With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. It was not in the battle; No tempest gave the shock ; She sprang no fatal leak ; She ran upon no rock. His sword was in its... The minor poems of William Cowper - Página 46por William Cowper - 1818 - 108 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Silvester Tissington - 1857 - 560 páginas
...Royal George, at Spithead, in 1 782 ( by Wm. Cowper) : — " Toll, toll, for the braveBrave KEMPENFELDT is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. His sword was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfeldt went down, With twice four-hundred... | |
 | Daniel Ricketson - 1858 - 426 páginas
...George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave! Brave Kempenfelt is gone. His last sea fight is fought; His work of glory done. It was not in the...tempest gave the shock ; She sprang no fatal leak; v She ran upon no rock: His sword was in its sheath ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went... | |
 | Book - 1858 - 124 páginas
...overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete ! Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. His sword was in his sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down With twice four hundred... | |
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1859 - 636 páginas
...overset; Down went the Royal George With all her crew complete. "Toll for the brave! Brave KempcDfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought ; His work of glory done. " It was not in the battle ; Xo tempest gave the shock ; She sprang no fatal leak ; She ran upon no rock. '• His sword was in... | |
 | Charles M. Bain - 1859 - 192 páginas
...August 1782. It was not ID the battle, No tempest gave the shock, She sprang no fatal teak* She ran npoa no rock. His sword was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When K. -n . ... , r went down With twiiw four b RECALL'D to earth from ocean's breast, Memorial dear of... | |
 | Mackenzie Edward Charles Walcott - 1859 - 660 páginas
...bodies washed on land were buried along the beach at Ryde. " Toll for the brave ! brave Kempenfelt is gone. His last sea-fight is fought ; his work of glory done. His sword was in its sheath, his fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down, with twice four hundred... | |
 | Mackenzie Edward C. Walcott - 1859 - 198 páginas
...bodies washed on land were buried along the beach at Ryde. " Toll for the brave ! brave Kempenfelt is gone, His last sea-fight is fought ; his work of glory done. His sword was in its sheath, his fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down, with twice four hundred... | |
 | 1867 - 878 páginas
...pathos it united with simple sublimity,) I cannot comprehend. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of...was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kcmpenfelt went down 'With twice four hundred men. — I hope I shall be excnsed the reference to larger... | |
 | John Tillotson - 1860 - 226 páginas
...overset : Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempeufeldt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought ; His work...was in its sheath ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfeldt went down With twice four hundred men. Weigh the vessel up, Once dreaded by our foes !... | |
 | 1860 - 784 páginas
...overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt th thy parent tree raellnw'd the soil Dosign'd thy...hoof dibbling the glebe, prepar'd The soft receptacle ringers held the pen. When Kempenfelt went down With twice four hundred men. Weigh the vessel up, Once... | |
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