O Friendship! if my soul forego Thy dear delights while here below; To mortify and grieve me, May I myself at last appear Unworthy, base, and insincere, Or may my friend deceive me! ODE TO PEACE. COME, peace of mind, delightful guest! Once more in this sad heart: Where wilt thou dwell, if not with me, The great, the gay, shall they partake The heaven that thou alone canst make? And wilt thou quit the stream That murmurs through the dewy mead, The grove and the sequester'd shed, To be a guest with them? For thee I panted, thee I prized, Whate'er I loved before; And shall I see thee start away, BOADICEA. AN ODE. WHEN the British warrior queen, Sage beneath a spreading oak Princess! if our aged eyes Weep upon thy matchless wrongs, "Tis because resentment ties All the terrours of our tongues. Rome shall perish-write that word Rome, for empire far renown'd, Tramples on a thousand states; Soon her pride shall kiss the groundHark! the Gaul is at her gates! Other Romans shall arise, Heedless of a soldier's name; Sounds, not arms, shall win the prize, Harmony the path to fame. Then the progeny that springs Regions Cæsar never knew Such the bard's prophetic words, She, with all a monarch's pride, Ruffians, pitiless as proud, Heaven awards the vengeance due; Empire is on us bestow'd, Shame and ruin wait for you. ODE TO APOLLO. ON AN INK-GLASS ALMOST DRIED IN THE SUN. PATRON of all those luckless brains, Ah why, since oceans, rivers, streams, Pay tribute to thy glorious beams, Why, stooping from the noon of day, Apollo, hast thou stolen away Upborne into the viewless air, It floats a vapour now, Phœbus, if such be thy design, |