THE On the Epiftle for the Sunday after Afcenfion-Day. On the Gospel for the Sunday after Afcenfion-Day.. St. John 15. 26. and part of Chap. 16. When the Comforter is On the Epiftle for Whitsunday. DISC. VIII. On the Epistle for Tuesday in Whitsun-Week. On the Gospel for Tuesday in Whitsun-Week. On the Epistle for Trinity-Sunday. On the Epistle for the first Sunday after Trinity. 1 John 4.7, to the end. Beloved, let us love one another; for On the Gospel for the first Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the second Sunday after Trinity. 1 John 3.13, to the end. Marvel not, my Brethren, if the World On the Gospel for the second Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the third Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the fourth Sunday after Trinity. DISC. ΧΙΧ. On the Gospel for the fourth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the fifth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the fifth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the fixth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the fixth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the seventh Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the seventh Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the eighth Sunday after Trinity. On the Goffel for the eighth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the ninth Sunday after Trinity. 1Cor. 10. 1-14. Brethren, I would not that ye should be igno- rant, how that all our Fathers were under the Cloud, &c. 233 On the Gospel for the ninth Sunday after Trinity. DISC.XXX. On the Epistle for the tenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gofpel for the tenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epifile for the eleventh Sunday after Trinity. On the Gospel for the eleventh Sunday after Trinity. St. Luke 18.915. Jesus spake this Parable unto certain, which trufted in themselves that they were righteous, &c. 277 On the Epistle for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gofpel for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity. St. Mark 7. 31, to the end. Jesus departing from the Coafts of On the Epistle for the thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Gofpel for the thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. On the Epistle for the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Gal. 5. 16. I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not ful- On the Gofpel for the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. |