Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

[With CONRING (H.) Introductio in universem artem

Castlemon (Harry, pseudon?) Frank on a
gunboat. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 160. Cincinnati,
R. W. Carroll & co. 1869.
[GUNBOAT series, no. 2].


Catafago (Joseph)-continued.
which the Arabic words are represented in
the oriental character, as well as their correct
pronunciation and accentuation shewn in
English letters.
xii pp. 1 1. 1060 pp.
London, B. Quaritch, 1858.
Catalogue (A) of pedigrees hitherto unin-
dexed. [anon. iv, 70 pp. 8°. London,
Wyman & sons, 1867.


Castelli (Pietro). Optimus medicus. 4°. Catechism (A) of scripture history, compiled Hala, 1726. by the Sisters of mercy. Revised by M. T. Kerney. 1st Am. from last Lond. ed. 343 pp. 180. Baltimore, J. Murphy & co. 1854. Catholic's vade-mecum: a select manual of prayers for daily use. 24°. Baltimore, 1865. Catineau-Laroche (Pierre Marie Sébastien). Nouveau dictionnaire de poche de la langue française, avec la prononciation, composé sur le système orthographique de Voltaire. 4 éd. 5 p. l. xlviii, 515 pp. 16°. Paris, Lefevre, 1812.

Frank on the lower Mississippi. 236 pp. 2 pl. 160. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1869.

[GUNBOAT series, no. 6].

Frank on the prairie. 246 pp. 1 pl. 160. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1869. [GUNBOAT series, no. 4].

Frank before Vicksburg. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 160. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1869. [GUNBOAT Series, no. 5].

Frank in the woods. 1 p. 1. 256 pp. 2 pl. 160. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1869. [GUNBOAT series, no. 3].

[blocks in formation]

Tom Newcombe; or, the boy of bad habits. 346 pp. 3 pl. 160. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1869. [ROLLING stone series, no. 1). Castro (Francisco de). Reformacion christiana, asi del pecador, como del virtuoso. 7 p. 1. 484 pp. 4°. Madrid, Ruiz, 1804. Castro (Ioam de). Roteiro em que se contém a viagem que fizeram os Portuguezes no anno de 1541, partindo da nobre cidade de Goa atee Soez, que he no fim, e stremidade do Mar Roxo, com o sitio, e pintura de todo o Syno arabico. Tirado a luz pela primeira vez do manuscripto original, e acrescentado com o Itinerarium Maris Rubri, pelo doutor Antonio Nunes de Carvalho. 1 p. 1. liv, ix, 333 pp. 1 pl. 2 portraits. 8°. Paris, Bau. dry, 1833.

Catafago (Joseph, of Aleppo). An English and Arabic dictionary, in two parts, Arabic and English, and English and Arabic, in|

Catlin (George). Notes of eight years' travels
and residence in Europe, with his North
American Indian collection. With anecdotes
and incidents of the travels and adventures
of three different parties of American Indians
whom he introduced to the courts of Eng-
land, France, and Belgium. 2d ed. 2 v.
xvi, 296 pp. 8 pl; xii, 336 pp. 15 pl. 8°.
London, author, 1848.

Catoyra (Ignacio). Opusculo o compendiosa
obra, que demuestra la venida, y predica-
cion evangelica de nuestro santissimo pa-
tron tutelar de las Españas, Santiago el
mayor en nuestro hispanico emispherio.
24 p. 1. 238 pp. 160. Madrid, imprenta del
reyno, 1741.
Catullus (Caius Valerius) Tibullus (Al-
bius) and Propertius (Sextus Aurelius).
[Carmina]. 3 parts in 1 v. 320. Londini,
G. Pickering, 1824.


[v. 1]. C. V. Catulli carmina. 61 pp.
v. 21. A. Tibulli carmina. 46 pp.


[v. 3]. S. A. Propertii elegiarum libri iv. 93 pp. Caussin (Nicolas). De symbolica Ægyptiorvm sapientia; in qva symbola, ænigmata, emblemata, parabolæ historicæ, apologi, hieroglyphica, ex Horo-Apolline, Clemente alexandrino, S. Epiphanio, Symposio poëta, cum notis et observationibus, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 150 pp. 5 1. 169. Coloniæ Agrippinæ, J. Kinchies, 1654.

[With his Polihy stor symbolicus, 1654].



Cavaller (Juan Bautista). Origen y espiritu Cécille-continued. de la politica, y de la legislacion universal de los imperios. 150 pp. 31. 8°. Madrid, F. Diaz, 1846.


Caveau (Le) moderne; ou, le rocher de Cancale, pour 1815 [et] 1816. (9 et 10 années de la collection). 1 p. 1. 282 pp. 1 pl; 2 p. 1. 284 pp. 1 pl. 18°. Paris, A. Eymery, 1815-16. Cavendish (Margaret Lucas, duchess of Newcastle). De vita et rebus gestis nobilissimi illustrissimique principis Guilielmi ducis Novo-Castrensis, commentarii ex Anglico in Latinum conversi. 8 p. 1. 235 pp. fol. Londini, T. M. 1668. Cavero y Salazar (José). Elogio del don Joaquin de Pezuela y Sanchez. 1 p. 1. 68 pp. 120. Lima, 1816.

[LIMA (Real universidad de San Marcos de). Coleccion].

Caxton's chronicle. See Cronycles of Englonde.

Caylus (Anne Claude Philippe de Tubière, de Grimoard, de Pestels, de Levi, comte de). Euvres badines complettes. Avec figures. 12 v. 8°. Paris, Visse, 1787.


v. 1-2. Histoire du chevalier Tiran le blanc. v. 3-4. Le Caloandre fidèle.

v. 5. Soirées du bois de Boulogne.

Recueil de ces messieurs.

v. 6. Suite du Recueil de ces messieurs.

Histoires nouvelles et mémoires ramassés. Les manteaux. Recueil. Première partie. v. 7. Les manteaux. Deuxième partie. Contes orientaux et féeries. Nouveaux contes orientaux.

v. 8. Contes orientaux. Seconde partie. Féeries nouvelles.

Cinq contes de fées.

Cadichon; ou, tout vient à point qui peut at tendre.

Jeannette; ou, l'indiscrétion.

v. 10. Histoire de m. Guillaume.

Aventure des bals de bois.

Les fêtes roulantes, et les regrets des petites


Mémoires de l'académie des colporteurs.
Les étrennes de la Saint-Jean.

Les écosseuses; ou, les œufs de pâques.

v. 11. Recueil de ces dames. Par F. A. Chevrier. Essai historique sur les lanternes. Par J. F. Dreux du Radier.

Les chats. Par F. A. P. de Moncrif.
Histoire des rats. Par C. J. Bourdon de Si-

v. 12. Mémoires de l'académie de sciences [etc.] de Troyes. Par P. J. Grosley. Mémoires historiques et galans de l'Académie de ces dames et de ces messieurs. [polyon.] Cazotte (Jacques). La patte du chat, conte zinzimois. [anon.] 126 pp. 160, balaa, [Paris], 1741.


Cecil, [pseudon.] See Tongue (C.) Cécille (Jean Baptiste Thomas Médée). Campagne dans les mers de l'Inde et de la Chine, à bord de la frégate l'Erigone, commandée


en 1841-43, par m. Cécille, et en 1843-44, par m. Roy. Météorologie et magnétisme, par A. Delamarche et I. Dupré. 4 v. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1847-50.


Cedar creek; from the shanty to the settlement. A tale of Canadian life. [anon.] 296 pp. 6 pl. sm.4. London, Leisure hour office, [1868] ?

Cellarius or Keller (Christopher). Rabbinismus; sive, institutio grammatica, [etc.] rabbinorum scriptis legendis et intelligendis accommodata. 96 pp. 180. Ultrajecti, Appels, 1702.

[In RELAND (A.) Analecta rabbinica, etc.] Cenni storici e teoretici sulle comete e particolarimente su quelle dell' anno 1832, ridotti alla commune intelligenza. [anon.] vii, 127 pp. 2 pl. 80. Milano, G. Pirola, 1832. Cennick (John). Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. Generally composed in dialogues. 3 parts. 52, 96, 240 pp. 4 i. 24°. Bristol, F. Farley, 1743-45. Censor (The); an entirely original work, devoted to literature, poetry, and the drama. [Sept. 6, 1828, to April 4, 1829]. 1 p. l. ii, 250 pp. 11. 8°. London, J. Clements, 1829. Cerda y Rico (Francisco). I. De rhetoribus antiquis, cum græcis, tum latinis. II. De hispanis purioris latinitatis cultoribus. III. De iis, qui hispane tersius et elegantius sunt loquuli. 270 pp. 120. Matriti, 1781. [With Voss (Gerard Johann). Rhetorices contractæ, etc.]


Ceriol (Fadrique Furió). El consejo y consejeros del principe. 180. Madrid, 1779. [In NARBONA (Eugenio). Doctrina politica civil). Cerri (Urbano). Staat van de roomsch catholyke religie, door de geheele werreld. Uyt een echt italiaansch handschrift in't engelsch overgezet. Behelzendee en bericht van den staat godsdienst onder de protestanten, ens. Door Richard Steele, uyt het engelsch vertaald door A. G. L. R. G. 125, 340 pp. 160. Amsterdam, N. Ten Hoorn, 1715.

Certaine plain and easie demonstrations of divers easie wayes and meanes for the improving of any manner of barren land, [etc. anon.] By J. Sha. [Jeremy Shakerley]? sm. 4°. London, T. Ley, 1657. [With PLATTES (G.) A discovery of infinite treasure. ed. 1639].

22 pp.

Cérutti (Joseph Antoine Joachim). Apologie générale de l'institut et de la doctrine des jésuites. 2e éd. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 272 pp; 1 p. l. 274 pp. 120. Lausanne, F. Grasset, 1763.


Cesari (Antonio). La vita di Gesù Cristo, e la sua religione. 5 v. 8°. Verona, l'erede Merle, 1817.

Cesena (Amédée de). Introduction et conclusion [à l'histoire d'un coup d'état, par P. Belouino] sur les causes et les consequences de cette revolution. 8°. Paris, L. Brunet & cie, 1852.


[IN BELOUINO (Paul). Histoire d'un coup d'état). Ceva (Theobaldo, editor) Scelta di sonetti con varie critiche osservazioni, ed una dissertazione intorno al sonetto in generale. A uso delle regie scuole. xviii, 352 pp. 18°. Torino, G. F. Mairesse, 1735. Cevallos (Pedro de). Observaciones sobre la obra del señor Juan Escoiquiz, titulada Idea sencilla de las razones que motivaron el viage del rey Fernando séptimo à Bayona. I p. 1. 100 pp. 16°. Madrid, Ibarra, 1814. Politica peculiar de Buonaparte en quanto a la religion catolica; [etc.] 112 pp. 11. 18. Madrid, Repullés, 1812. Ceylon government gazette. Supplement, [semiweekly]. Jan. 4, 1834, to April 29,


[blocks in formation]

[In DE FOE (D.) The life of Robinson Crusoe, 1790. (v. 2). pp. 367-456, 1 portrait opposite title page]. Chambers (William and Robert). Chambers' atlas to accompany Chambers' encyclopædia: a series of 39 colored maps, and a map of the annual revolution of the earth round

the sun. 3 p. 1. 40 maps. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.

Chambers's journal of popular literature, science and arts. 1863. 8°. Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, 1863.


Chambers (William and Robert)-continued. Elements of natural philosophy. In three parts, [etc.] Edited by D. M. Reese. 120. New York, A. S. Barnes & co. 1849. s. Chambray (Georges, marquis de). Histoire de l'expédition de Russie. 3 v. Atlas, 8°. Paris, Pillet aîné, 1839.

Chamier (Captain Frederic). Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. 2 v. 216 pp; 204 pp. 120. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836.

The life of a sailor. By a captain in the navy. [anon.] 2 v. xii, 238 pp; 236 pp. 12. Philadelphia, Key & Biddle, 1833. The unfortunate man. 2 v. 209 pp; New York, Harper & broth

216 pp. 120. ers, 1835. Chandler (Edward, bishop of Durham). A defence of christianity, from the prophecies of the old testament, wherein are considered all the objections against this kind of proof, advanced in a late Discourse on the grounds and reasons of the christian religion. [By Anthony Collins]. 2d ed. with a summary view of the whole argument, and an index of the texts explained. 4 p. 1. xxv, 366 pp. 11. 120. London, J. & J. Knapton, 1725.


A vindication of the Defence of christianity, from the prophecies of the old testament. In answer to the Scheme of literal prophecy considered. [By Anthony Collins]. With a letter from rev. mr. Masson, concerning the religion of Macrobius, [etc.] 2 v. 6 p. l. xvi, 328 pp; 1 p. 1. pp. 329 to 514. 54 pp. Chandler (Samuel, d. d.) A critical history London, J. & J. Knapton, 1728. of the life of David; in which the principal events are ranged in order of time; the chief objections of mr. Bayle, and others, against the character of this prince, and the scripture account of him, and the occurrences of his reign, are examined and refuted; and the psalms which refer to him explained. 2 v. xiv, 330 pp; vi, 488 pp. 8°. London, S. Chandler, 1766. Chandler (William) and others. A brief apology in behalf of the people in derision called quakers. Written for the information of our sober and well-inclined neighbours in and about the town of Warminster in the county of Wilts. 104 pp. 180. Philadelphia, A. Bradford, 1719.

Chapel (The) hymn book. 5th ed. With additional hymns. 288 pp. 24°. Boston, S. G. Simpkins, 1845.


Chapelle (Léon-). See Léon-Chapelle. Chaplet (The), a collection of poems, by E. H. C. [anon.] Edited by rev. Henry D. Moore. 120 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, F.C. Wilson, 1846. Chaplet (The) of Comus; or, feast of sentiment, and festival of wit. [anon.] 324 pp. 180. Boston, Munroe & Francis, 1811. Chaplet (A) of leaves, by Jeanie G. [anon.] viii, 112 pp. 4°. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1869.

Chapman (John, m.d.)

Sea-sickness and how to prevent it: an explanation of its nature and successful treatment, by means of the spinal ice-bag. With the general principles of neuro-therapeutics. 2d ed. vii, 112 pp. 8°. London, Trübner & co. 1868. Chapsal (-). Abridgment of French grammar. See Noël (-) and Chapsal (—). Charles John xiv. (king of Sweden, Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte). Recueil de lettres, proclamations et discours de Charles Jean, prince royal, et ensuite roi de Suède et de Norvège. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 333 pp; 1 p. 1. 322 pp. 8°. Stockholm, C. Deleery, 1838. Charleston, S. C. weekly news. See Weekly news, Charleston, S. C. Charlesworth (Maria Louisa). Ministering children: a tale dedicated to childhood. 109th thousand. iv, 426 pp. 1 pl. 16°. London, Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1868. The ministry of life. 29th thousand. viii, 411 pp. 2 pl. 12. London, Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1868. Charlton (Robert M. and Thomas J. m. d.) Poems. 174 PP. 16°. Boston, Little & Brown, 1839. Charma (Antoine, professor of philosophy at Caen). Biographie du docteur Le Sauvage. 2 p. 1. 125 pp. 1 fac-simile. 8. Paris, L. Hachette, 1855.


Charpenne (Pierre). Mon voyage au Mexique; ou, le colon du Guazacoalco. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 334 pp. 1 pl; 2 p. 1. 332 pp. 8°. Paris, Roux, 1836. Charpentier (Louis). Mémoires d'un citoyen; ou, le code de l'humanité. 2 v. in l. 4 p. I. 347 pp; 2 p. 1. 340 pp. 21. 16°. Paris, Desventes de Ladoué, 1770. Charron (Pierre). De la sagesse. 8°. Paris, A. Desrez, 1836. (BUCHON (J. A. C.)

Choix de moralistes français].

The same. Of wisdom. Made into English by George Stanhope. 2d ed. 2 p. l. vi pp. 2 1. 708 pp. 12. London, 1707. [Imperfect: title wanting].


Chase (Salmon Portland). A sketch of the history of Ohio. 1 p. 1. 40 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Corey & Fairbank, 1833. Chase (Thomas). Hellas, her monuments and scenery. vi pp. 1 1. 220 pp. 120. Cambridge, Sever & Francis, 1863. Chasles (Victor Euphémon Philarète). Etudes sur la lttératur et les mœurs des AngloAméricains au xixe siècle. 2 p. 1. viii, 515 pp. 12°. Paris, Amyot, 1851. Chassepot (François de). Histoire des grands vizirs Mahomet Coprogli-pacha et Achmet Coprogli-pacha. Celle des trois derniers grands seigneurs; [etc.] 6 p. 1. 303 pp. 5 1. 1 pl. 18°. Paris, E. Michallet, 1674. Chastellux (François Jean, marquis de). Voyage en Amérique. 228 pp. 160. [Paris], 1785.

Chastenet de Puységur (Antoine Hyacinthe Anne de). Instructions nautiques sur les côtes et les débouquemens de St.-Domingue, [etc. 2e impression]. 2 p. 1. 259 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1821. Chatauvillard (—. comte de). Essai sur le duel. 488 pp. 8°. Paris, Bohaire, 1836. Chatrian (Alexandre). Waterloo. See Erckmann (Emile) and Chatrian. Chaudron (Adelaide De Vendel). The seeond reader, designed for the use of primary schools. 2d ed. 96 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Mobile, (Ala.) W. G. Clark & co. 1864. Chaulieu (Abbé Guillaume Amfrye de). Euvres diverses. [Nouv. éd. par Delaunay]. 2 v. 9 p. 1. 228 pp; 1 p. 1. 284 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain, [1733]. Chauncy (Charles, d. d.) Twelve sermons on seasonable and important subjects. 1 p. 1. iv, 344 pp. 8°. Boston, T. Leverett, 1765. Chauvet (-). Histoire populaire de Napoléon. Avec la relation de l'inhumation qui a eu lieu aux Invalides. viii, 542 pp. 8°. Reims, Quentin- Dailly, 1848.

[Portrait wanting. With LOUIS xviii. Manuscrit inédit].

Chavannes (Daniel Alexandre de). Exposé de la méthode élémentaire de H. Pestalozzi, suivi d'une notice sur les travaux de cet homme célèbre, son institut et ses principaux collaborateurs. 2 p. 1. 203 pp. 3 pl. Paris, Levrault, Schall & cie. 1805. [MARKOE pamphlets, v. 11]. Chellis (Mary Dwinell).


Aunt Dinah's

pledge. 318 pp. 1 pl. 160. New York, national temperance society and publication house, 1869.

[blocks in formation]

Cheney (Mrs. E. D.) Patience : a series of thirty games with cards. 96 pp. 4 pl. sm. 4°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. Cheney (O. Augusta). The sunday school speaker: comprising pieces suitable for sunday school concerts and festivals. 181 pp. 129. Boston, Loring, [1869]. Chenu (A.) Los conspiradores. Las sociedades secretas. La prefectura de policia. bajo Caussidiere. Los cuerpos francos. 142 pp. 11. 120. Madrid, De Gracia, 1850. S. Cherokee advocate, (weekly). W. P. Ross, [and others], editors. Sept. 26, 1844, to Sept. 28, 1853. 3 v. fol. Tahlequah, (Cherokee nation), J. B. Bird, 1844-53. Chester (Sarah E.) Nine Saturdays. 165 pp. 1 pl. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1869.

Roly and Poly at aunt Merciful Gratacap's. 268 pp. 3 pl. sq. 16°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1869.

Roly and Poly in the nursery. 255 pp. 4 pl. sq. 16°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1868.

Roly and Poly at Pinkville. 260 pp. 4 pl. sq. 16. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1869. Chesterfield burlesqued; or, school for modern manners. Embellished with ten caricatures, engraved by Woodward, from original drawings by Rowlandson. [anon.] 3d ed. viii, 104 pp. 10 pl. 8°. London, T. Tegg, 1811.


Chevalier (H. Émile). Adventures by sea and land of the count De Ganay; or, the devotion and fidelity of woman. An episode in the colonization of Canada. Translated from the French. v pp. 21. 312 pp. New York, J. Bradburn, 1863. Chevalier (Jean Damien). Lettres à m. De Jean, docteur-régent en l'université de Paris, sur les maladies de St. Domingue; sur les plantes de la même ile; sur les remora et les halcyons. 2 p. 1. 224 pp. 1 1. Paris, Durand, 1752.


Chevalier (Michel). Cours d'économie politique fait au collège de France. 2e éd. refondue et considérablement augmentée. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Capelle, 1855-56.

v. 1. Réunion de Leçons.

v. 2. Leçons.

v. 3. La monnaie.


tous les discours d'ouverture.

Lettres sur l'Amérique du Nord. 2 p. 1. 484 pp. 1 map; 2 p. 1. 531 pp. Bruxelles, société belge de librairie, 1837.

2 v. 180.

Rapports du jury international, [etc.] See Exhibition, 1867. (Paris). Chévrier (François Antoine). Le colporteur, histoire morale et critique. 1 p. 1. 224 pp. 16°. Londres, J. Nourse, [1753].

Recueil de ces dames. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, 1787.

[In CAYLUS (A. C. P. comte de). Euvres badines complettes, v. 11]. Cheyne (John, m. d.) Essays on partial derangement of the mind in supposed connec tion with religion. With a portrait, and autobiographical sketch of the author. 2 p. 1. 272 pp. 1 pl. 120. Dublin, W. Curry, jr. & co. 1843. Chicago board of trade. Annual statements of the trade and commerce of Chicago, 1858 to 1869. 11 v. in 2. 80. Chicago, 1859-69. Chicago after dark; "a flea in the ear" of strangers visiting Chicago, and a word of advice to persons going out after dark. [anon.] 95 pp. 120. Chicago, A. C. Anderson, 1868.

Chicago (The) path-finder. Established for the promotion and extension of trade in the city of Chicago, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 257 pp. 26 1. 120. Chicago, W. H. B. Smythe & co. 1869. Chicago (The) record: a journal, devoted to the church, to literature, and to the arts. April, 1861, to March, 1862. v. 5. 4. Chicago, J. G. Wilson, [1862].

Child (Asaph B. m. d.) Better views of living; or, life according to the doctrine, "Whatever is, is right." 157 pp. 120. Boston, Adams & co. 1869.

Child (Lydia Maria). Fact and fiction: a collection of stories. 282 pp. 12°. New York, C. S. Francis & co. 1847. Child's (A) life of Luther. [anon.] 123 pp. 18°. New York, American tract society, 1868. Children's (The) friend. A monthly magazine, devoted to the best interests of the young. Esther K. Smedley, editor. Jan. 1868, to Dec. 1869. v. 3-4. 8°. West Chester, (Pa.) 1868-69.

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