With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. It was not in the battle; No tempest gave the shock ; She sprang no fatal leak ; She ran upon no rock. His sword was in its... The minor poems of William Cowper - Página 46por William Cowper - 1818 - 108 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1860 - 736 páginas
...ballad to the wild and mournful music of which every chord of England's affections vibrated: — " It was not in the battle ; No tempest gave the shock...She sprang no fatal leak, She ran upon no rock. His Bword was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kcmpenfelt went down, "With twice four hundred... | |
 | Charles Knight - 1860 - 524 páginas
...not in tbe battle : No tempest gave tbe shuck ; She sprang no fatal leak ; She ran upon no roek. " His sword was in its sheath ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfeldt went down Wiih twice four hundred шеu." t Quu iu tlic Tow red from the Wreck. It appears... | |
 | Playtime - 1863 - 436 páginas
...overset ; Down went the Royal George, "With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of...She sprang no fatal leak — She ran upon no rock. 186 YE MARINERS OF ENGLAND. His sword was in its sheath ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt... | |
 | George Stillman Hillard - 1863 - 392 páginas
...for the brave ; Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea fight is fought ; His work of glory done. 6. It was not in the battle ; No tempest gave the shock...; She sprang no fatal leak ; She ran upon no rock. 6. His sword was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt wont down, With twice four... | |
 | Charles Dibdin - 1863 - 366 páginas
...overset, Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ! His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. It was not in the hattle, No tempest gave the shock, She sprang no fatal leak, She ran against no rock. His sword was... | |
 | William Cowper - 1863 - 540 páginas
...overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought ; His work of glory done. * The Royal Qeorgc, 108 guns, was lost off Spithead, on the 29th August 82. She was undergoing some... | |
 | J Bradshawe Walker - 1864 - 328 páginas
...expressed in the ballad tone of Cowper's immortal lines, written for all who had a heart to feel. " It was not in the battle. No tempest gave the shock,...ran upon no rock. His sword was in its sheath, His ringers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down With twice four hundred men !" But leaving our passing... | |
 | Easy poetry - 1865 - 206 páginas
...overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought ; His work...fatal leak ; She ran upon no rock ; His sword was in his sheath ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down , With twice four hundred men. Weigh... | |
 | Lucius Hudson Holt - 1915 - 952 páginas
...; 10 Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt the old eyes dissolving at >5 20 His sword was in its sheatk ; His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down With twice four... | |
 | Emilie Kip Baker - 1915 - 232 páginas
...overset; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete. Toll for the brave ! Brave Kempenfelt is gone ; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of...shock: She sprang no fatal leak; She ran upon no rock. 94 His fingers held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down, With twice four hundred men. Weigh the vessel... | |
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