 1865.



Duncan (Andrew, m. d. editor). See Medi- Dunoyer (Anne Marguerite Petit, madame). cal commentaries.

Duncan (Rev. John M.) Remarks on the rise, use, and unlawfulness of creeds and confessions of faith, in the church of God. In two parts. 287 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Cushing & Jewett, 1825.

Duncan (Malcom C.) Duncan's masonic ritual and monitor; or, guide to the three symbolic degrees of the ancient York rite, and to the degrees of mark master, past master, most excellent master, and the royal arch. 2d ed. 281 pp. 16°. New York, L. Fitzgerald, 1866.

Duncan (William). The elements of logic. In four books, [etc.] 239 pp. 16°. New York, E. Duyckinck, 1802.

Duncker (Alexander). Die ländlichen wohnsitze, schlösser, und residenzen der ritterschaftlichen grundbesitzer in der preus. sischen monarchie, nebst den königlichen familien- haus- fideicommiss- und schatullgütern, in naturgetreuen, künstlerisch ausgeführten, farbigen darstellungen, nebst begleitendem text. 10 v. obl. fol. Berlin, A. Duncker, 1857-68. [v. 8 wanting]. Duncker (Ludwig). Des heiligen Irenäus christologie im zusammenhange mit dessen theologischen und anthropologischen grundlehren. viii, 262 pp. 8°. Göttingen, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1843. Duncombe (Charles).


Duncombe's free banking an essay on banking, currency, finance, exchanges, and political economy. 11 p. 1. 356 pp. 16°. Cleveland, (O.) Sanford & co. 1841.

Dunlap's Pennsylvania packet. See Pennsylvania packet, and general advertiser. Dunlap and Claypoole's American daily advertiser. See Pennsylvania packet and general advertiser.

Dunlavy (John). The manifesto: or, a declaration of the doctrine and practice of the church of Christ. Reprinted. viii, 486 pp. 80. New York, E. O. Jenkins, 1847. Dunlevy (A. H.) History of the Miami baptist association; from its organization in 1797 to a division in that body on missions, etc. in the year 1836. With short sketches of deceased pastors of this first association in Ohio. 1 p. 1. 193 pp. 1 pl. 160. Cincinnati, G. S. Blanchard & co. 1869.

Lettres historiques et galantes de deux dames de condition, dont l'une étoit à Paris, et l'autre en province. Où l'on voit tout ce qui s'est passé de plus particulier, depuis le commencement du siècle jusques à présent; la relation du congrès d'Utrecht; celle de la mort du roi; les harangues des seigneurs et officiers du parlement, [etc.] 6 v. 180. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1718.

Dunton (John). The life and errors of John Dunton, late citizen of London. Written by himself in solitude. With an idea of a new life; wherein is shewn how he'd think, speak, and act, might he live over his days again intermixed with the new discoveries the author has made in his travels abroad, and in his private conversation at home, [etc.] 9 p. 1. 515 pp. 16°. London, S. Malthus, 1705.

Duplessis (Paul). El batidor de las selvas.

Novela escrita en Francés. Traducida al español por J. R. N. 4 v. 16°. Mejico, J. R. Navarro, 1857.

Dupont de l'Ain (—). Études médicales sur les quatre âges de la vie; ou, guide sanitaire pour l'enfance, l'adolescence, la virilité et la vieillesse. 2 p. 1. x, 215 pp. 8°. Paris, l'auteur, 1830.

[MEDICAL pamphlets, v. 4]. Dupont de Nemours (Pierre Samuel). Du commerce et de la compagnie des Indes. 2e éd. 288 pp. 8°. Paris, Delalain, 1769. Duppa (Richard). Elements of the science of botany as established by Linnæus, [etc. anon. Dedication subscribed R. D.] 3d ed. [With numerous colored plates]. 3 v. 169. London, J. Murray, 1812. Duran (Nicolao). See Mastrilli or Duran (Nicolao).

Durand (Silas H.) The trial of Job. 269 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1870. Durant (John). A cluster of grapes taken out of the basket of the woman of Canaan; or, counsel and comfort for beleeving soules comming to Christ and meeting with discouragements; being the summe of certain sermons preached upon Matthew xv. [etc.] 7 p. 1. 206 pp. 16°. London, H. Mortlocke,


Du Rosel (-). Arte de callar, [etc.] See Dinouart (J. A. T.)

Du Rozoir (Charles). Le dauphin, fils de Louis xv. et père de Louis xvi. et de Louis xvii; ou, vie privée des Bourbons, depuis le


Du Rozoir (Charles)-continued. mariage de Louis xv. en 1725, jusqu'à l'ouverture des états-généraux én 1789, [etc.] 666 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. Paris, A. Eymery, 1815.


Dürre (Ernst Friedrich). Ueber die constitution des roheisens und den werth seiner physikalischen eigenschaften, zur begründung eines allgemeinen constitutions gesetzes für dasselbe. Inaugural-dissertation zur erlangung der philosophischen doctorwürde an der universität Göttingen. x, 186 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Th. Engelhardt, 1868. Durrie (Daniel S.) Bibliographia genealogica americana: an alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees contained in state, county, and town histories, printed genealogies, and kindred works. xii, 296 pp. 8°. Albany, (N. Y.) J. Munsell, 1869. Durrieu (Xavier). The present state of Morocco a chapter of Mussulman civilization. xv, 93 pp. 16°. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1854. Duryea (Joseph T. d. d.) A series of lessons from the old and new testaments. No. 1. Genesis. The origin of the world, man, sin, redemption, and the church. 8 pp. 160. New York, Sunday-school teacher's agency, 1868.

Dussauce (H.) A general treatise on the manufacture of soap, theoretical and practical. With an appendix, containing extracts from the reports of the international jury on soaps, as exhibited in the Paris universal exposition, 1867, numerous tables, etc. 807 pp. 80. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. Du Vair (Guillaume, 1st president of the parliament of Provence). The morall philosophy of the stoicks. Written originally in French by monsieur Du Vair. Englished by C. Cotton. 3 p. 1. 118 pp. 1 pl. 180. London, H. Mortlock, 1664.

Duval (Alexandre Vincent Pineux). Euvres complètes. (Tragédie et comédie). 9 v. 8°. Paris, J. N. Barba, 1822. Duvergier de Hauranne (Prosper). Histoire du gouvernement parlémentaire en France, 1814-1848. v. 9. 8°. Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1869.

Duvérine (A. pseudon.) See Hochene. Duvernet (Abbé Théophile Imarigeon). Histoire de la Sorbonne; dans laquelle on voit l'influence de la théologie sur l'ordre social. 2 v. xi, 348 pp; 2 p. 1. 385 pp. 8°. Paris, Buisson, 1790.


Duveyrier (Charles). Histoire des premiers électeurs de Paris en 1789, extraite de leur procès-verbal, rédigé par Duveyrier, et précédée d'une introduction historique, d'après les événements, arrêtés, discours, pamphlets, caricatures, etc. et d'un essai sur le corps électoral selon la charte. 2 p. 1. civ, 456 pp. 8°. Paris, A. André, 1828. Dwight (Benjamin W.) The higher christian education. xvii, 347 pp. 120. New York, A. S. Barnes & Burr, 1859. Dwight (Sereno Edwards). The life of president Edwards. 766 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. New York, G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1830. Dwight (Timothy). The conquest of Canaan; a poem, in eleven books. vii, 363 pp. 16°. London, J. Johnson, 1788. Dyer (Rev. -, of Plymouth, England). A collection of psalms and hymns for social worship, extracted from various authors. 1 p. l. x, 242, 31, ii pp. 16°. London, 1767. Eagles (John). The journal of Llewellin Penrose, a seaman. [pseudon.] 4 v. 8°. London, 1815.

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Eagles (Ren. John). The sketcher. x, 398 pp. 80. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood & sons, 1856. Eagles (Thomas). Mountain melodies. viii,

236 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker & co. 1835. Earle (Rev. A. B.) Bringing in sheaves. 384 pp. 1 portrait. 120. Boston, J. H. Earle, 1869. Early English text society. Publications. 8°. London, Trübner, 1869.


Extra series. No. 4. The lay of Havelock the Dane. East India (The) sketch-book: comprising an account of the present state of society in Calcutta, Bombay, etc. [anon.] 250 pp. 120. New York, T. Foster, 1836. Eastlake (Charles Locke). Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery, and other details. 1 p. 1. xiv, 269 pp. 33 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & co. 1868. Eaton (James H.) Eaton's mathematical algebra. See Bradbury (W. F.) Eaton (John Mathews). A treatise on the art of breeding and managing the almond tumbler. 50, viii pp. 8°. London, author, 1851. [With the following].

(editor). A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons. Compiled from the best authors, [etc.] 88 pp. 1 col. pl. 8°. London, author [Eaton], 1852.

[NOTE. A reprint of the Columbarium; or, the pigeon house; by John Moore, with preface and notes].



Eaton (Rev. J. W.) Penuel; or, face to face | Echeverz (Francisco Miguel de). with God. See McLean (Rev. A.) and Eaton.

Ebeling (Christoph Daniel). Erdbeschreibung und geschichte von Amerika. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 7 v. 16°. Hamburg, Hoffmann & Campe, 1816.

[blocks in formation]

11. 180. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Bär, 1853. Ecce cœlum; or, parish astronomy. In six lectures. By a Connecticut pastor. [anon. ] 7th ed. 198 pp. 120. Boston, Nichols & Noyes, 1870. Echtermeyer (Ernst Theodor), Henschel (Ludwig), and Simrock (Carl Joseph). Quellen des Shakspeare in novellen, märchen und sagen. 3 v. 160. Berlin, Fincke, 1831. [Imperfect, pp. 263-4 of v. 1 wanting]. Eclectic (The) magazine of foreign literature, science, and art. W. H. Bidwell, editor; January to December, 1869. New series, v. 9-10. 8°. New York, E. R. Pelton, 1869. Eclectic (The) medical journal. Edited by J. M. Scudder, m. d. January to December, 1869. v. 29. 8°. Cincinnati, J. M. Scudder, 1869. Ecclesiological, (late Cambridge-Camden) society. A hand-book of English ecclesiology. v, 266, cxviii pp. 1 1. 24 pp. 2 pl. 180. London, J. Masters, 1847. Echard (Lawrence). The history of England.

From the first entrance of Julius Cæsar and the Romans, to the conclusion of the reign of king James ii. and establishment of king William and queen Mary. 3 v. fol. London, J. Tonson, 1707-17.


Maria. Llave del paraiso; la buena confession, con todas sus circunstancias; y un copioso interrogatorio assi para la confession general, como para la particular. 8 p. 1. 234 pp. 160. Pamplone, F. Picart, 1726. Eckartshausen (Carl von) and Witschel (Johann Heinrich Wilhelm). Gott ist die reinste liebe; oder morgen und abendopfer, in gebeten, betrachtungen und gesängen. Ein gemeinschaftliches gebet-buch, bestehend in auszügen aus Witschels und Eckartshausen gebet-biichern. [anon.] 300 PP. 120. Reading, C. M'Williams & co. 1822. Eclectic review. January, 1805, to December, 1809. v. 1-5. 8°. London, Longmans, [etc.] 1805-09.

Economist (The), weekly commercial times, bankers' gazette, and railway monitor; a political, literary, and general newspaper. January-December, 1869. 2 v. fol. London, T. H. Meredith, 1869. Écueil (L') des amans; ou, les amours de don Pedro Gonsalve de Mendosse, et de dona Juana de Cisneros. Nouvelle espagnolle historique et galante. Par le chevalier B***. [anon.] 2 parts in 1 v. 428 pp. 2 pl. 18°. Brusselles, G. de Backer, 1710.

Edda. Die Edda, die ältere und jüngere, nebst den mythischen erzählungen der Skalda, übersetzt und mit erläuterungen begleitet von Karl Simrock. 2o verm. aufl. viii, 490 pp. 8.

Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1851. Eddy (T. M. d. d.) The patriotism of Illi

nois. A record of the civil and military history of the state in the war for the union; with a history of the campaigns in which Illinois soldiers have been conspicuous; sketches of distinguished officers; the roll of the illustrious dead; movements of the sanitary and christian commissions. 2 v. 608 pp. 10 portraits. 1 pl; 704 pp. 10 portraits. 8°. Chicago, Clarke & co. 1865–66.

Edelman (George W.) The bullion dealer's guide. 2d ed. 37 pp. 8°. New York, G. F. Nesbit, 1868.

Rules for converting sterling into currency; from par to 124 per cent, [etc.] 40 pp. 120. Philadelphia, H. L. Lipman, 1849. s. Edersheim (Rev. Alfred). History of the jewish nation after the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. xi,580 pp. 1 map. 12° Edinburgh, T. Constable & co. 1856.


Edgar (J. G.) Runnymede and Lincoln fair. A story of the great charter. vi, 328 pp. 13 pl. 80. London, S. O. Beeton, [1866]. Edgarton (Miss L. C.) Memoir of mrs. Julia H. Scott. 160. Boston, 1843.

[In SCOTT (J. H.) Poems). Edgeworth (Maria). The parent's assistant; or, stories for children. 535 pp. 5 pl. 160. Philadelphia, W. P. Hazard, 1853. Edinburgh medical society. Essays and observations, physical and literary. Read before a society in Edinburgh, and published by them. [anon.] 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Hamilton & J. Balfour, 1754, Edinburgh (The) review, or critical journal, January to October, 1869. v. 129-130. 8°. London, Longmans, 1869. Edith's two account books. 212 pp. 2 pl. 180. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publica tion, [1868].

Edsall (John). Incidents in [his] life. [Edited by J. D. P.] 156 pp. 16°. Catskill, author, 1831.

Edwards (Alphonse Milne-) Recherches anatomiques et paléontologiques pour servir à l'histoire des oiseaux fossiles de France. v. 1. 2 p. 1. 474 pp. 1 1. Atlas, v. 1. 2 p. l. 107 p'. 4°. Paris, V. Masson & fils, 1867-68.

Recherches pour servir à l'histoire nat. urelle des mammifères. See Edwards Henri Milne and A. Milne). Edwards (Amelia Blandford). Hand and glove. A novel. New ed. 1 p. 1. 421 pp. 2 pl. 120. London, J. Maxwell & co. 1865. Edwards (Bryan). The history of the island of St. Domingo. Abridged from the history of Bryan Edwards, and continued to the present time. 2 p. 1. 164 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, T. Brown, 1802.

The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. [From the 2d English ed. With] a general description of the Bahama islands, by Daniel M'Kinnen. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Humphreys, 1806. Edwards (Edward). Free town libraries, their formation, management, and history; in Britain, France, Germany, and America. Together with brief notices of book-collectors, and of the respective places of deposit of their surviving collections. xvi, 371, 262 pp. 80. London, Trübner & co. 1869. Edwards (Henri Milne and Alphonse Milne-) Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des mammifères. Liv. 1-3. 4°. Paris, V. Masson & fils, 1868-69.


Edwards (Rev. John). A collection of hymns and spiritual songs, for the use of serious and devout christians, of all denominations. 2d ed. with additions and alterations. xxiv, 191 pp. 16°. Leeds, G. Wright, 1769. Edwards (John E. d. d.) The confederate soldier; being a memorial sketch of George N. and Bushrod W. Harris, privates in the confederate army. vi, 139 pp. 120. New York, Blelock & co. 1868. Edwards (Rev. Jonathan, president of the college of New Jersey). Some thoughts concerning the present revival of religion in New England, and the way in which it ought to be acknowledged and promoted, humbly offered to the publick, in a treatise on that subject. 1 p. 1. iv, 378 pp. 180. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1742.

Edwards (Mrs. L. E.) Steven Lawrence,

yeoman. A novel. Author's ed. 422 pp. 6 pl. 8°. New York, Sheldon & co. 1868. Edwards (M. Betham). Doctor Jacob. 2 p. 1. 375 pp. 160. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. Edwards (Peter). Candid reasons for renouncing the principles of anti-pædobaptism; also, an appendix, containing a short method with the baptists. 2d American ed. 2 p. 1. 199 pp. 120. Windsor, N. Mower,


Edwards (Richard, ll. d.) Analytical fifth reader: containing an introductory article on the general principles of elocution. Supplemented by notes. 360 pp. 120. Chicago, G. & C. W. Sherwood, 1867.

Analytical sixth reader; containing an introductory article on the general principles of elocution; and a critical phonic analysis of English words. 494 pp. 120. Chicago, G. & C. W. Sherwood, 1867. Efemérides de Polonia. [anon.] 132 pp. 16°. Madrid, J. Canizares, 1863. [Biblioteca de la discusion]. Effen (Joost van). La bagatelle; ou, discours ironiques, où l'on prête des sophismes ingénieux au vice et à l'extravagance, pour en faire mieux sentir le ridicule. Nouvelle éd. 2 v. xxix, 328 pp. 1 portrait; 316 pp. 21. 12°. Lausanne, M. M. Bousquet & cie. 1743. Effie's trial, and other stories. [anon.] 216 pp. 3 pl. 18. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1867. Effinger (Conrad Maria). Officium ecclesiasticum. Vollständiges katholisches gebetbuch, lateinisch und deutsch, [etc.] 573 pp. 180. Einsiedeln, etc. C. & N. Benziger, 1869.

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