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" Latin Accidence. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA Is. Latin Versification. Is. Notabilia Qusedam ; or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek Verbs and Elementary Greek, Latin, and French Construction. "
Scalae primae: a first Latin reader with brief notes and vocabulary - Página 12
por J. G. Spencer - 1908 - 132 páginas
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An Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics

William Steadman Aldis - 1872 - 222 páginas
...Frost, MA is. LATIN ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION, is. NOTABILIA QU^EDAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition. is. (>d. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By J. Tate, MA New edition, is. 6d. THE PRINCIPLES...
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Questions for Examination in English Literature: Chiefly Selected from ...

Walter William Skeat - 1873 - 154 páginas
...TABLES. Latin Accidence. By the Eev. P. Frost, MA 1s. Latin Versification. Is. Notabilia Qusedam ; or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek Verbs and Elementary Greek, Latin, and French Construction. New edition. Is. Richmond Rules for the Ovidian Distich, &c. By J. Tate, MA is. The Principles...
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Early Christian Numismatics, and Other Antiquarian Tracts

Charles William King - 1873 - 524 páginas
...CLASSICAL TABLES. Latin Accidence. By the Bev. P. Frost, MA 1s. Latin Versification. Is. Notabilia Qusedam; or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek Verbs and Elementary Greek, Latin, and French Construction. New Edition. Is. Richmond Rules for the Ovidian Distich, &e. By J. Tate, MA l«. The...
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Vitae: For the Use of Schools

Cornelius Nepos - 1874 - 250 páginas
...Frost, MA Is. Latin Accidence. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA 1*. Latin Versification. Is. Notabilia Qusedam ; or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition. Is. 6d. Biehmond Rules for the Ovidlan Distich, &c. By J. Tate, MA Is. 6d The Principles of Latin Syntax....
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P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides XIV, Volumen14

Ovid - 1874 - 238 páginas
...NETTLKSHIP, MA, late Corpus Professor of Latin in the University of Oxford. Crown 8vo, 3*. A Key, 4*. 6d. net. Notabilia Quaedam ; or the Principal Tenses of...Greek Verbs, and Elementary Greek, Latin, and French Const! actions. New ediiion, is. PALEY. Greek Particles and their Combinations according to Attic Usage....
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P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides XIV, Volumen14

Ovid - 1874 - 228 páginas
...Frost, MA is. LATIN ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION, is. NOTABILIA QU^EDAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition. is. 6d. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By J. Tate, MA New edition. is. 6d. THE PRINCIPLES...
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Materials for German prose composition, or, Selections from modern English ...

Carl Adolf Buchheim - 1874 - 320 páginas
...TCD u. 6d. GREEK ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION. is. NOTABILIA QU^EDAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition, is. 6d. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By J. Tate, MA New edition, is. 6d. THE PRINCIPLES...
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Conic sections, treated geometrically

William Henry Besant - 1875 - 348 páginas
...Frost, MA is. LATIN ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION, is. NOTABILIA QU^EDAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition, is. 6d. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By J. Tate, MA New edition, is. 6d. THE PRINCIPLES...
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The Prometheus chained of Æschylus, with brief notes by F.A. Paley

Aeschylus - 1875 - 140 páginas
...MA is.. LATIN ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION, is. NOTABILIA QUÍDAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition, is. (xi. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By J. Täte, MA New edition, is. dd. THE PRINCIPLES...
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Auxilia Latina; or, First exercises in Latin prose composition

Mountford John B. Baddeley - 1875 - 160 páginas
...Frost, MA is. LATIN ACCIDENCE. By the Rev. P. Frost, MA is. LATIN VERSIFICATION, is. NOTABILIA QU^DAM : or the Principal Tenses of most of the Irregular Greek...Greek, Latin, and French Constructions. New edition, is. 6il. RICHMOND RULES TO FORM THE OVIDIAN DISTICH, &c. By ]. Tate, MA New edition, is. 6ii. THE PRINCIPLES...
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