Not long beneath the whelming brine, Expert to swim, he lay; Nor soon he felt his strength decline, Or courage die away: But waged with death a lasting strife, Supported by despair of life. Poems - Página 220por William Cowper - 1808 - 438 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1804 - 844 páginas
...felt his strength decline,, Or courage die away ; But wag'd with death a lasting strife, Supported by despair of life. He shouted ; nor his friends had...They left their out-cast mate behind, And scudded stiil before the wind. Some succour yet tLey could afford, And, such as storms allow. The cask, the... | |
 | 1803 - 438 páginas
...die away ; But wag'd with death a lasting strife, Supported by despair of life. H« shouted ; nor hi, friends had fail'd To check the vessel's course, But so the furious blast prevail 'd, That, pitiless perforce, They left their outcast mate behind. And scudded still before... | |
 | William Cowper - 1803 - 456 páginas
...felt his strength decline, Or courage die away ; But wag'd with death a lasting strife, Supported by despair of life. He shouted: nor his friends had fail'd...afford ; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, theJloated cord Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship, nor shore, Whatever they gave,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1803 - 442 páginas
...shouted : nor his friends hadfail'd To check the vessel's course, But so the furious blast prevail' d, That, pitiless perforce, They left their out-cast...storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship, nor shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit more.... | |
 | William Hayley - 1803 - 452 páginas
...shouted : nor his friends hadfail'd To check the vessel's course, But so the furious blast prevail 'd, That, pitiless perforce, They left their out-cast...afford ; And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, thejloated cord Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship, nor shore, Whate'er they gave,... | |
 | William Hayley - 1805 - 232 páginas
...strife, Supported by despair of life. Expert to swim, he lay; Nor soon he felt his streflgth decline, He shouted: nor his friends had fail'd To check the...furious blast prevail'd, That, pitiless perforce, And scudded still before the wind. They left their out-cast mate behind, Some succour yet they could... | |
 | William Cowper - 1806 - 486 páginas'd To check (he vessel's course, But so the furious blast prevail'd, That, pitiless per force, They left their out-cast mate behind, And scudded...storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they knew) nor ship, nor shore, Whate'er they gave, should visit more.... | |
 | William Hayley - 1806 - 488 páginas
...faii'd To check thu vessel's course, But so the furious blast prevail'd, That, pitiless per force, . They left their out-cast mate behind, And scudded...before the wind. Some succour yet they could afford j And, such as storms allow, The cask, the coop, the floated cord, Delay'd not to bestow. But he (they... | |
 | William Cowper - 1809 - 472 páginas
...felt his strength decline, Or courage die away ; But wag'd with death a lasting strife, Supported by despair of life. He shouted : nor his friends had fail'd To check the vessel's course, But so the fuiious blast prevail'd, That, pitiless per force, They left their out-cast mate behind, And scudded... | |
 | William Cowper - 1810 - 312 páginas
...felt his strength decline, Or courage die away ; But wag'd with death a lasting strife,. Supported by despair of life. He shouted ; nor his friends had...prevail'd, That, pitiless perforce, They left their out-east mate behind,. And scudded still before the wind. Some succour yet they could afford ;: And... | |
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