His neighbour in such trim, Laid down his pipe, flew to the gate, And thus accosted him: What news? what news? your tidings tell; Tell me you must and shall — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? Now Gilpin had a pleasant wit,... Poems - Página 190por William Cowper - 1808 - 438 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Cowper - 1785 - 184 páginas
...thus accofted him — « What news ? what news ?— the tidings tell } * Make hade and tell me all ! ' Say, why bare-headed you are come, • Or why you come at all ?' Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke j And thus unto the callender, Jo merry ftrains he fpoke— •... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1785 - 568 páginas
...him — M 2 " What " What news ? what news ? — the tidings tell ; '' Make hafte and tell me all ! " Say, why bare-headed you are come, " Or why you come at all ?" Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke ; And thus unto the Callender, In merry flrains' he fpoke —... | |
 | William Cowper - 1787 - 342 páginas
...gate,, And thus accofted him : What news! w'-at news! your tidings tellj. Tell me you muft and fhall-— Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke ; And thus unto the Callender In merry guife he fpoke: I came... | |
 | William Cowper - 1788 - 376 páginas
.... And thus accofted him : What news ! what news ! your tidings tell, Tell me you muft and fhall — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? VOL. II, A a Now Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke ; And thus unto the Callender... | |
 | William Cowper - 1790 - 300 páginas
...gate, And thus accofted him : What news ! what news ! your tidings tell, Tell me you muft and fhall — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke ; And thus unto the Callender In merry guife he fpoke : I came... | |
 | James Roach - 1794 - 268 páginas
...And thus accoiled him. What What news ! what news ! your tidings tell, Tell me you muft and dial' — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit. And lov'da timely joke : And thus unto thecallender In merry guife he fpoke : I came... | |
 | William Cowper - 1793 - 378 páginas
...And thus accofted him :— What news ? what news ? your tidings tell ; Tell me you mud and fhall — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all. VOL. II, A3 Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke; And thus unto the calender In merry... | |
 | 1795 - 90 páginas
...pipe, ilew to the gate, And thus accosted him; , .=>,..,.<..<, / - What news ? what news ? yonr tidings tell; Tell me you must and shall — Say why bare-headed...pleasant wit, And lov'da timely joke; And thus unto the callender In merry guise he spoke: ''••/ l»came because your horse would ctKne; And, if I well... | |
 | William Cowper - 1795 - 410 páginas
...And thus accofted him:— What news ? what news ? your tidings tell ; Tell me you muft and lhall— Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all. 8 Now Gilpin had a pleafant wit, And lov'da timely joke; And thus unto the calender In merry guife... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 476 páginas
...gate, And thus accoued him : What news ! what news ! your tidings tell, Tell me you muft and mall — Say why bare-headed you are come, Or why you come at all ? Now Gilpin hid a pkafant wit, And lov'da timely joke ; And thus unto ihe callender Jn merry guile he fpoke: I... | |
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